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Department of Health


Announcements Archive

NYS Sepsis Care Improvement Initiative -Adult and Pediatric Data Quality and Quarterly Report Data Refresh – 12/19/23

Dear Colleague,

The New York State Sepsis Care Improvement Initiative is happy to announce the release of refreshed versions of the Adult and Pediatric Quarterly and Data Quality reports on Tableau Webserver. The refreshed reports include 2023 data for Reporting Period 3 (07/01/2023 – 09/30/2023) and any corrections made to the data prior to November 16, 2023.

Portal users can access the updated versions of the Data Quality and Quarterly Reports on Tableau Server at using the login credentials previously sent via email to the Primary Portal User at each hospital.

Instructions for navigating the reports can be found in the Tableau User Guide at this link.

If you have any questions, please contact us by submitting a Helpdesk ticket.

Thank you,

The NYSDOH Clinical Sepsis Team

Posted on: 12/19/2023

NYSDOH Sepsis Care Improvement Initiative Coding Collaborative Meeting – 12/06/2023


Dear Colleague,

Please join the New York State Department of Health (NYSDOH) and IPRO on Wednesday, December 6th  from 9:00 – 10:00am for the monthly NYSDOH Sepsis-COVID Data Coding Collaborative Call. Please share the agenda and invitation with others at your hospital as appropriate.


  • ICD-10-CM Code Discussion
    • ICD-10-CM Reporting Source
    • Non-billable ICD-10-CM Codes
  • COVID-19 Updates for 2024
  • CSV File Updates for 2024
  • Recent Data Dictionary Update and Reporting Reminders

Please use the following link to join us on 12/6/2023:

Monthly NYSDOH Sepsis-COVID Data Coding Collaborative - New Invite starting June

Hosted by Sepsis @ IPRO

Wednesday, December 6, 2023 9:00 am | 1 hour | (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)

Meeting number: 161 027 1232

Password: diRmsYx8g65

Join by phone

+1-855-797-9485 US Toll free

+1-415-655-0002 US Toll

Access code: 161 027 1232


Thank you,

The NYSDOH Clinical Sepsis Team

Posted on: 12/04/2023

NYSDOH Sepsis Care Improvement Initiative – Reminder of Data Submission Deadline - 11/16/2023

Dear Colleague,

Quarter 3 Data Submission Reminder:

The New York State Sepsis Care Improvement Initiative is sharing a reminder with all hospitals that the NYS Sepsis Data Collection Portal is open from October 2 – November 16 for submission of adult and pediatric data for Q3 of 2023 (discharge dates 07/01/2023 – 09/30/2023). 

Please be sure to submit all adult and pediatric data or attest to zero cases in the NYS Sepsis Data Collection Portal by the November 16, 2023 deadline.

If you have any questions, please submit a helpdesk ticket at

Thank you,

The NYSDOH Clinical Sepsis Team

Posted on: 11/14/2023

Adult and Pediatric Sepsis and COVID-19 Data Dictionary, D4.0.1 and D3.0.1, Respectively – Minor Revision – ICD-10-CM Code and CSV File Updates


Dear Colleague,

The New York State Department of Health (NYSDOH) is releasing minor revisions to the Adult and Pediatric Sepsis and COVID-19 Data Dictionaries, D4.0.1 and D3.0.1, respectively.

The minor revisions are effective for discharges from 10/01/2023 – 12/31/2023.

Please review the Change Log available at the beginning of each Data Dictionary for an overview of all changes.

ICD-10-CM and ICD-10-PCS Code and CSV File Updates:

For the Adult and the Pediatric Sepsis and COVID-19 Data Dictionaries, ICD-10-CM and ICD-10-PCS codes have been updated to align with the ICD-10-CM and ICD-10-PCS FY 2023 October 1 release (effective 10/01/2023).

ICD-10-CM codes have been updated for the following variables in the Adult and Pediatric Data Dictionaries and associated CSV files: Acute Cardiovascular Conditions (POA), History of Other Cardiovascular Disease, Hypertension, and Drug Resistant Pathogen.

ICD-10-CM codes for Sickle Cell Disease have been updated in only Pediatric Data Dictionary 3.0.1 and the associated CSV file.

ICD-10-PCS codes have been updated for the Mechanical Ventilation Treatment variable in the Adult and Pediatric Data Dictionaries and associated CSV files.

Please refer to the Adult D4.0.1 and the Pediatric D3.0.1 Summary Change CSV files for a complete list of ICD-10-CM and ICD-10-PCS code updates.

Please download the updated data dictionaries, associated CSV files, and Summary Change CSV files at the following link:

If you have any questions, please submit a helpdesk ticket at

Thank you,

The NYSDOH Clinical Sepsis Team

Posted on: 11/09/2023

NYSDOH Sepsis Care Improvement Initiative – Coding Collaborative Call – 11/01/2023

Dear Colleague,

Please join the November Coding Collaborative call on Wednesday, November 1 at 9 am.

11/1/2023 Coding Collaborative Meeting:


ICD-10 Coding Spreadsheets

  • Continued discussion of possible enhancements to existing CSV files to reduce coding efforts and improve processes

Data Dictionary

  • ICD-10-CM and ICD-10-PCS Code Update, effective 10/1/2023

Data Submission Reminder

Sepsis Protocol Review Survey Update

Please use the following link to join us on 11/1/2023:

Monthly NYSDOH Sepsis-COVID Data Coding Collaborative - New Invite starting June

Hosted by Sepsis @ IPRO

Wednesday, Nov 1, 2023 9:00 am | 1 hour | (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)

Meeting number: 161 027 1232

Password: diRmsYx8g65

Join by phone

+1-855-797-9485 US Toll free

+1-415-655-0002 US Toll

Access code: 161 027 1232

Thank you,

The NYSDOH Clinical Sepsis Team

Posted on: 10/31/2023

NYSDOH Sepsis Care Improvement Initiative – Coding Collaborative Call, Tableau Downtime, and Data Submission Reminders – 10/02/2023

Dear Colleague,

The New York State Sepsis Care Improvement Initiative is writing to share three Announcements:

Q3 Data Submission Reminder:

The New York State Sepsis Care Improvement Initiative reminds all hospitals that the NYS Sepsis Data Collection Portal is open from October 2 – November 16 for submission of adult and pediatric data for Q3 of 2023 (discharge dates 07/01/2023 – 09/30/2023).  Please be sure to submit your data before the November 16, 2023 deadline.

Tableau Reports – Scheduled Downtime:

The IPRO Tableau Server will be undergoing scheduled maintenance on Thursday, October 5th, 2023 from 5pm to 10pm. Users will not be able to access their Tableau reports while this maintenance is performed. Users will regain access to reports after 10pm on Thursday, October 5th, 2023.

10/4/2023 Coding Collaborative Meeting:

The New York State Sepsis Care Improvement Initiative invites all hospitals to participate in the October Coding Collaborative Call at 9am on October 4th.


ICD-10 Coding Spreadsheets

  • Continued discussion of possible enhancements to existing CSV files to reduce coding efforts and improve processes

Data Dictionary

  • ICD-10-CM and ICD-10-PCS Code Update, effective 10/1/2023

Sepsis Protocol Review Survey Reminder

Tableau Report Refresh

Please use the following link to join us on 10/4/2023:

Monthly NYSDOH Sepsis-COVID Data Coding Collaborative - New Invite starting June

Hosted by Sepsis @ IPRO

Wednesday, Oct 4, 2023 9:00 am | 1 hour | (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)

Meeting number: 161 027 1232

Password: diRmsYx8g65

Join by phone

+1-855-797-9485 US Toll free

+1-415-655-0002 US Toll

Access code: 161 027 1232

Thank you,

The NYSDOH Clinical Sepsis Team

Posted on: 10/02/2023

NYS Sepsis Care Improvement Initiative - Adult and Pediatric Data Quality and Quarterly Report Data Refresh – 9/26/23

Dear Colleague,

The New York State Sepsis Care Improvement Initiative is happy to announce the release of refreshed versions of the Adult and Pediatric Quarterly and Data Quality reports on Tableau Webserver. The refreshed reports include 2023 data for Reporting Period 2 (04/01/2023 – 06/30/2023) and any corrections made to the data prior to August 17, 2023.

Portal users can access the updated versions of the Data Quality and Quarterly Reports on Tableau Server a using the login credentials previously sent via email to the Primary Portal User at each hospital.

Instructions for navigating the reports can be found in the Tableau User Guide at this link.

If you have any questions, please contact us by submitting a Helpdesk ticket.

Thank you,
The NYSDOH Clinical Sepsis Team

Posted on: 09/26/2023

NYS Sepsis Improvement Initiative – Protocol Survey and Coding Collaborative Follow-Up Request – 9/12/2023

Dear Colleague,

Thank you for your attendance at two recent webinars.  Recordings of both are now available on the IPRO website. 

Protocol Review Survey:

A recording of the NYS Sepsis Protocol Review Survey Technical Assistance Webinar and Sepsis Protocol Review Survey FAQs document are now available on the IPRO website 

Coding Collaborative Follow-Up Request:

A recording of the 9/6/2023 Coding Collaborative is also available. The 9/6/2023 Coding Collaborative Call included a discussion on potential updates to the CSV Files that accompany the Data Dictionaries.  The Department would like to hear feedback from hospitals regarding the current format of the CSV files and potential enhancements.

Please share this short survey with others at your hospital as appropriate, specifically staff responsible for programming and implementing updates to the CSV files provided along with Data Dictionary updates:

Please respond by close of business on September 22.

Please email if you have any questions.

Thank you,

The NYSDOH Clinical Sepsis Team

Posted on: 09/12/2023

NYSDOH Sepsis Care Improvement Initiative Coding Collaborative Meeting– 09/06/2023

Dear Colleague,

Please join the New York State Department of Health (NYSDOH) and IPRO on Wednesday, September 6th  from 9:00 – 10:00am for the monthly NYSDOH Sepsis-COVID Data Coding Collaborative Call. Please share the agenda and invitation with others at your hospital as appropriate, specifically staff responsible for programming and implementing updates to the CSV files provided along with Data Dictionary updates.


       ICD-10 Coding Spreadsheets

      Discussion of possible enhancements to existing CSV files to reduce coding efforts and improve processes

       Data Dictionary –

      ICD-10-CM and ICD-1-0 PCS Code Update, effective 10/1/2023

       Sepsis Protocol Review Survey Reminder


Please use the following link to join us on 9/6/2023:

Monthly NYSDOH Sepsis-COVID Data Coding Collaborative - New Invite starting June

Hosted by Sepsis @ IPRO


Wednesday, Sept 6, 2023 9:00 am | 1 hour | (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)


Meeting number: 161 027 1232

Password: diRmsYx8g65


Join by phone

+1-855-797-9485 US Toll free

+1-415-655-0002 US Toll


Access code: 161 027 1232


Thank you,

The NYSDOH Clinical Sepsis Team

Posted on: 09/01/2023

NYS Sepsis Protocol Review Survey Training Recording and Slides Available - 8/17/2023

Dear Colleague,


A recording of the NYS Sepsis Protocol Review Survey Training Webinar and a copy of the slides are now available on the IPRO website


Please join us for an optional Technical Assistance Webinar on Monday 8/28/2023 at 1 pm.  This webinar will cover questions related to technical difficulties, completing the CEO/CMO Attestation, and/or any additional questions about completing the NYS Sepsis Protocol Review Survey.


Information to join on 8/28/2023:


Monday, August 28, 2023 1:00 PM | 1 hour | (UTC-04:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)

Meeting number: 161 955 4341

Password: 43uJkmfEMG2


Join by video system


You can also dial and enter your meeting number.


Join by phone

+1-518-549-0500 US (English Menu)

+1-518-549-0059 US (Menú en Español)


Access code: 161 955 4341


Please email if you have any questions.

Thank you,

The NYSDOH Clinical Sepsis Team

Posted on: 08/17/2023

NYSDOH Sepsis Care Improvement Initiative - NYS Sepsis Protocol Survey Training Webinar - 08/14/2023

Dear Colleague,


Please remember to join the New York State (NYS) Sepsis Care Improvement Initiative for the NYS Sepsis Protocol Survey Training Webinar on Monday, August 14, 2023 at 1:00 PM. At least one representative from each hospital facility should attend the Training Webinar.


All portal users should have received an invitation to the webinar. The webinar link to join will be provided, today Thursday, August 10, 2023.


Please email if you have any questions.


Thank you,

The NYSDOH Clinical Sepsis Team

Posted on: 08/10/2023

NYSDOH Sepsis Care Improvement Initiative - Data Collection Portal User Account Reactivation - 08/03/2023

Dear Colleague,


Several users have reported that their Sepsis Data Collection Portal Account was mistakenly suspended despite the user logging into the NYS Sepsis Data Collection Portal within the past 120 days. Please follow the instructions below if your Sepsis Portal Account has been suspended and needs to be reactivated.

To reactivate a Primary User's account, Primary Users must Create a Helpdesk Ticket that includes a request to reactivate the inactive Primary User's account. The hospital's chief security or privacy officer must be copied on the request. Please note that tickets requesting the reactivation of Primary User accounts without the hospital's chief security or privacy officer copied on the request will be rejected.

To reactivate a Secondary User’s account, the hospital’s Primary User must log into the Portal, click ‘Users’ in the navigation bar, find the user whose account has been suspended, and click the checkbox icon on the right side of the User Accounts table (pictured). This will automatically send an email to the suspended user’s registered email address that includes a link for the secondary user to reactivate their account.


For more information regarding account reactivation, please refer to pages 8 and 9 of the User Access Guide.

If you have any questions, please Create a Helpdesk Ticket.

Thank you,

The NYSDOH Clinical Sepsis Team

Posted on: 08/03/2023

NYSDOH Sepsis Care Improvement Initiative Coding Collaborative Meeting Cancelled – 08/02/2023

Dear Colleague,


The New York State Department of Health and IPRO Coding Collaborative Meeting on Wednesday, August 2, 2023 is cancelled.

Please save the date for the next Coding Collaborative Meeting on Wednesday, September 6, 2023 at 9 am.

Please also be sure that at least one representative from your hospital facility attends the Sepsis Protocol Training Webinar on August 14, 2023 at 1 pm.


Thank you,

The NYSDOH Clinical Sepsis Team

Posted on: 07/31/2023

NYSDOH Sepsis Care Improvement Initiative - Framework Upgrade and Scheduled Portal Downtime - 07/27/2023

Dear Colleague,

IPRO will be releasing a major framework upgrade to the Sepsis data submission portal on Thursday, July 27, 2023. While these upgrades are being implemented, users will not be able to access the portal from 9am to 5pm. Users will regain access to the portal after 5pm.

Thank you,

The NYSDOH Clinical Sepsis Team

Posted on: 07/25/2023

NYS Sepsis Care Improvement Initiative - Adult and Pediatric Data Quality and Quarterly Report Data Refresh and Update

Dear Colleague,

The New York State Sepsis Care Improvement Initiative is happy to announce the release of refreshed versions of the Adult and Pediatric Quarterly and Data Quality reports on Tableau Webserver. The refreshed reports include 2023 data for Performance Period 1 (01/01/2023 - 03/31/2023) and any corrections made to the data prior to May 23, 2023.

Portal users can access the updated versions of the Data Quality and Quarterly Reports on Tableau Server at using the login credentials previously sent via email to the Primary Portal User at each hospital.

The refreshed reports also contain updates to the layout and functionality of the previous versions of the reports based on feedback from hospitals. For example, the Data Quality report now contains a new “Exclusions” tab, listing all reported cases that do not meet inclusion criteria based on the submitted ICD-10 codes for each case.

An updated version of the Tableau User Guide that reflects and highlights these updates can be found at this link, and will be posted to the Education and Training Materials page of the Sepsis Portal soon.

If you have any questions, please contact us by submitting a Helpdesk ticket.

Thank you,

The NYSDOH Clinical Sepsis Team

Posted on: 07/07/2023

NYSDOH Sepsis-COVID Data Coding Collaborative Meeting Cancelled - 07/05/2023

Dear Colleague,

The monthly Sepsis Coding Collaborative Meeting on Wednesday, July 5, 2023 is cancelled.

Please join us on Wednesday, August 2, 2023 at 9 AM for the next Sepsis Coding Collaborative meeting. A reminder announcement will be shared in advance of the meeting.

Thank you,
The NYSDOH Clinical Sepsis Team

Posted on: 06/28/2023

NYS Sepsis Data Collection Portal Secondary User Permissions Update

Dear Colleague,


The New York State Sepsis Care Improvement Initiative is announcing updates to the user permissions functionality on the sepsis portal, effective immediately.


All confirmed Primary Users will retain existing permissions. This includes the ability to submit cases, attest to zero cases, request deletions, and view reports on the portal for their designated hospital group.


Existing permissions for some Secondary Users are changing:


  • Secondary users at hospital groups with more than one facility must manually be granted permissions by their hospital group’s Primary User. This process must be completed for all secondary users whose facility is part of a multi-facility hospital group, including secondary users who have previously submitted cases or deletion requests using the portal.
  • Secondary Users at facilities which are part of a hospital group containing only one facility will retain access to the same portal functionality by default.

For more information about hospital groups and detailed instructions on how Primary Users can grant Secondary Users permissions for their hospital groups, please see the ‘User Permissions’ section of the updated User Access Guide. The updated User Access Guide will be also be made available on the Education and Training Materials next Tuesday. For a walkthrough of the instructions outlined in the User Access Guide, please attend the next Coding Collaborative Webinar on Wednesday June 7th at 9 AM. The dial-in information can be found below.

Monthly NYSDOH Sepsis Care Improvement Initiative Coding Collaborative - New Invite starting June Hosted by Sepsis @ IPRO

Wednesday, Feb 1, 2023 9:00 am | 1 hour | (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)

Occurs the first Wednesday of every month effective 6/2/2021 from 9:00 AM to 10:00 AM, (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)

Meeting number: 161 027 1232

Password: diRmsYx8g65

Join by phone

+1-855-797-9485 US Toll free

+1-415-655-0002 US Toll

Access code: 161 027 1232

If you have any questions, please submit a helpdesk ticket at

Thank you,

The NYSDOH Clinical Sepsis Team

Posted on: 06/01/2023

NYSDOH Sepsis Care Improvement Initiative Coding Collaborative Meeting – 05/03/2023

Dear Colleague,

Please join the New York State Department of Health (NYSDOH) and IPRO on Wednesday, May 3, 2023, from 9:00 – 10:00am for the monthly NYSDOH Sepsis Care Improvement Initiative Coding Collaborative meeting. The meeting will include a detailed walkthrough of the Data Quality Reports.

The full agenda for the meeting is as follows:

       Data Submission Reminder

       Data Completeness

      Mandatory Data Elements

       Importance of Severity Variables for Risk Adjusted Mortality Calculation

       Missingness in 2021 Severe Sepsis/Septic Shock Adult Cases

       Data Quality Report Walkthrough

Please use the following link to join us on Wednesday:

Monthly NYSDOH Sepsis Care Improvement Initiative Coding Collaborative - New Invite starting June Hosted by Sepsis @ IPRO

Wednesday, Feb 1, 2023 9:00 am | 1 hour | (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)

Occurs the first Wednesday of every month effective 6/2/2021 from 9:00 AM to 10:00 AM, (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)

Meeting number: 161 027 1232

Password: diRmsYx8g65

Join by phone

+1-855-797-9485 US Toll free

+1-415-655-0002 US Toll

Access code: 161 027 1232


Thank you,

The NYSDOH Clinical Sepsis Team

Posted on: 05/02/2023
Posted on: 04/04/2023

NYS Sepsis Care Improvement Initiative -Case-Level Deletion Launch

Dear Colleague,

The New York State Sepsis Care Improvement Initiative is pleased to announce the launch of the Case-Level Deletion request form on the Sepsis Portal. This new feature allows users to make corrections to or delete individual cases from previous data submissions. Users can still request deletion of an entire file if necessary.

More detailed information about requesting a Case-Level Deletion can be found under FAQ on the NYS Sepsis Data Collection Portal:

If you have any questions, please contact us by submitting a Helpdesk ticket.

Thank you,

The NYSDOH Clinical Sepsis Team

Posted on: 04/04/2023

ICD-10-CM Code Capacity Survey Results & 2025 Data Dictionary Major Updates (2/5/2025)

2021 New York State Report on Sepsis Care Improvement Initiative: Hospital Quality Performance (12/4/2024)

Data Dictionary Updates - ICD-10 Codes & 2025 POA Indicators (11/6/2024)

Data Dictionary Review - Data Formatting & Data Submission Reminder (10/2/2024)

Minor Data Dictionary Revision & Data Submission Reminder (8/7/2024)

Data Submission Reminder & Updated Report Walkthrough (7/10/2024)

Sepsis Protocol & Training Requirements: HERDS Survey Results (6/5/2024)

Data Submission Reminder and 2023 Data Analyses (4/3/2024)

Data Dictionary Updates and Data Submission Reminder (2/7/2024)

ICD-10 Code Discussion and 2024 Data Dictionary Updates (12/6/2023)

ICD-10 Coding Spreadsheets and Sepsis Protocol Survey Update (11/1/2023)

ICD-10 Coding Spreadsheets and Upcoming Data Dictionary Updates - Coding Collaborative Webinar (10/4/2023)

ICD-10 Coding Updates and Spreadsheets - Coding Collaborative Webinar (9/6/2023)

Patient Care Considerations Reporting & Portal User Permissions Update - Coding Collaborative Webinar (6/7/2023)

Data Completeness and Data Quality Report Walkthrough - Coding Collaborative Webinar (5/3/2023)

Data Submission Reminders and Case-Level Deletions - Coding Collaborative Webinar (4/5/2023)

End of Year Data and Discharge Status Review - Coding Collaborative Webinar (3/1/2023)

Data Dictionary Updates and Optimized Tableau Reports - Coding Collaborative Webinar (2/1/2023)

ICD-10 Coding Spreadsheet and Data Dictionary Updates - Coding Collaborative Webinar (12/7/2022)

Data Dictionary and Tableau Reports: Updates and Release Schedule - Coding Collaborative Webinar (11/2/2022)

Compliance Process, Pediatric Data Quality Report Refresh Schedule and Data Dictionary and ICD-10 code Updates - Coding Collaborative Webinar (10/5/2022)

Adult and Pediatric Report and Data Dictionary Updates - Coding Collaborative Webinar (8/3/2022)

Report Data Refresh and Hospital Pharmacy Survey - Coding Collaborative Webinar (7/6/2022)

Data Quality Report and Online Resources Walkthrough - Coding Collaborative Webinar (6/1/2022)

Data Quality and Quarterly Report Launch Webinar (5/18/2022)

All Hospital Sepsis Webinar (5/6/2021)

Posted on: 03/30/2023
Data Dictionary Version Discharge Dates Portal open for submission
D5.0 01/01/2024 - 03/31/2024 04/01/2024 - 05/23/2024
D5.0 04/01/2024 - 06/30/2024 07/01/2024 - 08/15/2024
D5.0.1 07/01/2024 - 09/30/2024
10/01/2024 - 11/14/2024
D5.0.2 10/01/2024 - 12/31/2024 01/02/2025 - 02/13/2025
D6.001/01/2025 - 03/31/202504/01/2025 - 05/15/2025
TBD04/01/2025 - 06/30/2025
07/01/2025 - 08/14/2025
TBD07/01/2025 - 09/30/202510/01/2025 - 11/13/2025
TBD10/01/2025 - 12/31/202501/02/2026 - 02/19/2026
Posted on: 03/30/2023

Major changes to the NYS Sepsis Care Improvement Initiative data dictionary will be made once annually to cover discharges beginning on January 1st of each year. The anticipated release for this update will occur in February of each year.

Changes to the data dictionary to add newly released ICD-10 codes will be reserved for an annual release in November with changes effective for the last reporting period of the year (October 1st - December 31st).

Other updates to the Data Dictionary will be kept to a minimum and will be released only as necessary.

Data Dictionary updates will be released as needed on the following dates in 2025:

  • February 6, 2025 (major update)
  • May 8, 2025
  • August 7, 2025
  • November 6, 2025 (to include ICD-10 code updates) 
Posted on: 03/30/2023
Data Dictionary VersionDischarge DatesPortal open for submission
D4.001/01/2024 - 03/31/202404/01/2024 - 05/23/2024
D4.004/01/2024 - 06/30/202407/01/2024 - 08/15/2024
D4.0.107/01/2024 - 09/30/2024
10/01/2024 - 11/14/2024
D4.0.210/01/2024 - 12/31/202401/02/2025 - 02/13/2025
D5.001/01/2025 - 03/31/202504/01/2025 - 05/15/2025
TBD04/01/2025 - 06/30/2025
07/01/2025 - 08/14/2025
TBD07/01/2025 - 09/30/202510/01/2025 - 11/13/2025
TBD10/01/2025 - 12/31/202501/02/2026 - 02/19/2026
Posted on: 03/30/2023

The reporting periods for submission of adult COVID-19 and Severe Sepsis/Septic Shock cases are as follows:

1st Reporting Period

  • Submission period for adult cases: 12/1/2020 - 5/31/2021
  • Portal open for submission: 6/30/2021 - 8/2/2021

2nd Reporting Period

  • Submission period for adult cases: 6/1/2021 - 8/31/2021
  • Portal open for submission: 9/1/2021 - 10/19/2021

3rd Reporting Period

  • Submission period for adult cases: 9/1/2021 - 12/31/2021
  • Portal open for submission: 1/3/2022 - 2/17/2022

4th Reporting Period

  • Submission period for adult cases: 1/1/2022 - 3/31/2022
  • Portal open for submission: 4/1/2022 - 5/17/2022

5th Reporting Period

  • Submission period for adult cases: 4/1/2022 - 6/30/2022
  • Portal open for submission: 7/1/2022 - 8/16/2022

6th Reporting Period

  • Submission period for adult cases: 7/1/2022 - 9/30/2022
  • Portal open for submission: 10/3/2022 - 11/17/2022

7th Reporting Period

  • Submission period for adult cases: 10/1/2022 - 12/31/2022
  • Portal open for submission: 1/2/2023 - 2/16/2023

Q1 2023 Reporting Period

  • Submission period for adult cases: 1/1/2023 - 3/31/2023
  • Portal open for submission: 4/3/2023 - 5/23/2023

Q2 2023 Reporting Period

  • Submission period for adult cases: 4/1/2023 - 6/30/2023
  • Portal open for submission: 7/3/2023 - 8/17/2023

Q3 2023 Reporting Period

  • Submission period for adult cases: 7/1/2023 - 9/30/2023
  • Portal open for submission: 10/2/2023 - 11/16/2023

Q4 2023 Reporting Period

  • Submission period for adult cases: 10/1/2023 - 12/31/2023
  • Portal open for submission: 1/2/2024 - 2/15/2024

Q1 2024 Reporting Period

  • Submission period for adult cases: 1/1/2024 - 3/31/2024
  • Portal open for submission: 4/1/2024 - 5/23/2024

Q2 2024 Reporting Period

  • Submission period for adult cases: 4/1/2024 - 6/30/2024
  • Portal open for submission: 7/1/2024 - 8/15/2024

Q3 2024 Reporting Period

  • Submission period for adult cases: 7/1/2024 - 9/30/2024
  • Portal open for submission: 10/1/2024-11/14/2024

Q4 2024 Reporting Period

  • Submission period for adult cases: 10/1/2024 - 12/31/2024
  • Portal open for submission: 1/2/2025 - 2/13/2025

The reporting periods for submission of pediatric COVID-19 and Severe Sepsis/Septic Shock cases are as follows:

1st Reporting Period

  • Submission period for pediatric cases: 12/1/2020 - 12/31/2021
  • Portal open for submission: 1/3/2022 - 2/4/2022

2nd Reporting Period

  • Submission period for pediatric cases: 1/1/2022 - 3/31/2022
  • Portal open for submission: 4/1/2022 - 5/17/2022

3rd Reporting Period

  • Submission period for pediatric cases: 4/1/2022 - 6/30/2022
  • Portal open for submission: 7/1/2022 - 8/16/2022

4th Reporting Period

  • Submission period for pediatric cases: 7/1/2022 - 9/30/2022
  • Portal open for submission: 10/3/2022 - 11/17/2022

5th Reporting Period

  • Submission period for pediatric cases: 10/1/2022 - 12/31/2022
  • Portal open for submission: 1/2/2023 - 2/16/2023

Q1 2023 Reporting Period

  • Submission period for pediatric cases: 1/1/2023 - 3/31/2023
  • Portal open for submission: 4/3/2023 - 5/23/2023

Q2 2023 Reporting Period

  • Submission period for pediatric cases: 4/1/2023 - 6/30/2023
  • Portal open for submission: 7/3/2023 - 8/17/2023

Q3 2023 Reporting Period

  • Submission period for pediatric cases: 7/1/2023 - 9/30/2023
  • Portal open for submission: 10/2/2023 - 11/16/2023

Q4 2023 Reporting Period

  • Submission period for pediatric cases: 10/1/2023 - 12/31/2023
  • Portal open for submission: 1/2/2024 - 2/15/2024

Q1 2024 Reporting Period

  • Submission period for pediatric cases: 1/1/2024 - 3/31/2024
  • Portal open for submission: 4/1/2024 - 5/23/2024

Q2 2024 Reporting Period

  • Submission period for pediatric cases: 4/1/2024 - 6/30/2024
  • Portal open for submission: 7/1/2024 - 8/15/2024

Q3 2024 Reporting Period

  • Submission period for pediatric cases: 7/1/2024 - 9/30/2024
  • Portal open for submission: 10/1/2024 - 11/14/2024

Q4 2024 Reporting Period

  • Submission period for pediatric cases: 10/1/2024 - 12/31/2024
  • Portal open for submission: 1/2/2025 - 2/13/2025

Posted on: 03/30/2023

Q4 2024 Reporting Period (Adult)

Submission period for adult cases:
10/01/2024 - 12/31/2024

Portal open for submission:
01/02/2025 - 02/13/2025

Q4 2024 Reporting Period (Pediatric)

Submission period for pediatric cases:
10/01/2024 - 12/31/2024

Portal open for submission:
01/02/2025 - 02/13/2025

Posted on: 03/30/2023

NYS Sepsis Care Improvement Initiative - Adult and Pediatric Data Quality and Quarterly Report Data Refresh and Deadline for Submission of Corrected 2022 Data

Dear Colleague,

The New York State Sepsis Care Improvement Initiative is pleased to announce that the Adult and Pediatric Quarterly and Data Quality reports which include cases with discharge dates through Q4 2022 (10/1/2022 – 12/31/2022) will be released today.

Portal users can access the Data Quality and Quarterly Reports on Tableau Server at using the login credentials previously sent via email to the Primary Portal User at each hospital.

Please reference the Tableau User Guide for more information about accessing and navigating the reports. Please review your hospital’s reports to ensure the accuracy of the data presented in the reports. The deadline for submitting corrected data for Calendar Year (CY) 2022 to the sepsis portal is Friday, April 28, 2023.

After this deadline, the New York State Department of Health (NYSDOH) will use the data to begin developing the 2022 Sepsis Public Report and there will be no additional opportunities to correct CY 2022 data.If you have any questions, please contact us by submitting a Helpdesk ticket.

Thank you,

The NYSDOH Clinical Sepsis Team

Posted on: 03/23/2023

Adult (D4.0) and Pediatric (D3.0) Sepsis and COVID-19 CSV Files, Submission Deadline Extension, & Sepsis Portal Maintenance

Dear Colleague,

The New York State Department of Health (NYSDOH) is pleased to share the below announcements regarding the release of CSV files for the Adult (D4.0) and Pediatric (D3.0) Sepsis and COVID-19 Data Dictionaries, an extension of the Q1 2023 data submission deadline and a notice related to portal maintenance.

Adult (D4.0) and Pediatric (D3.0) Sepsis and COVID-19 Data Dictionary CSV Files

  • The NYSDOH has released the CSV files for major revisions to the Adult and Pediatric Sepsis and COVID-19 Data Dictionaries, D4.0 and D3.0, respectively. The major revisions are effective for discharges from 01/01/2023 – 03/31/2023 (Q1 2023).
  • Please refer to the Adult D4.0 and the Pediatric D3.0 Summary of Changes CSV files for a complete list of updates to ICD-10 CM and NDC codes.
  • Please download the updated data dictionaries and CSV files at the following link:

Data Submission Deadline Extension

  • The submission deadline for Q1 2023 will be extended from Thursday, May 16, 2023 to Thursday, May 23, 2023 to ensure hospitals have enough time to submit data.

Sepsis Portal Maintenance – 2/23/2023

  • The sepsis portal will be undergoing scheduled maintenance on Thursday, February 23, 2023. During this time, users will not be able to access this website. Users will regain access to the sepsis portal on Friday, February 24, 2023.

If you have any questions, please submit a helpdesk ticket at

Thank you,

The NYSDOH Clinical Sepsis Team

Posted on: 02/16/2023

Adult and Pediatric Sepsis and COVID-19 Data Dictionary, D4.0 and D3.0, respectively – Major Revision Data Dictionaries Posted

Dear Colleague,

The New York State Department of Health (NYSDOH) has released major revisions to the Adult and Pediatric Sepsis and COVID-19 Data Dictionaries, D4.0 and D3.0, respectively. The associated ICD-10 and NDC code CSV files will be released by the end of next week (2/17/2023).

The major revisions are effective for discharges from 01/01/2023 – 03/31/2023.

Please refer to the Adult D4.0 and the Pediatric D3.0 Change Logs at the end of each Data Dictionary for a complete list of updates.

Please download the updated data dictionaries at the following link:

If you have any questions, please submit a helpdesk ticket at

Thank you,

The NYSDOH Clinical Sepsis Team

Posted on: 02/09/2023

NYSDOH Sepsis Care Improvement Initiative Coding Collaborative Meeting – 02/01/2023

Dear Colleague,

Please join the New York State Department of Health (NYSDOH) and IPRO on Wednesday, February 1st,2023, from 9:00 – 10:00am for the monthly NYSDOH Sepsis Care Improvement Initiative Coding Collaborative meeting. The webinar will cover updates to the adult and pediatric data dictionaries for calendar year 2023, an overview of the optimized Tableau reports and time for Q&A. 

Please use the following link to join us on Wednesday:

Monthly NYSDOH Sepsis Care Improvement Initiative Coding Collaborative - New Invite starting June Hosted by Sepsis @ IPRO


Wednesday, Feb 1, 2023 9:00 am | 1 hour | (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)


Occurs the first Wednesday of every month effective 6/2/2021 from 9:00 AM to 10:00 AM, (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)

Meeting number: 161 027 1232

Password: diRmsYx8g65


Join by phone

+1-855-797-9485 US Toll free

+1-415-655-0002 US Toll


Access code: 161 027 1232


Thank you,

The NYSDOH Clinical Sepsis Team


Posted on: 01/31/2023

NYS Sepsis Care Improvement Initiative -Adult and Pediatric Data Quality and Quarterly Report Optimization and Data Refresh

Dear Colleague,

The New York State Sepsis Care Improvement Initiative is happy to announce the release of optimized versions of the Adult and Pediatric Quarterly and Data Quality reports on Tableau Webserver. The optimized reports contain updates to the layout and functionality of the previous versions of the reports to facilitate navigation and interpretation of presented data.

Portal users can access the optimized versions of the Data Quality and Quarterly Reports on Tableau Server at using the login credentials previously sent via email to the Primary Portal User at each hospital. An updated version of the Tableau User Guide will be available on the Education and Training Materials page of the Sepsis Portal in the coming days.

In addition to the optimization of the reports, the data within all four reports has been updated to include 2022 data for Performance Periods 1 (01/01/2022 – 03/31/2022), 2 (04/01/2022 – 06/30/2022), and 3 (07/01/2022 – 09/30/2022). The refreshed reports include any corrections made to the data prior to November 17, 2022. If you have any questions, please contact us by submitting a Helpdesk ticket.

Thank you,

The NYSDOH Clinical Sepsis Team

Posted on: 12/22/2022

Adult and Pediatric Sepsis and COVID-19 Data Dictionary, D3.0.2 and D2.0.2, respectively – Minor Revision – ICD-10-CM Code and CSV File Updates

Dear Colleague,

The New York State Department of Health (NYSDOH) is releasing minor revisions to the Adult and Pediatric Sepsis and COVID-19 Data Dictionaries, D3.0.2 and D2.0.2, respectively.

The minor revisions are effective for discharges from 10/01/2022 – 12/31/2022.

ICD-10-CM Code and CSV File Updates:

For the Adult and the Pediatric Sepsis and COVID-19 Data Dictionaries, ICD-10-CM codes have been updated to align with the ICD-10-CM FY 2023 October 1 release (effective 10/01/2022).

ICD-10-CM codes have been updated for the following variables in the Adult and Pediatric Data Dictionaries and associated CSV files: Chronic Liver Disease, Coagulopathy, History of Other Cardiovascular Disease, Immunocompromising, Lymphoma Leukemia Multiple Myeloma, and Suspected Source of Infection.

ICD-10-CM codes for Dementia have been updated in only Adult Data Dictionary 3.0.2 and the associated CSV file.

NYSDOH has also revised all CSV files to include two new columns “ADD” and “REVISE.” These two columns have been added to all CSV files to indicate which ICD-10 codes have been added or revised from the previous release of the Data Dictionary. This change applies to all CSV files for both adult and pediatric reporting.

Please refer to the Adult D3.0.2 and the Pediatric D2.0.2 Summary Change CSV files for a complete list of ICD-10-CM code updates.

Please download the updated data dictionaries, associated CSV files, and Summary Change CSV files at the following link:

If you have any questions, please submit a helpdesk ticket at

Thank you,

The NYSDOH Clinical Sepsis Team

Posted on: 11/10/2022

NYSDOH Sepsis-COVID Pediatric Data Quarterly Reports Release – 09/29/2022

Dear Colleague,

The New York State Department of Health (NYSDOH) is pleased to announce the release of Pediatric Quarterly Reports for the New York State Sepsis Care Improvement Initiative.

The Pediatric Quarterly Report, which is in the same format as the Adult Quarterly Report released earlier this year, covers discharges from December 1, 2020 through December 31, 2021. The reports will contain 2021 data submitted by August 8, 2022.

The report is currently available on Tableau Webserver, Tableau’s online platform.

Accessing the Quarterly Reports:
Hospitals have been issued an institutional Tableau Webserver account to access the reports. Portal users can access the Data Quality and Quarterly Reports on Tableau Server at using the login credentials previously sent via email to the Primary Portal User at each hospital.

If you have any questions, please submit a helpdesk ticket at

Thank you,
The NYSDOH Clinical Sepsis Team

Posted on: 10/04/2022

NYSDOH Sepsis-COVID Pediatric Data Quality Reports Release – 09/06/2022

Dear Colleague,

The New York State Department of Health (NYSDOH) is pleased to announce the release of Pediatric Data Quality Reports for the New York State Sepsis Care Improvement Initiative. Pediatric Quarterly Reports will be released shortly.

The Pediatric Data Quality Report, which is in the same format as the Adult Data Quality Report released earlier this year, covers discharges from December 1, 2020 through December 31, 2021. The report will be published on Tableau Webserver, Tableau’s online platform, on September 6, 2022.

Purpose of Data Quality Reports:

• Provide actionable information to hospitals to identify and address data quality issues
• Allow hospitals to review, validate issues, and correct or supplement data as necessary
• Ensure data quality for hospital-level risk adjustment and the NYSDOH Public Report

Timeline for Correcting Data as Necessary:

1. First Data Correction Deadline: September 28, 2022

Between the report launch on September 6, 2022 and close of business on September 28, 2022 hospitals may make corrections to their 2021 Pediatric data.

2. First Data Refresh: October 19, 2022

The first data refresh will be posted by IPRO on October 19, 2022. This refresh provides an opportunity for hospitals to review the corrected data and identify further corrections that are needed. Any data corrections made by close of business on September 28, 2022 will be included in this refresh.

3. Final Correction Deadline: November 2, 2022

Between October 19, 2022 and close of business on November 2, 2022 hospitals may make final corrections to 2021 Pediatric data. After this deadline, the data will be used for the annual public report and no further corrections to data from Calendar Year 2021 Pediatric data will be permitted

As outlined above, hospitals have two opportunities to correct their 2021 Pediatric data and can get started with initial corrections immediately upon release of Data Quality Reports. Please visit the recorded webinar on how to interpret the Data Quality Reports and what action(s) to take if you need more information:

Accessing the Data Quality Reports:Hospitals have been issued an institutional Tableau Webserver account to access the reports. Portal users can access the Data Quality and Quarterly Reports on Tableau Server at using the login credentials previously sent via email to the Primary Portal User at each hospital. If you have any questions, please submit a helpdesk ticket at

Thank you,
The NYSDOH Clinical Sepsis Team

Posted on: 09/02/2022

NYSDOH Sepsis-COVID Data Coding Collaborative Meeting Cancelled – 09/07/2022

Dear Colleague,

The Sepsis Coding Collaborative Meeting on Wednesday, September 7, 2022 is cancelled. Please join us at 9am on Wednesday, October 5, 2022 for the next Sepsis Coding Collaborative meeting. A reminder announcement will be shared in advance of the meeting.

Thank you,
The NYSDOH Clinical Sepsis Team

Posted on: 09/01/2022

NYSDOH Sepsis-COVID Adult Quarterly and Data Quality Report Refresh

Dear Colleague,

The New York State Sepsis Care Improvement Initiative refreshed the data within the associated Adult Data Quality and Quarterly Reports on June 6, 2022. This was done to ensure that the reports reflect all cases submitted by hospitals, particularly those that were submitted after the data submission deadlines. The refreshed reports include any corrections made to the data prior to June 6, 2022.  

All hospitals should review the current refreshed Data Quality Reports and make any necessary corrections by close of business on Thursday, July 7, 2022. If you have already reviewed the Quarterly and Data Quality Reports and are satisfied with the accuracy of the data reflected, you do not need to do anything further at this time.  

One further data refresh will be completed on Friday, July 22, 2022. This will provide an additional opportunity for hospitals to review the corrected data and identify further corrections that are needed.  Any data corrections made by close of business on Thursday, July 7, 2022 with be included in this refresh.

Between July 22, 2022 and close of business on Monday, August 8, 2022, hospitals may make final corrections to the data. After this deadline, the data will be used to determine risk-adjusted mortality rates for the annual public report and no further corrections to data from Calendar Year 2021 will be permitted.

Please visit the recorded webinar on how to interpret the Data Quality Reports and what action(s) to take if you need more information:

Portal users can access the Data Quality and Quarterly Reports on Tableau Server at using the login credentials previously sent via email to the Primary Portal User at each hospital.

If you have any questions, please contact us by submitting a Helpdesk ticket.
Thank you,

The NYSDOH Clinical Sepsis Team

Posted on: 06/21/2022

Adult and Pediatric Sepsis and COVID-19 Data Dictionary, D3.0.1 and D2.0.1, respectively – Minor Revision – CSV File Correction and Clarification of Inclusion Criteria for Pediatric Reporting

Dear Colleague,

The New York State Department of Health (NYSDOH) is releasing minor revisions to the Adult and Pediatric Data Dictionaries.

The first revision applies to both the Adult and Pediatric Data Dictionaries:

NYSDOH has revised the CSV files referenced in the Notes for Abstraction for Demographic Variables “Inclusion Septic Shock” and “Inclusion Severe Sepsis” in the Adult and Pediatric Sepsis and COVID-19 Data Dictionaries. This revision is effective with discharges from 04/01/2022. Changes are highlighted in green in the updated Data Dictionaries.

The CSV file “inclusion_definition_table_a_code_VerD3.0” has been separated into two files and renamed as the following:

CSV file “inclusion_septic_shock_code_VerD3.0.1”
CSV file “inclusion_severe_sepsis_code_VerD3.0.1”

Please refer to the CSV file “inclusion_septic_shock_code_VerD3.0.1” for the Inclusion Septic Shock data element, and CSV file “inclusion_severe_sepsis_code_VerD3.0.1” for the Inclusion Severe Sepsis data element of the Adult Sepsis and COVID-19 Data Dictionary Version D3.0.1.

Similarly, the CSV file “ped_inclusion_definition_table_a_code_VerD2.0” has been separated into two files and renamed as the following:

CSV file “ped_inclusion_septic_shock_code_VerD2.0.1”
CSV file “ped_inclusion_severe_sepsis_code_VerD2.0.1"

Please refer to the CSV file “ped_inclusion_septic_shock_code_VerD2.0.1” for the ICD-10 codes used to define the Septic Shock data element, and CSV file “ped_inclusion_severe_sepsis_code_VerD2.0.1” for the ICD-10 codes used to define the Severe Sepsis data element of the Pediatric Sepsis and COVID-19 Data Dictionary Version D2.0.1.

The second revision applies only to the Adult Data Dictionary:

ICD-10-CM codes for Severe COVID-19 inclusion criterion listed in the adult data dictionary were missing from the respective CSV file. Missing ICD-10-CM codes were added to the CSV file “inclusion_definition_table_b_2_code_VerD3.0,” and the CSV file was then renamed as the following:

CSV file “inclusion_definition_table_b_2_code_VerD3.0.1”

Please refer to the CSV file “inclusion_definition_table_b_2_code_VerD3.0.1” for the ICD-10 codes used to define the Severe COVID-19 data element of the Adult Sepsis and COVID-19 Data Dictionary Version D3.0.1.

Please download the zip file containing the corrected CSV files at the following link:

The third revision applies only to the Pediatric Data Dictionary:

The revision clarifies but does not change the inclusion criteria for pediatric reporting. Please refer to page 10 of the Pediatric Sepsis and COVID-19 Data Dictionary Version D2.0.1. Changes are highlighted in green.

If you have any questions, please submit a helpdesk ticket at
Thank you,

The NYSDOH Clinical Sepsis Team

Posted on: 05/19/2022

Dear Colleague,

The New York State Department of Health (NYSDOH) is pleased to announce the upcoming release of Adult Data Quality and Quarterly Reports for the New York State Sepsis Care Improvement Initiative.

The reports will cover data submission periods 1, 2, and 3 and cover discharges from December 1, 2020 through December 31, 2021. The reports will be published on Tableau Webserver, Tableau’s online platform, and will be rolled out in multiple waves following a launch webinar.
Launch Webinar:

NYSDOH, in collaboration with IPRO, will be hosting the webinar to debut the new Tableau Webserver Data Quality and Quarterly Reports. The webinar will be held on Wednesday, May 18, 2022 at 1:00pm.
Please use the following link to register for the webinar:
The webinar will include information on how to access the reports, a demonstration of the reports, and present supporting materials like the user guide.
Please feel free to forward the link to others in your organization who will participate in reviewing the reports or to a colleague if you cannot attend. Following the webinar, we will send out the link to the recording and the supporting materials.
Accessing the Data Quality and Quarterly Reports:

Hospitals will be issued an institutional Tableau Webserver account to access the reports. The Primary User for the Sepsis Portal who has been approved by the hospital’s Chief Privacy/Security Officer will be the point person for the hospital’s institutional Tableau Webserver account. The institutional account login credential will be sent  from IPRO  to the Primary User for the Sepsis Portal and only the Primary User will be able to request a password reset.
Please review who your designated Primary User is in preparation for the launch of the reports. Hospitals can only have one designated Primary User at a time. If you would like to designate a different person as Primary User, your facility’s current Primary User can designate a new Primary User on the Users page of the Sepsis Portal. If your current Primary User is unable to designate a new Primary User, please submit a Helpdesk ticket copying your facility’s Chief Privacy/Security Officer. Please review your Primary User as soon as possible so that any changes can be made in time for the launch.

More information about requesting a new Primary User can also be found at:

If you have any questions, please submit a helpdesk ticket at
Thank you,

The NYSDOH Clinical Sepsis Team

Posted on: 05/09/2022

Sepsis and COVID-19 Data Dictionary Release Schedule

The New York State Department of Health (NYSDOH) has developed a tentative framework and quarterly release schedule for the data dictionary.

Changes to the data dictionary to add newly released ICD-10 codes will be reserved for an annual release in November with changes effective for the last reporting period of the year (October 1st – December 31st).  In 2022 the ICD-10 coding update will be released on November 10 with changes covering discharges beginning October 1st, 2022.

In addition, any major changes to the data dictionary will be made once annually covering discharges beginning on January 1st of each year with an anticipated release in February of each year.

Other updates to the Data Dictionary will be kept to a minimum and will be released only as necessary on these following dates in 2022.

  • May 10, 2022
  • August 9, 2022
Posted on: 04/07/2022

Dear Colleague,

The following CSV files have been corrected for the Adult Data Dictionary Version D3.0:

CSV file “skin_disorders_burn_disease_code_VerD3.0” has been added.
CSV file “medication_immune_modifying_ndc_code_VerD3.0” has been corrected.

Please download the zip file containing the corrected CSV files at the following link:

If you have any questions, please submit a helpdesk ticket at
Thank you,
The NYSDOH Clinical Sepsis Team

Posted on: 03/07/2022

Adult Sepsis and COVID-19 Data Dictionary (Digitalized Data Collection, D3.0), Pediatric Sepsis and COVID-19 Data Dictionary and CSV Files (Digitalized Data Collection, D2.0), and File Testing Functionality.

Dear Colleague:

The Department is pleased to announce the release of updates to the Adult and Pediatric Sepsis and COVID-19 Data Dictionaries and csv files.

The updates address issues identified during previous data submission periods. In addition, corrections and clarifications were made based on feedback received via the helpdesk and during code sharing meetings. Finally, because the information in the appendices and csv files is duplicative, appendices will no longer be provided. With the removal of the appendix document, the applicable ICD-10/NDC codes can be found in the csv files of the corresponding version of the data dictionary. A summary document highlighting the changes can also be found on the 'Data Dictionary' section of the webpage.

Adult Sepsis and COVID-19 Data Dictionary (Digitalized Data Collection, D3.0)

This data dictionary will be effective for cases for Adult Data Collection Period 1 in 2022, which covers discharges from 01/01/2022 to 03/31/2022. The portal will be open for reporting these cases from 04/01/2022 to 05/17/2022.

The data dictionary, csv files and summary are posted at:
Pediatric Sepsis and COVID-19 Data Dictionary (Digitalized Data Collection, D2.0).

For pediatric submissions, “ped” has been added to the beginning of all csv filenames to address differences in reportable codes and values between the adult and pediatric data dictionaries.
This data dictionary will be effective for cases for Pediatric Data Collection Period 1 in 2022, which covers discharges from 01/01/2022 to 03/31/2022. The portal will be open for reporting these cases from 04/01/2022 to 05/17/2022.

The data dictionary, csv files and summary are posted at:

Portal Update and File Testing

The portal will be updated the week of February 28, 2022. This update will include file testing functionality for both the new adult and pediatric data dictionaries. To test files, please login into the main portal and select “test submission” when uploading your test files.

If you have any questions, please submit a helpdesk ticket at

Thank you,

The NYSDOH Clinical Sepsis Team

Posted on: 02/17/2022

Dear Colleague:

This is a reminder that the NYS Sepsis Data Collection Portal is now open for the following data collection periods:

Adult Data Collection Period 3 covering discharges from 09/01/2021 to 12/31/2021.
Pediatric Data Collection Period 1 covering discharges from 12/01/2020 to 12/31/2021.
The portal will be open for data submission from 01/03/2022 to 02/17/2022.

For the Pediatric sepsis data submission, please upload your cases as three separate files:

Pediatric cases from 12/01/2020 to 05/31/2021, by selecting P1.
Pediatric cases from 06/01/2021 to 08/31/2021, by selecting P2.
Pediatric cases from 09/01/2021 to 12/31/2021, by selecting P3.

If you have any questions, please submit a helpdesk ticket at

Thank you,

The NYSDOH Clinical Sepsis Team

Posted on: 01/11/2022

Adult Sepsis and COVID-19 Data Dictionary and Appendices (Digitalized Data Collection, D2.1.2), Pediatric Sepsis and COVID-19 Data Dictionary and Appendices (Digitalized Data Collection, D2.1.2), and File Testing Functionality.

Dear Colleauge:

The Department is pleased to announce the release of updates for the Adult and Pediatric Sepsis and COVID-19 Data Dictionaries and Appendices.

Adult Sepsis and COVID-19 Data Dictionary (Digitalized Data Collection, D2.1.2)

This update addresses issues identified during the first and second data submission which prevented certain cases from being accepted by the portal, adds new NDC codes that represent medications already included in the prior data dictionary, and adds ICD-10 codes effective 10/1/2021 that represent conditions already included in the prior data dictionary. A summary highlighting the changes can be found on the‘Data Dictionary’ section of the webpage.

This data dictionary will be effective for cases for Adult Data Collection Period 3 with the portal openfrom 01/03/2022 to 02/17/2022 covering discharges from 09/01/2021 to 12/31/2021.

The data dictionary, appendix, csv files and summary are postedat:

Pediatric Sepsis and COVID-19 Data Dictionary (Digitalized Data Collection, D1.1)

This update includes changes to align the pediatric data dictionary, where clinically relevant and possible, to the adult data dictionary and to allow much of the same coding structure used to develop electronic abstraction for the adult population to be utilized in the pediatric collection. A summary highlighting the changes can be found on the ‘Data Dictionary’ section of the webpage.

This data dictionary will be effective for cases for Pediatric Data Collection Period 1 with the portal open from 01/03/2022 to 02/17/2022 covering discharges from 12/01/2020 to 12/31/2021.

The data dictionary, appendix, csv files and summary are posted at:

CSV Files and Portal

Please note that the csv files and the portal updates corresponding to this release will be made availableduring the week of November 29th, 2021.

File Testing

In addition, we would like to announce that file testing for both adult and pediatric data submission has been moved from the test to the main sepsis portal. To test files, please login into the main portal and select “test submission” when uploading your test files. The portal is open for testing of both adult and pediatric data submissions.

Pediatric Data Submissions

Because the sepsis portal aligns reporting periods for the adult and pediatric data submission, the pediatricdata submission must be submitted as three files aligning with the adult's submission periods.

Please be aware that pediatric files must be split to upload in the following manner:

  1. Pediatric cases from 12/01/2021 to 05/31/2021 as one file selecting P1 in the portal
  2. Pediatric cases from 06/01/2021 to 08/31/2021 as a second file selecting P2 in the portal
  3. Pediatric cases from 09/01/2021 to 12/31/2021 as a third file selecting P3 in the portal

If you have any questions, please submit a helpdesk ticket at

Thank you,

The NYSDOH Clinical Sepsis Team

Posted on: 11/23/2021

Pediatric Sepsis Webinar Recording, Reporting Schedule Updates and Adult-Pediatric Data Dictionary Crosswalk Are Now Available

Dear Colleague,

September 15, 2021 Webinar Recording

On September 15, 2021 the Department held a webinar to provide updates on the NYS Sepsis Care Improvement Initiative and the launch of the new Pediatric Sepsis and COVID-19 Data Dictionary with Digitalized data collection. The webinar included a discussion of the differences in the Pediatric and Adult data collection, details on the ongoing coding collaborative, timeline and submission requirements and a question and answer period.

The recording of the webinar is now ready for viewing by using the following link:

Updated Adult and Pediatric Reporting Schedules

The Department has released the following updated reporting schedules through the end of 2022. Please note that the reporting window has been expanded from 30 days to 45 days to allow hospitals additional time to report once the portal has opened for that reporting period.

Pediatric Reporting Schedule

Reporting Period -- Cases from - to -------------- Portal open for submission
----------- 1 ----------- 12/01/2020 – 12/31/2021 --- 01/03/2022 – 02/17/2022
----------- 2 ----------- 01/01/2022 – 03/31/2022 --- 04/01/2022 – 05/17/2022
----------- 3 ----------- 04/01/2022 – 06/30/2022 --- 07/01/2022 – 08/16/2022
----------- 4 ----------- 07/01/2022 – 09/30/2022 --- 10/03/2022 – 11/17/2022

Adult Reporting Schedule

Reporting Period -- Cases from - to -------------- Portal open for submission
---------- 1 ------------ 02/01/2020 – 05/31/2021 --- 06/30/2021 – 08/02/2021
---------- 2 ------------ 06/01/2021 – 08/31/2021 --- 09/01/2021 – 10/19/2021
---------- 3 ------------ 09/01/2021 – 12/31/2021 --- 01/03/2022 – 02/17/2022
---------- 4 ------------ 01/01/2022 – 03/31/2022 --- 04/01/2022 – 05/17/2022
---------- 5 ------------ 04/01/2022 – 06/30/2022 --- 07/01/2022 – 08/16/2022
---------- 6 ------------ 07/01/2022 – 09/30/2022 --- 10/03/2022 – 11/17/2022

Pediatric and Adult Crosswalk
The Department has also made available a crosswalk that lists the differences between Adult and Pediatric data collection to help make programming the Pediatric data dictionary easier for hospitals. This crosswalk can be found in the ‘Data Dictionary’ section here:

Thank you,
The NYSDOH Clinical Sepsis Team

Posted on: 09/16/2021

NYS Sepsis Care Improvement Initiative - Webinar on September 15: New Pediatric Sepsis and COVID-19 Data Dictionary with Digitalized Data Collection

Dear Colleague,

The Department would like to invite you to attend a webinar to provide updates on the NYS Sepsis Care Improvement Initiative and to discuss the new Pediatric Sepsis and COVID-19 Data Dictionary with Digitalized data collection. The webinar will include updates on the differences in the Pediatric and Adult data collection, details on the ongoing coding collaborative, timeline and submission requirements and a question and answer period. Please visit the IPRO webpage to see the most recent version of the data dictionary:

The webinar is scheduled for September 15th, from 9am – 10am. There is no need to register ahead of time, simply use one of the following ways to join us on that day: 
Meeting number (access code): 161 258 2719 
Meeting password: W56cpwcPp2K  
Join by video system
You can also dial and enter your meeting number.

Join by phone+1-518-549-0500 USA Toll
Access code: 161 258 2719
We hope you can attend but if you are unable to make it on that day the webinar will be recorded.  
Thank you,
The NYSDOH Clinical Sepsis Team
Posted on: 08/25/2021

New York Sepsis Care Improvement Initiative Temporary Extension Request Filing Deadline July 26th, 2021

Dear Colleague,

This is to notify you that the final day to submit a request for a Temporary Extension for reporting data to the Sepsis Care Improvement Initiative program is July 26th, 2021.

As a reminder, this policy is only available to hospitals transitioning EHR platforms and can be accessed at Extension Policy.
Temporary Extension requests and any questions about this announcement may be directed to

Thank you,

The NYSDOH Clinical Sepsis Team

Posted on: 07/21/2021

Pediatric Sepsis and COVID-19 Data Dictionary and Appendices (Digitalized Data Collection, D1.0)

Dear Colleague,

The Department is pleased to announce the release of the Pediatric Sepsis and COVID-19 Data Dictionary and Appendices (Digitalized Data Collection, D1.0).

The data dictionary is posted at:

A data submission template and CSV files will be posted in the coming weeks. 

In developing the Pediatric Sepsis and COVID-19 Dictionary, an effort was made to align where clinically relevant with the Adult Sepsis and COVID-19 Dictionary (Digitalized Data Collection, D2.1.1). Much of the same coding structure used to develop electronic abstraction for the adult population may be utilized in the pediatric collection.

The Department will hold a webinar to kick off the Pediatric Sepsis and COVID-19 Data Dictionary with Digitalized Data Collection on Wednesday, September 15th, 2021. The webinar will include information on the new data collection and a question-and-answer period. Additional details and a webinar link will be available soon.

The Department has identified the following dates for the initial reporting period for Pediatric cases (aligns with the portal open dates for the 3rd Adult Reporting Period):

Submission period for pediatric cases: 12/1/2020 – 12/31/2021

Portal open for submission: 1/3/2022 – 2/4/2022

Please note, the Department is requesting Pediatric cases from December 1st, 2020 to December 31st, 2021 during the first submission period for Pediatric cases. Pediatric and Adult cases will resume regular quarterly reporting in 2022.

Thank you,

The NYSDOH Clinical Sepsis Team

Posted on: 07/15/2021

NYSDOH-Adult Sepsis & COVID-19 Updated Dictionary, Appendices & CSV files, D2.1.1

Dear Colleague,
The Department is pleased to announce the release of an updated Adult Sepsis and COVID-19 Data Dictionary, (Digitalized Data Collection, D2.1.1). Updates are highlighted within the text in the data dictionary in addition to the Change Log to assist users in quickly identifying important changes. The updated data dictionary will be posted by COB Friday, May 14, 2021 at:
We are highlighting those updates that affect mapping
  • Length extensions for aPTT, Platelets, Leukocyte, and Bilirubin variables
Renaming of existing variables
  • Organ Dysfunction Hepatic to Bilirubin
  • Organ Dysfunction Renal to Creatinine
  • Cardiovascular Outcomes to Cardiovascular Outcomes in Hospital
Modifications to allowable values for variables
  • Payer
  • Patient Care Considerations
  • Acute Cardiovascular Conditions including corresponding ICD-10 codes in appendix 1A
  • History of Cardiovascular Disease including corresponding ICD-10 codes in appendix 1 N
  • Cardiovascular Outcomes in Hospital and corresponding ICD-10 codes in appendix 5A
Addition of ICD-10 code-based severity variables and corresponding ICD-10 code tables in the appendix
  • Organ Dysfunction Cardiovascular
  • Organ Dysfunction Hematologic
  • Organ Dysfunction Hepatic
  • Organ Dysfunction Renal
  • Cardiovascular Outcomes at Discharge
The updates were highlighted in the DOH Webinar on May 6, 2021. The recording of the webinar is available for viewing at
Thank you,
The NYSDOH Clinical Sepsis Team
Posted on: 05/14/2021

Sepsis All-Hospital Webinar Recording (May 6th, 2021) and Coding Collaborative Monthly Call Information

Dear Colleague,

May 6, 2021 Webinar Recording

On May 6, 2021 the Department held a webinar to provide updates on the NYS Sepsis Care Improvement Initiative and the launch of the new Adult Sepsis and COVID-19 Data Dictionary with Digitalized data collection. The webinar included updates on changes in data collection, details on statewide efforts to collaborate on changes, requesting temporary extensions related to the transition, and a question and answer period.
The recording of the webinar is now available for viewing at

NYSDOH Sepsis and Covid-19 Digitalized Data Collection Collaborative Monthly Call Information

The information for the NYSDOH Sepsis and Covid-19 Digitalized Data Collection Collaborative monthly meeting on the first Wednesday of every month at 9 AM has been updated.

Please use this link to join the call
Meeting number: 161 027 1232
Password: diRmsYx8g65

You may also join by phone
+1-855-797-9485 US Toll free
+1-415-655-0002 US Toll
Access code: 161 027 1232

Thank you,

The NYSDOH Clinical Sepsis Team


Posted on: 05/11/2021

Sepsis Adult Reporting Period Update, Webinar on May 6, and Portal Testing

Dear Colleague,
The Department would like to invite you to attend a webinar to provide updates on the NYS Sepsis Care Improvement Initiative and the launch of the new Adult Sepsis and COVID-19 Data Dictionary with Digitalized data collection. The webinar will include updates on changes in data collection, details on statewide efforts to collaborate on changes, requesting temporary extensions related to the transition, and a question and answer period. 
The webinar is scheduled for May 6th, from 11am – 12pm. There is no need to register ahead of time, simply use one of the following ways to join us on that day:
Meeting number: 185 726 1250
Password: 5RGuJJ48A7x
Join by video system
You can also dial and enter your meeting number.
Join by phone
+1-518-549-0500 USA Toll
Access code: 185 726 1250
We hope you can attend but if you are unable to make it on that day the webinar will be recorded, and slides will be made available. 
Adult Reporting Period Update
The Department has determined the following three reporting periods for Adult cases for the remainder of 2021. 
1st Reporting Period
Adult cases: 12/1/2020 – 5/31/2021
Portal open for submission: 6/30/2021 – 8/2/2021
2nd Reporting Period
Submission period of adult cases: 6/1/2021- 8/31/2021
Portal open for submission:10/1/2021 – 11/1/2021
3rd Reporting Period
Submission period of adult cases: 9/1/2021 – 12/31/2021
Portal open for submission:1/3/2022 – 2/4/2022 
It is anticipated that the Department will return to a quarterly submission schedule for Adult and Pediatric cases in 2022.
The Department is also currently finalizing the Pediatric data dictionary and will announce the reporting schedule for Pediatric cases in the coming weeks.  
Sepsis Portal Testing
We are looking for users to test the portal and data integrity checks. Testing allows users to familiarize themselves with the functionality and process before the portal opens for official data collection on 06/30/2021. If you are interested, please request access at Enter your contact information, your hospital’s PFI, and mention "portal testing" in comments.
Thank you,
The NYSDOH Clinical Sepsis Team
Posted on: 04/08/2021

NYSDOH-Adult Sepsis & COVID-19 Updated Dictionary, Appendices & CSV files, D2.1

Dear Colleague,
The Department is pleased to announce the release of an updated Adult Sepsis and COVID-19 Data Dictionary, (Digitalized Data Collection, D2.1). Updates are now highlighted within the text in the data dictionary in addition to the Change Log to assist users in quickly identifying important changes. The data dictionary can be found by COB Friday, March5, 2021 at:
The Department is also pleased to introduce a policy for hospitals to request a temporary extension for reporting data to the New York State Sepsis Care Improvement Initiative. The temporary extension policy applies to hospitals transitioning to a new EHR and going live within twelve months (anticipated). Details about this policy and how to request an extension can be found here:
Finally, a clarification to important dates in the timeline for the implementation of automated data abstraction is below. The portal will be open from June 30th to August 2nd, 2021 for submission of data collected from December 1st, 2020 to May 31st, 2021. Hospitals may request access to submit test files to the IPRO helpdesk at any time: 
Tasks  & Timeline
Data Dictionary, definitions, and ICD-10 codes
November 2020 (complete)
Hospital build and test phase
12/1/20 - 5/31/21
Timeframe for hospitals to capture cases for submission to DOH
12/1/20 - 5/31/21
Data submission period for cases 12/1/20 to 5/31/21
6/30/21 – 8/2/21
Thank you,
The New York State Department of Health Clinical Sepsis Team
Posted on: 03/05/2021

NYSDOH Sepsis and Covid-19 Digitalized Data Collection Collaborative

Dear Colleagues:
We are pleased to announce the development of a collaborative aimed to reduce burden associated with data collection for the NYSDOH Sepsis Care Improvement Initiative. This collaborative which is open to all NYS hospitals is particularly directed towards hospital programming staff who will be working towards extracting electronic health record data to meet data reporting requirements.
In brief, the NYSDOH Sepsis and Covid-19 Digitalized Data Collection Collaborative is a peer sharing initiative to reduce the burden associated with electronically abstracting data (from EHRs) for reporting to the NYSDOH Sepsis portal. 
The intent of the collaborative is to work collectively to produce code which will
•     Ensure greater consistency in data extraction;
•     Ease provider burden; and
•     Bring questions and needed clarifications to light early in the process.
This collaborative is an online, concurrent code sharing iterative process with editing in an interactive environment. Contributors add code, suggest changes, and discuss (codes, concepts, source locations, etc) to bring about useable codes. It is expected that some core programming codes may be applicable regardless of your particular EHR. It is also expected that there will be specific programming codes required for each EHR (and perhaps version of that system).    
Hospitals are free to submit SQL for any EHR system, for any version, for use by others in kick starting or advancing their abstraction process. There are monthly meetings for larger discussion issues while real-time daily work within the collaborative continues. The collaborative is for both beginner and seasoned programmers with an appreciation for what each might bring to the table and find useful.
Anyone wishing to discuss the details and how this might benefit their hospital or health system can reach out via a helpdesk ticket or via direct email to
You may also jump right into the collaborative by joining the google discussion.
Direct programming code sharing will be handled through Bitbucket. For more information about Bitbucket: You may also sign up for a free account at this site. See also:
·        The NYSDOH Sepsis-Covid-19 Bitbucket Repository:
·        The NYSDOH Sepsis-Covid-19 Contribution Guide:
We welcome, encourage, and look forward to your participation and input. If we can help in any way to assist in your onboarding to Bitbucket; the Google groups; and/or participation in general please reach out (  
Until then, jump in to start collaborating and let us know how we can assist!
Thank you for your continued efforts towards improving care.
The NYSDOH Sepsis Team
Posted on: 01/25/2021

NYSDOH-Adult Sepsis&COVID-19 Updated Dictionary, Appendices & CSV files, D2.0

Dear Colleague,
The Department is pleased to announce the release of an updated Adult Sepsis and COVID-19 Data Dictionary, (Digitalized Data Collection, D2.0) along with updated appendices and CSV code files to assist in file creation. The CSV files include ICD-10-CM, ICD-10-PCS, and National Drug Codes (NDCs) and are intended to assist hospitals in the transition to the automated abstraction process. The data dictionary can be found at:
As a reminder, submission of data for CY2020 will no longer be accepted in the portal using Data Dictionary version 7.1 for the Adult population or version 2.1 for Pediatric population. Additional important announcements related to the upcoming changes to the Sepsis Care Improvement Initiative, including a revised timeline for implementation of automated data abstraction and a link to the October 26, 2020 webinar recording are available on the IPRO webpage under ‘Announcements’.
Thank you,
The New York State Department of Health Clinical Sepsis Team


Posted on: 01/12/2021
Dear Colleague,

As you are aware, the New York State Department of Health (NYSDOH) previously suspended data submission requirements associated with the NYS Sepsis Care Improvement Initiative for all of CY 2020 due to the public health emergency related to COVID-19.

In anticipation of a resumption of reporting the NYSDOH introduced a revision in reporting methodology of sepsis data from manual abstraction to an electronic data abstraction process including a new data dictionary (Adult Sepsis and COVID-19 Data Dictionary, Digitalized Data Collection, D1.0).

The NYSDOH has continued to monitor and is cognizant of the escalating COVID-19 situation and other deadlines hospitals may be required to meet including, but not limited to, efforts to comply with CMS Interoperability and Patient Access rules.

Given the current escalation in COVID activity statewide the NYSDOH has determined that extending the timeline for implementation of automated data abstraction is warranted. While data must still be reported for the previously specified timeframes (below), required reporting to the portal will not begin until June 2021 as detailed below:
Task Original TimelineRevisted Timeline
Data Dictionary, definitions, and ICD-10 codes November 2020 November 2020 (complete)
Hospital build and test phase 12/1/20 - 2/28/21 12/1/20 - 5/31/21
Timeframe for hospitals to capture cases for submission to DOH 12/1/20 - 2/28/21 12/1/20 - 5/31/21
First new data submission to NYSDOH 3/31/21 6/30/21

In addition:
All currently scheduled EHR workgroup meetings will be rescheduled to the first quarter of 2021;
The due date for data corrections to 2019 discharges has been moved from a due date of December 30, 2020 to a revised due date of March 31, 2021. If you have not yet downloaded your report, the adult and pediatric sepsis audit reports are available on the portal.

While we understand this is a challenging time, we would like to encourage hospitals to continue preparing for sepsis data submission in 2021. We will continue to work on refining the data dictionary during this time and would like to encourage hospitals to continue to send any questions or comments about the data dictionary to: Hospitals may also submit questions and comments about the data dictionary and/or the portal to the IPRO helpdesk at any time:

Thank you for your continued efforts.

The NYSDOH Clinical Sepsis Team
Posted on: 12/07/2020

NYSDOH Sepsis Audit Reports: Data corrections due by December 30, 2020

Dear Colleagues,
The NYSDOH Sepsis Initiative Adult and Pediatric Audit Reports for 2019 are available for download from the portal. The due date for data corrections is December 30, 2020. All data for calendar year 2019 will be frozen as of close of business on December 31, 2020. After this time, no additional data corrections for discharges prior to 1/1/2020 will be permitted. Your hospital 2019 frozen data will be used for public report and risk adjusted mortality measurement so be sure to make your hospital corrections prior to data close.
The adult audit report just uploaded includes review of a sample of medical records from Q1 and Q2, 2019. There will NOT be a release of Q3 and Q4 2019 adult reports. Hospitals are requested to apply the findings from the sample cases of discharges Q1-Q2 2019 to all records within the full 2019 calendar year. Adult audit reports for Q1 and Q2 were uploaded November 30, 2020 with the file name metrics_yourPFI_adult_20201123. If you also had pediatric cases in 2019, the pediatric audit report was uploaded November 30, 2020 and the file name was metrics_yourPFI_ pediatric_20201120.
The format and functionality of the tableau reports have not changed. This functionality was reviewed last year and the event was recorded. The recording and slides from NYSDOH WebEx are posted to (under “webinars”). Note that the most up to date version of Tableau is needed to review the audit reports (the free version is all that is required to utilize the reports). Please update Tableau if you installed the software on your computer before and a message shows up, for example “This file was created by a newer version of Tableau. Please upgrade Tableau to the version (or greater) that the file was saved in.” 
In the past, feedback from several hospitals indicated that they preferred an excel version of the audit results. To extract an excel version from tableau, follow these steps:
  • Be sure the workbook is in tableau packaged workbook type
  • Right click the file and select "unpackage"
  • Two more files are created when you unpackage. One file is the performance averages. One file is the case-level audit results.
  • Click the file of choice and it will open in excel
If you cannot unpackage and need assistance, please submit a helpdesk ticket and we will be happy to assist and send your hospital data in excel via drop zone.
Thank you for your continued efforts to improve sepsis care. Please submit any questions you have to the helpdesk at
Best regards,
The Sepsis Team
Posted on: 11/30/2020

EHR Workgroup

Update: Please note there has been a correction to dates and/or times for some of the meetings.

The Department would like to thank everyone who participated in the EHR workgroup calls over the past two weeks. For those hospitals who utilize an EHR other than Cerner, EPIC, Allscripts or Meditech, an initial call has been scheduled for November 30th, 2020.

The Department would like to continue the discussions that started on the initial workgroup calls and the below webinar events have been scheduled to assist in that facilitation. Anyone can join, and we strongly encourage hospitals to participate. Individuals interested in helping lead EHR workgroup discussions may email ahead of the meeting.

  1. General EHR Workgroup:
    November 30th, 1-2pm (for hospitals that do not have Cerner, EPIC, Allscripts, Meditech)
    Meeting link:
    Meeting number: 178 099 2584
    Join by phone: 1-518-549-0500 Local
    Access code: 178 099 2584
  2. Cerner Workgroup:
    December 7th, 2-3pm
    Meeting link:
    Meeting number: 178 649 5134
    Join by phone: 1-518-549-0500 Local
    Access code: 178 649 5134
  3. EPIC Workgroup:
    December 14th, 1-2pm
    Meeting link:
    Meeting number: 178 733 0300
    Join by phone: 1-518-549-0500 Local
    Access code: 178 733 0300
  4. Allscripts:
    December 15th, 9-10am
    Meeting link:
    Meeting number: 178 530 9611
    Join by phone: 1-518-549-0500 Local
    Access code: 178 530 9611
  5. Meditech:
    December 17th, 2-3pm
    Meeting link:
    Meeting number: 178 458 1650
    Join by phone: 1-518-549-0500 Local
    Access code: 178 458 1650
Posted on: 11/23/2020

NYSDOH - Adult Sepsis and COVID-19 Data Dictionary, Digitalized Data Collection, D1.0 Released

Dear Colleague,
The Department is pleased to announce the release of the Adult Sepsis and COVID-19 Data Dictionary, Digitalized Data Collection, D1.0, for the transition to an automated abstraction process in the New York State Sepsis Care Improvement Initiative. The data dictionary can be found at:
As a reminder, submission of data for 2020 will no longer be accepted in the portal using Data Dictionary version 7.1 for the Adult population or version 2.1 for Pediatric population. Additional important announcements related to the upcoming changes to the Sepsis Care Improvement Initiative, including a link to the October 26, 2020 webinar recording, a transition to automated abstraction timeline and meeting information for users of Cerner, EPIC, Allscripts and Meditech EHRs, are available on the the portal under ‘Announcements’.
Thank you,
The New York State Department of Health Clinical Sepsis Team
Posted on: 11/09/2020

NYSDOH Sepsis Care Improvement Initiative - Upcoming events & recorded webex link

2020 Reporting Update:
As a result of the ongoing public health emergency related to COVID-19, the New York State Department of Health (NYSDOH) has eliminated data submission requirements associated with the NYS Sepsis Care Improvement Initiative for all of CY 2020. Submission of data for 2020 will no longer be accepted in the portal using Data Dictionary version 7.1 for the Adult population or version 2.1 for Pediatric population. In addition, there will be no adult or pediatric audit for these quarters. This guidance applies to all hospitals, including sampling and non-sampling hospitals. Hospitals will instead be asked to direct their attention and efforts towards the updated reporting detailed below.

Updated Sepsis Reporting
The NYSDOH is in the process of transitioning to an automated abstraction process. A new data dictionary is currently under development and will be forthcoming. The new data dictionary will be posted on this page and shared by email with all NYS hospitals when it becomes available.

October 26, 2020 Update Webinar

The Department hosted a webinar on October 26, 2020 to provide an overview of the 2018 Sepsis Public Report and to detail anticipated reporting changes to the NYS Sepsis Care Improvement Initiative.
Please use the following link to view the recorded webinar (video begins at 11 minutes and 38 seconds): NYSDOH All Hospital Webinar (October 26, 2020).

Timeline for Transition to Updated Automated Abstraction
·        Data dictionary, definitions, and ICD-10 codes – October/November 2020
·        Build and test phase December 1st – February 28th, 2021
·        Hospitals start capturing cases from December 1st, 2020 – February 28th, 2021
·        Hospitals begin to report cases to DOH in March 2021

The NYSDOH will continue to closely monitor the evolving COVID-19 situation and will make changes to data submission timelines and/or requirements as needed. Thank you for your continued efforts and support during this time.

EHR Workgroups
NYSDOH will facilitate workgroups for hospitals using the same EHRs. Call and webinar information is posted below, anyone can join but we strongly encourage hospitals with any of these EHRs to participate. Individuals from hospitals with one of the below EHRs that are interested in helping lead discussions related to that EHR may email<> ahead of the meeting.

1.      Cerner Workgroup: November 9th, 10-11am
Meeting link:<>
Meeting number:171 011 3805
Join by phone: 1-518-549-0500 Local
Access code: 171 011 3805

2.      EPIC Workgroup: November 16th, 10-11am
Meeting link:<>
Meeting number: 171 708 1891
Join by phone: 1-518-549-0500 Local
Access code: 171 708 1891

3.      Allscripts: November 17th, 10-11am
Meeting link:<>
Meeting number: 171 443 1644
Join by phone: 1-518-549-0500 Local
Access code: 171 443 1644

4.      Meditech: November 20th, 10-11am
Meeting link:<>
Meeting number: 171 859 5522
Join by phone: 1-518-549-0500 Local
Access code: 171 859 5522

Posted on: 10/28/2020

NYSDOH Sepsis Care Improvement Initiative October 26, 2020 Webinar and Q3 Reporting Update

Dear Colleagues,
2020 Q3 Reporting Update
As a result of the ongoing public health emergency related to COVID-19, the Department had previously eliminated data submission requirements associated with the NYS Sepsis Care Improvement Initiative for 2020 Q1 and Q2. The Department is now eliminating data submission requirements for 2020 Q3 as well.  Submission of data for 2020 Q1, Q2 and Q3 will continue to be optional and the portal will be open until February 28, 2021 for those that are willing and able to submit data for this time period. In addition, there will be no adult or pediatric audit for these quarters. This guidance applies to all hospitals, including sampling and non-sampling hospitals. The NYSDOH will continue to closely monitor the evolving COVID-19 situation and will make changes to data submission deadlines and/or requirements as needed. Thank you for your continued efforts and support during this time. 
Hospitals may submit questions at any time to
October 26, 2020 Update Webinar
The Department would like to invite you to attend a webinar to provide updates on the NYS Sepsis Care Improvement Initiative. The webinar will include an overview of the 2018 Sepsis Public Report and detailed information on changes to the NYS Sepsis Care Improvement Initiative.
The webinar is scheduled for October 26th from 10 - 11am. There is no need to register ahead of time, simply use one of the following ways to join us on that day:
Meeting number: 171 674 0797
Password: Ky256W6mxth
Join by video system
You can also dial and enter your meeting number.
Join by phone
1-518-549-0500 Local
Access code: 171 674 0797
We hope you can attend but if you are unable to make it on that day the webinar will be recorded and slides will be available. If you have any questions please email
Thank you,
The NYSDOH Clinical Sepsis Team
Posted on: 10/20/2020

Hold the date- NYSDOH Sepsis Care Improvement Initiative Announcement, October 26, 2020 event

The Department would like to invite you to attend a webinar to provide updates on the NYS Sepsis Care Improvement Initiative. During this webinar we will offer highlights of the 2018 Sepsis Public Report and we will provide information on changes to the NYS Sepsis Care Improvement Initiative, including the addition of COVID-19 data variables and a move away from manual abstraction.
The webinar is scheduled for October 26th from 10 - 11am. We hope you can attend but if you are unable to make it on that day the webinar will be recorded and slides will be available. 
Please be on the lookout for an announcement in the coming days which will contain a link for you to register to join us. If you have any questions please email
Thank you,
The NYSDOH Clinical Sepsis Team
Posted on: 10/07/2020

NYSDOH Sepsis: 2020 Q1-Q2 Quarterly Reports

Dear Colleagues:

Hospital-specific Sepsis Quarterly Data Reports through 2020-Q2 are available for download on the New York Sepsis Data Collection Portal.  As a result of the ongoing public health emergency related to COVID-19, the Department suspended data submission deadlines associated with the NYS Sepsis Care Improvement Initiative for Q1 and Q2 of 2020If your hospital had the resources and was able to submit cases for sepsis reporting then your hospital will have Q1-Q2 2020 data in the quarterly reports for this time period. If your hospital was unable to report sepsis data then your reports will contain updated 2019 data (if changes were made by your hospital). If you have both adult and pediatric data, you will have two reports available for download. The reports are accessible to your hospitals designated portal user(s). He/she may download the report(s) and disseminate the report internally as deemed appropriate at your hospital.   Please note that although case level detail is not provided in the report, the aggregated data is still considered confidential information and therefore should be disseminated with care.
As a reminder, to access your quarterly report(s), log into the sepsis data portal. Once you are logged in, click on the "Metrics" link in the top navigation. On that page you will see a list of metric reports that have been made available for you to download. If you did not submit data, a metric report is not available for you to download and you will receive a message stating that you have no metric reports available.
If you have forgotten your password to access the sepsis data portal, please click on the link "Reset your password" in the right hand navigation under technical support. If you require access to the sepsis data portal for your hospital, you will need to contact the primary user for your hospital as they have the ability to add users for their hospital. If you do not know who your primary contact is, please submit a ticket to our support desk with the full name of the hospital you are requesting access for along with the PFI number of your hospital as well as your full name. You will then be provided with the contact name within your hospital. Thank you for your attention to the report(s) and your continued efforts at improving sepsis care.  
If you have a colleague who wishes to be added to this notification list he/she may register at: If you previously registered and you are not receiving the notices, please check your spam folder.
Hospitals may submit questions at any time here.
Thank you for your efforts towards keeping NYS healthy and safe,
The Sepsis Team
Posted on: 09/16/2020

NYSDOH Sepsis 2019-2020 Exception Reports - Corrections requested by September 4, 2020

Dear Colleague,
While we recognize that many hospitals were unable to submit sepsis data for 2020, there are hospital who did submit data. These hospitals have requested quarterly reports showing their aggregate data. Towards this end, as a first step we have created exception reports which will be followed in a couple of weeks by the quarterly reports.
The NYSDOH Sepsis Exception Reports are in the sepsis portal and available for download. If you have adult and pediatric cases, you will have two files.
If you had case(s) submitted by your hospital(s) for 2019 or Q1-Q2 2020 data submissions that were in error (for example, not unique patient records; included overlapping admission and discharge dates, etc), you will have a report for download on the portal. Please review all of the fields for the case(s) you delete and then upload the correct case(s). Data correction and resubmission is requested on or before COB on September 4, 2020 to enable your next quarterly report to capture these changes. Cases identified as submitted with these errors will not be pulled into the quarterly reports without your corrective actions. Please note that discharges prior to 1/1/2019 are static therefore your report will only show discharges from January 1, 2019 forward.
Specific instructions for file correction and resubmission are on the sepsis website. You may log in to the portal, click "Data Submission", then "Corrections Reports" to find and download your exception/correction report. The report is available in PDF format posted within this section. Please submit a helpdesk ticket to if you have questions. 
Thank you for helping to ensure that your data and reports are as accurate as possible.
Best regards,
The Sepsis Team
Posted on: 09/01/2020

NYSDOH Sepsis Pediatric Audit Medical Records Request

Dear Colleague:
Effective May 1, 2013 NYSDOH Title 10 New York Codes Rules and Regulations (NYCRR) Sections 405.2 and 405.4 were amended to require that hospitals have in place evidence-based protocols for the early recognition and treatment of patients with severe sepsis and septic shock. Consistent with these regulations, subdivision 7 (i, ii) specified that “medical staff shall be responsible for the collection, use, and reporting of quality measures related to the recognition and treatment of severe sepsis for purposes of internal quality improvement and hospital reporting to the Department."
To help ensure that reported data, which will be used for public reporting of hospital performance measures and for risk adjusted mortality rates, is both accurate and complete, the Department of Health continues to select samples of cases from each hospital for medical record review. The information provided in these sampled medical records is compared to the data dictionary elements submitted by your hospital. 
This pediatric audit covers discharge dates from 7/1/2019 through 12/31/2019. A list of cases selected for validation audit will be uploaded to your hospital folder in Drop Zone today July 27, 2020. Be sure to use the correct medical record request case list (i.e., file ending in 20200724). We are accepting scanned medical records via your Drop Zone account. Your authorized Drop Zone users for your hospital will have access to this case list as well as the ability to upload the medical records. Instructions for medical record submission are detailed below. Please do your best to upload each requested medical record to IPRO by 8/25/2020We do understand a few hospitals may need longer. Be sure to reach out via the helpdesk as the deadline approaches if you need additional time for upload. All medical record file names must be identified by PFI (Permanent Facility Identifier), UPI (Unique Personal Identifier) and due date deadline, in the following format: (PFI_UPI_DueDate) 9999_SMTHJE1234_08252020.
The complete medical record, including Emergency Department and ICU records, and all demographics, laboratory orders and results, medications, progress notes, transfer information, admission and discharge documentation, must be provided for each requested admission. Please submit any questions regarding this request to the Sepsis Help Desk at
For more information, regarding drop zone users may refer to the FAQ’s located at:
Thank you for your continued efforts in providing excellent patient care and for your commitment to accuracy and completeness in your data submissions.
As previously noted, all sepsis announcements are issued through Constant Contact. This enhancement allows interested parties to manage their inclusion or exclusion for sepsis announcements. If there are colleagues who wish to receive these announcements, please direct him/her to subscribe at:
Best regards,
The sepsis team
Posted on: 07/29/2020

NYSDOH Sepsis Care Initiative Announcement, July 1 2020

Dear Colleagues:
The Department continues to consider the implications and impact of COVID-19 on the provider community and hospitals. Therefore at this time, the reporting of sepsis cases to the NYSDOH sepsis portal remains optional. Deadlines have also been suspended for sepsis reporting for those hospitals that are continuing to report voluntarily. The decision to restart regular data submission and quality improvement activities related to the Sepsis initiative will be made after careful consideration of the impact of COVID on NY State, the hospitals, and the health care providers, and we will be closely monitoring all the relevant data.
If your hospital has the resources, and this would not interrupt other activities to abstract and sample for sepsis reporting, then you may continue to submit the cases voluntarily. With regard to eventual reporting of all sepsis cases, the Department will not require that hospitals back-report.
Many hospitals continue to report and submit questions to the helpdesk ( The helpdesk remains open and responsive to your questions regarding individual case reporting and sampling, as well as all other sepsis reporting questions.
Thank you for all your continuous efforts to reduce the impact of COVID in NY State.

Best regards,
The sepsis team


Posted on: 07/01/2020

NYSDOH Sepsis Care Improvement Initiative Announcement, effective March 13, 2020

Dear Colleague:
As a result of the ongoing public health emergency related to COVID-19, the Department is suspending data submission deadlines associated with the NYS Sepsis Care Improvement Initiative. In addition, we will not be requesting sepsis medical records for audit until further notice. The Department recognizes that hospitals need to dedicate important resources to the care of patients at this time and a decision to restart normal data submission and quality improvement activities related to the Sepsis initiative will be closely monitored. 
The Sepsis Help Desk at will remain open and available.
Best regards,
The sepsis team
Posted on: 03/13/2020

NYSDOH Sepsis 2020 Pediatric Data Dictionary Typo Revision

Dear Colleagues:

It has come to our attention that there was a typographical error in the Pediatric Dictionary V2.0 (2020) . Specifically, the PALS criteria for ages 1 to <10 years of age should read SBP<70 + age x 2. This correction was made on Table 1: Age-specific Systolic Blood Pressure Values for Hypotension in the Septic Shock Present section of the data dictionary. The corrected formula is consistent with the cited literature in that table. The revision is available now here.

As a reminder, the NYSDOH has aligned with CMS dictionary releases and will therefore have two Adult and Pediatric data dictionaries for 2020. The next release will be for July 1 discharges to align with the CMS dictionary Q3-Q4, V5.8 . These revised DOH versions are expected to be released to the hospitals by mid to end of April of 2020.  

Should you have any questions you may submit a helpdesk ticket at

Best regards,
The Sepsis Team


Posted on: 03/09/2020

NYSDOH Sepsis 2019 Exception Reports - Corrections due March 9, 2020

Dear Colleague,

The NYSDOH Sepsis Exception Reports are in the sepsis portal and available for download. If you have adult and pediatric cases, you will have two files.

If you had case(s) submitted by your hospital(s) for 2019 data submissions that were in error (for example, not unique patient records; included overlapping admission and discharge dates, etc), you will have a report for download on the portal. Please review all of the fields for the case(s) you delete and then upload the correct case(s). Data correction and resubmission is required on or before COB on March 9, 2020 to enable your next quarterly report to capture these changes. Cases identified as submitted with these errors will not be pulled into the quarterly reports without your corrective actions. Please note that discharges prior to 1/1/2019 are static therefore your report will only show discharges from January 1, 2019 forward.

Specific instructions for file correction and resubmission are on the sepsis website - you may log in to the portal, click "Data Submission", then "Corrections Reports" to find and download your exception/correction report. The report is available in PDF format posted within this section. Please submit a helpdesk ticket to support if you have questions.

Thank you for helping to ensure that your data and reports are as accurate as possible.

Best regards,
The Sepsis Team



Posted on: 03/03/2020

NYSDOH Sepsis: 2020 Measure Specifications & Adult Dictionary Modification V7.1

Dear Colleagues:
The 2020 Adult and Pediatric Measure Specifications have been released:
Changes from the prior year are highlighted to assist in your review.
It has also come to our attention that there was a typo in the 2020 adult data dictionary in the change log. The error/typo is ONLY in the change log. The 2020 Adult Data Dictionary Version 7.1 is available at:
The data template for V7.1 is also posted.
Should you have any questions, you may submit them at any time to
Best regards,
The Sepsis Team
Posted on: 01/21/2020

NYSDOH Sepsis 2020 Adult and Pediatric Data Dictionaries and Primary User Survey Notification

Dear Colleagues:
The NYSDOH Sepsis Improvement Initiative is pleased to release the 2020 Adult Data Dictionary for Severe Sepsis or Septic Shock, Version 7.0 and the Pediatric Data Dictionary for Severe Sepsis or Septic Shock, Version 2.0. Hospitals have requested that the Department align with CMS dictionary release effective dates therefore these data dictionaries are in effect for discharges from 1/1/20 through 6/30/20, aligning with CMS Version 5.7. Hospitals can expect to receive a new dictionary for discharges on or after 7/1/20 which will align with the next CMS dictionary release.
At this time we are asking each hospital primary portal user to validate access to the NYSDOH Sepsis Clinical Data Portal. As you know the portal contains PHI/PII, it is important to ensure that all users are current and are still authorized to have access to the portal. Towards this end, the primary hospital user will receive an email this afternoon with a link to a survey. The survey will include a list of current access emails for which we are seeking validation of the members authority to continue to access your hospital NYSDOH sepsis clinical data. Be aware that completing this survey is one step towards protecting your hospital data. Should the users authority to access the site change at any point, it is the primary users' responsibility to immediately remove that user from the portal or to notify the helpdesk to assist in removal if necessary. 
Should you have any questions you may submit a helpdesk ticket at We ask that you do your best to complete this survey ASAP to ensure the protection of your hospital data. Should you have difficulties in completing this survey before January 3, 2020 please let us know. 
Hospitals may submit questions at any time to
Best wishes for a continued happy and healthy holiday season!
Best regards,
The Sepsis Team
Posted on: 12/26/2019

NYSDOH Sepsis: 2019 Q3 Quarterly Reports

Dear Colleagues:
Hospital-specific Sepsis Quarterly Data Reports through 2019-Q3 are available for download on the New York Sepsis Data Collection Portal.  If you have both adult and pediatric data, you will have two reports available for download. The reports are accessible to your hospitals designated portal user(s). He/she may download the report(s) and disseminate the report internally as deemed appropriate at your hospital.   Please note that although case level detail is not provided in the report, the aggregated data is still considered confidential information and therefore should be disseminated with care.
As a reminder, to access your quarterly report(s), log into the sepsis data portal. Once you are logged in, click on the "Metrics" link in the top navigation. On that page you will see a list of metric reports that have been made available for you to download. If you did not submit data, a metric report is not available for you to download and you will receive a message stating that you have no metric reports available.
If you have forgotten your password to access the sepsis data portal, please click on the link "Reset your password" in the right hand navigation under technical support. If you require access to the sepsis data portal for your hospital, you will need to contact the primary user for your hospital as they have the ability to add users for their hospital. If you do not know who your primary contact is, please submit a ticket to our support desk with the full name of the hospital you are requesting access for along with the PFI number of your hospital as well as your full name. You will then be provided with the contact name within your hospital. Thank you for your attention to the report(s) and your continued efforts at improving sepsis care.  
If you have a colleague who wishes to be added to this notification list he/she may register at: If you previously registered and you are not receiving the notices, please check your spam folder.
Hospitals may submit questions at any time to
We wish you all a happy and healthy holiday season!
The Sepsis Team
Posted on: 12/20/2019

NYSDOH Sepsis Audit Medical Records Request-Due November 4, 2019

Dear Colleague:
Effective May 1, 2013 NYSDOH Title 10 New York Codes Rules and Regulations (NYCRR) Sections 405.2 and 405.4 were amended to require that hospitals have in place evidence-based protocols for the early recognition and treatment of patients with severe sepsis and septic shock. Consistent with these regulations, subdivision 7 (i, ii) specified that “medical staff shall be responsible for the collection, use, and reporting of quality measures related to the recognition and treatment of severe sepsis for purposes of internal quality improvement and hospital reporting to the Department."
To help ensure that reported data, which will be used for public reporting of hospital performance measures and for risk adjusted mortality rates, is both accurate and complete, the Department of Health continues to select samples of cases from each hospital for medical record review. The information provided in these sampled medical records is compared to the data dictionary elements submitted by your hospital. 
This audit covers discharge dates from 1/1/2019 through 6/30/2019. A list of cases selected for validation audit will be uploaded to your hospital folder in Drop Zonetoday October 3, 2019. Be sure to use the correct medical record request case list (i.e., file ending in 20191003). We are accepting scanned medical records via your Drop Zone account. Your authorized Drop Zone users for your hospital will have access to this case list as well as the ability to upload the medical records. Instructions for medical record submission are detailed below.  This request includes two quarters of 2019 which should ease burden in fewer requests, however this request is then naturally larger. Please do your best to upload each requested medical record to IPRO by 11/04/2019. We do understand a few hospitals may need longer. Be sure to reach out via the helpdesk as the deadline approaches if you need additional time for upload. We also appreciate early uploads when convenient for hospitals. All medical record file names must be identified by PFI (Permanent Facility Identifier), UPI (Unique Personal Identifier) and due date deadline, in the following format: (PFI_UPI_DueDate) 9999_SMTHJE1234_11042019.
The complete medical record, including Emergency Department and ICU records, and all demographics, laboratory orders and results, medications, progress notes, transfer information, admission and discharge documentation, must be provided for each requested admission. Please submit any questions regarding this request to the Sepsis Help Desk at
Some hospitals have expressed an interest in submitting a focused and targeted portion of the medical records that were selected for audit. If you are interested in submitting a targeted medical record in lieu of submitting the entire medical record, please submit a helpdesk ticket and provide your contact phone number so we can discuss this possibility. The targeted medical record would need to include all of the documentation to support the data provided for each data element entered by your hospital in the case data submission to the portal.
For more information, regarding drop zone users may refer to the FAQ’s located at:
Thank you for your continued efforts in providing excellent patient care and for your commitment to accuracy and completeness in your data submissions.
As previously noted, all sepsis announcements are issued through Constant Contact. This enhancement allows interested parties to manage their inclusion or exclusion for sepsis announcements. If there are colleagues who wish to receive these announcements, please direct him/her to subscribe at:
Best regards,
The sepsis team
Posted on: 10/03/2019

NYSDOH Sepsis: 2019 Q2 Quarterly Reports

Dear Colleagues:
Hospital-specific Sepsis Quarterly Data Reports through 2019-Q2 are available for download on the portal.  If you have both adult and pediatric data, you will have two reports available for download. The reports are accessible to your hospitals designated portal user(s). He/she may download the report(s) and disseminate the report internally as deemed appropriate at your hospital.   Please note that although case level detail is not provided in the report, the aggregated data is still considered confidential information and therefore should be disseminated with care.
As a reminder, to access your quarterly report(s), log into the sepsis data portal. Once you are logged in, click on the "Metrics" link in the top navigation. On that page you will see a list of metric reports that have been made available for you to download. If you did not submit data, a metric report is not available for you to download and you will receive a message stating that you have no metric reports available.
If you have forgotten your password to access the sepsis data portal, please click on the link "Reset your password" in the right hand navigation under technical support. If you require access to the sepsis data portal for your hospital, you will need to contact the primary user for your hospital as they have the ability to add users for their hospital. If you do not know who your primary contact is, please submit a ticket to our support desk with the full name of the hospital you are requesting access for along with the PFI number of your hospital as well as your full name. You will then be provided with the contact name within your hospital. Thank you for your attention to the report(s) and your continued efforts at improving sepsis care.  
If you have a colleague who wishes to be added to this notification list he/she may register at: If you previously registered and you are not receiving the notices, please check your spam folder.
Hospitals may submit questions at any time to
Best regards,
The Sepsis Team
Posted on: 10/02/2019

NYSDOH Sepsis 2019 Exception Reports - Corrections due September 16, 2019

Dear Colleague,
The NYSDOH Sepsis Exception Reports are in the sepsis portal and available for download. If you have adult and pediatric cases, you will have two files.
If you had case(s) submitted by your hospital(s) for 2019 data submissions that were in error (for example, not unique patient records; included overlapping admission and discharge dates, etc), you will have a report for download on the portal. Please review all of the fields for the case(s) you delete and then upload the correct case(s). Data correction and resubmission is required on or before COB on September 16, 2019 to enable your next quarterly report to capture these changes. Cases identified as submitted with these errors will not be pulled into the quarterly reports without your corrective actions. Please note that discharges prior to 1/1/2019 are static therefore your report will only show discharges from January 1, 2019 forward.
Specific instructions for file correction and resubmission are on the sepsis website. You may log in to the portal, click "Data Submission", then "Corrections Reports" to find and download your exception/correction report. The report is available in PDF format posted within this section. Please submit a helpdesk ticket to if you have questions. 
Thank you for helping to ensure that your data and reports are as accurate as possible.
Best regards,
The Sepsis Team
Posted on: 09/10/2019

NYSDOH Sepsis August 30, 2019 Deadline Reminder & FAQs from 7/22/19 Webex

Dear Colleagues,
The NYSDOH Sepsis Initiative 2018 Audit Reports were disseminated in July. The due date for data corrections is August 30, 2019. All data for calendar year 2018 will be frozen as of midnight on August 31, 2019. After this time, no additional data corrections for discharges prior to 1/1/2019 will be permitted. Your hospital 2018 frozen data will be used for public report and risk adjusted mortality measurement so be sure to make your hospital corrections prior to data close. You may login to the portal at
There was a webinar to review global adult audit results on July 22, 2019. The recording and slides from NYSDOH WebEx are posted to (under “webinars”).  The FAQs from the event are posted to
Thank you for your continued efforts to improve sepsis care. Please submit any questions you have to the helpdesk at
Best regards,
The Sepsis Team
Posted on: 08/19/2019

NYSDOH Sepsis ADULT Audit Reports: Data corrections due by August 30, 2019

Dear Colleagues,
The NYSDOH Sepsis Initiative ADULT Audit Reports for Q3, 2018 are available for download from the portal. The due date for data corrections is August 30, 2019. All data for calendar year 2018 will be frozen as of midnight on August 31, 2019. After this time, no additional data corrections for discharges prior to 1/1/2019 will be permitted. Your hospital 2018 frozen data will be used for public report and risk adjusted mortality measurement so be sure to make your hospital corrections prior to data close. You may login to the portal at
The adult audit report just uploaded includes review of a sample of medical records from Q3, 2018. Hospitals received adult reports covering Q1 and Q2 2018 on April 11 and June 24, respectively. There will NOT be a release of Q4 2018 adult reports. Hospitals are requested to apply the findings from the sample cases of discharges Q1-Q3 2018 to all records within the full 2018 calendar year. Adult audit reports for Q3 were uploaded July 25, 2019 with the file name metrics_yourPFI_20190725 . If you also had pediatric cases in 2018, the pediatric audit report was uploaded July 23, 2019 and the file name was metrics_yourPFI_20190723.
As a reminder, there was a webinar to review global adult audit results on July 22, 2019. The format and functionality of the tableau reports was also reviewed and the event was recorded. The recording and slides from NYSDOH WebEx are posted to (under “webinars”). Note that the most up to date version of Tableau is needed to review the audit reports (the free version is all that is required to utilize the reports).
In the past, feedback from several hospitals indicated that they preferred an excel version of the audit results. To extract an excel version from tableau, follow these steps:
  • Be sure the workbook is in tableau packaged workbook type
  • Right click the file and select "unpackage"
  • Two more files are created when you unpackage. One file is the performance averages. One file is the case-level audit results.
  • Click the file of choice and it will open in excel
If you cannot unpackage and need assistance, please submit a helpdesk ticket and we will be happy to assist and send your hospital data in excel via drop zone.
Thank you for your continued efforts to improve sepsis care. Please submit any questions you have to the helpdesk at
Best regards,
The Sepsis Team
Posted on: 07/29/2019

NYSDOH Sepsis Pediatric Audit Reports: Data corrections due by August 30, 2019

Dear Colleagues,
The NYSDOH Sepsis Initiative Pediatric Audit Reports for 2018 are available for download from the portal. The due date for data corrections is August 30, 2019. All data for calendar year 2018 will be frozen as of midnight on August 31, 2019. After this time, no additional data corrections for discharges prior to 1/1/2019 will be permitted. Your hospital 2018 frozen data will be used for public report and risk adjusted mortality measurement so be sure to make your hospital corrections prior to data close. You may login to the portal at
Pediatric audit reports include the entire 2018 calendar year. Adult audit reports are schedule to be released by the end of the day on Friday.
As a reminder, there was a webinar to review the format and functionality of the tableau reports which was recorded at the time of the event. The recording and slides from NYSDOH WebEx of July 22, 2019 are posted to (under “webinars”).  Note that the most up to date version of Tableau is needed (the free version is all that is required to utilize the reports).
In the past, feedback from several hospitals indicated that they preferred an excel version of the audit results. To extract an excel version from tableau, follow these steps:
  • Be sure the workbook is in tableau packaged workbook type
  • Right click the file and select "unpackage"
  • Two more files are created when you unpackage. One file is the performance averages. One file is the case-level audit results.
  • Click the file of choice and it will open in excel
If you cannot unpackage and need assistance, please submit a helpdesk ticket and we will be happy to assist and send your hospital data in excel via drop zone.
Thank you for your continued efforts to improve sepsis care. Please submit any questions you have to the helpdesk at
Best regards,
The Sepsis Team
Posted on: 07/29/2019

NYSDOH Sepsis: Quarterly Rpts, Measure change, and Reminder of 7/22 Webex

Dear Colleagues:
Hospital-specific Sepsis Data Reports through 2019-Q1 are available for download on the New York Sepsis Data Collection Portal at  If you have both adult and pediatric data, you will have two reports available for download. The reports are accessible to your hospitals designated portal user(s). He/she may download the report(s) and disseminate the report internally as deemed appropriate at your hospital.   Please note that although case level detail is not provided in the report, the aggregated data is still considered confidential information and therefore should be disseminated with care.
As a reminder, to access your quarterly report(s), log into the sepsis data portal. Once you are logged in, click on the "Metrics" link in the top navigation. On that page you will see a list of metric reports that have been made available for you to download. If you did not submit data, a metric report is not available for you to download and you will receive a message stating that you have no metric reports available.
If you have forgotten your password to access the sepsis data portal, please click on the link "Reset your password" in the right hand navigation under technical support. If you require access to the sepsis data portal for your hospital, you will need to contact the primary user for your hospital as they have the ability to add users for their hospital. If you do not know who your primary contact is, please submit a ticket to our support desk with the full name of the hospital you are requesting access for along with the PFI number of your hospital as well as your full name. You will then be provided with the contact name within your hospital. Thank you for your attention to the report(s) and your continued efforts at improving sepsis care.  
2019 Adult Measure Specifications were modified to align with the CMS measure for vasopressors which does not include a lower bound. For a copy of the revised measure specifications, please visit
Webex Reminder
The NYSDOH will hold a 90 minute WebEx on July 22, 2019 at 10am to review the adult sepsis audit reports. Please register for the event at 
Hospitals may submit questions at any time to
Best regards,
The Sepsis Team
Posted on: 07/12/2019

NYSDOH Sepsis Adult Audit Reports Released 6/24/2019 - Upcoming Webex July 22, 2019

Dear Colleagues,
The NYSDOH Sepsis Initiative Adult Audit Reports for Quarter 2, 2018 are available and have been uploaded to the sepsis portal under the "metrics" tab today Monday, 6/24/2019. Note that the reports are not in drop zone where they were posted in the past but are in the portal (where you recently received quarterly reports). These reports contain case level PHI therefore it is important to follow hospital security protocol regarding distribution, sharing, and storing your file.
We will hold a 90 minute WebEx on July 22, 2019 at 10am. Please register for the event at In the meantime, please note that a recorded webinar to review the format and functionality of the tableau reports was held last year on June 20, 2018. The recording and slides from NYSDOH WebEx of June 20, 2018 are posted to (under “webinars”). When viewing this recording, please disregard the reference to the Data Dictionary discussion as this refers to a different year of collection but the tableau functionality and format remains the same. There is also a Tableau Users Guide posted.
We hope hospitals are able to take full advantage of the case level drill down functionality within tableau but understand that some hospitals prefer to view the data in excel. To extract an excel version from tableau, see slides 36-37 from the presentation or follow these steps:
  • Be sure the workbook is in tableau packaged workbook type
  • Right click the file and select "unpackage"
  • Two more files are created when you unpackage. One file is the performance averages. One file is the case-level audit results.
  • Click the file of choice and it will open in excel
If you cannot unpackage and need assistance, please submit a helpdesk ticket and we will be happy to assist and send your hospital data in excel via drop zone.
Also note that you may need to update your free version of tableau; the most recent version of tableau is needed to review the reports.
Thank you for your continued efforts to improve sepsis care. Please submit any questions you have to the helpdesk at
Best regards,
The Sepsis Team
Posted on: 06/26/2019

NYSDOH Sepsis Initiative: Opportunity to participate in a pilot

Dear Hospital,
The New York State Department of Health (Department) is pleased to announce a pilot for a new, interactive Tableau-based quarterly sepsis report that seeks to allow hospitals enhanced insight into their clinical sepsis data. In an effort to improve quarterly sepsis reports, the Department has collaborated with Northwell Health’s Krasnoff Quality Management Institute (KQMI) and IPRO to offer hospitals in NYS a new tool to help address the many challenges of managing the early detection and timely, appropriate interventions to improve the chances of survival and good outcomes for patients of all ages.
The Department is seeking hospitals that are interested in testing Tableau-based quarterly report beginning in September 2019. Tableau is an interactive data visualization tool that transforms data into a dashboard and allows users to simplify raw data into an easy, understandable and actionable format. 
This is a voluntary pilot, and hospitals that choose to participate should be aware of the following conditions:
·        Interested hospitals will continue to receive quarterly reports in the existing PDF format through the duration of the pilot;
·        Interested hospitals must be willing and able, at a minimum, to install a no-cost, up-to-date reader version of Tableau. IT support should be available within the hospital to accomplish this. Department support for installing Tableau will not be available in the pilot;
·        Unlike the traditional Quarterly Sepsis reports in PDF, the Tableau-based Quarterly reports will include hospitals’ patients PHI and PII (as part of the underlying table) to allow hospitals to drill-down on specific cases for further analysis. Hospitals that choose to participate in the pilot must exercise caution when using and sharing Tableau-based Quarterly reports to limit exposure of PHI/PII to only those authorized to have access to patient level information;
·        The Department will host an instructional rollout webinar for pilot participants to provide a walkthrough of the report and to answer any questions;
·        Interested hospitals must be willing to provide user experience feedback to the Department;
·        Space is limited to approximately 10 hospitals in this pilot program.  
If you are interested in participating in this pilot, please email by July 5th, 2019 with your name, your title, the name of your hospital and your hospital PFI number. If you have any questions related to the pilot, please email the Department at
Thank you,
The NYSDOH Sepsis Team
Posted on: 06/21/2019

NYSDOH Sepsis 2019 Q1 Exception Reports - Corrections due June 10, 2019

Dear Colleague,
The NYSDOH Sepsis Exception Reports are in the sepsis portal and available for download.
If you had case(s) submitted by your hospital(s) for 2018 or 2019 data submissions that were in error (for example, not unique patient records; included overlapping admission and discharge dates, etc), you will have a report for download on the portal. Please review all of the fields for the case(s) you delete and then upload the correct case(s). Data correction and resubmission is required on or before COB on June 10, 2019 to enable your next quarterly report to capture these changes. Cases identified as submitted with these errors will not be pulled into the quarterly reports without your corrective actions. Please note that discharges prior to 1/1/2018 are static therefore your report will only show discharges from January 1, 2018 forward.
Specific instructions for file correction and resubmission are on the sepsis website. You may log in to the portal, click "Data Submission", then "Corrections Reports" to find and download your exception/correction report. The report is available in PDF format posted within this section. Please submit a helpdesk ticket to if you have questions. 
Thank you for helping to ensure that your data and reports are as accurate as possible.
Best regards,
The Sepsis Team
Posted on: 06/05/2019

NYSDOH Sepsis reminder of important action due dates

Dear Colleagues,
This is a courtesy reminder of upcoming NYSDOH Sepsis Improvement Initiative Due Dates:
  • Quarterly data submission for discharges for 1/1/2019 through 3/31/2019 is due this Friday, May 31, 2019. Note that pediatric data submissions are uploaded following the pediatric data dictionary for 2019 discharges. Data dictionaries may be found at
  • Two separate medical record requests were sent to complete the audit selection of 2018 discharges. The requests were uploaded to your hospital drop zone folders.
  • April 29, 2019 a case list of medical records selected for audit for discharges spanning from 7/1/2018 to 9/30/2018 was uploaded with a due date of May 31, 2019.
  • May 10, 2019 a case list of medical records selected for audit for discharges spanning from 10/1/2018 to 12/31/2018 was uploaded with a due date of June 10, 2019.
  • The complete medical record, including Emergency Department and ICU records, and all demographics, laboratory orders and results, medications, progress notes, transfer information, admission and discharge documentation, must be provided for each requested admission. Please submit any questions regarding this request to the Sepsis Help Desk at For more information, regarding drop zone users may refer to the FAQ’s located at:
The Department released a template for health system data requests which may be downloaded at . This template assists in both streamlining requests and ensuring uniformity. It also clarifies the need for annual re-request. It is important to remember that your hospital is responsible for these data which may contain protected health information.
As previously noted, all sepsis announcements are issued through Constant Contact. This enhancement allows interested parties to manage their inclusion or exclusion for sepsis announcements. If there are colleagues who wish to receive these announcements, please direct him/her to subscribe at:
Best regards,
The sepsis team
Posted on: 05/29/2019

NYSDOH Sepsis Audit Medical Records Request-Due June 10, 2019

Dear Colleague:
Effective May 1, 2013 NYSDOH Title 10 New York Codes Rules and Regulations (NYCRR) Sections 405.2 and 405.4 were amended to require that hospitals have in place evidence-based protocols for the early recognition and treatment of patients with severe sepsis and septic shock. Consistent with these regulations, subdivision 7 (i, ii) specified that “medical staff shall be responsible for the collection, use, and reporting of quality measures related to the recognition and treatment of severe sepsis for purposes of internal quality improvement and hospital reporting to the Department."
To help ensure that reported data, which will be used for public reporting of hospital performance measures and for risk adjusted mortality rates, is both accurate and complete, the Department of Health continues to select samples of cases from each hospital for medical record review. The information provided in these sampled medical records is compared to the data dictionary elements submitted by your hospital. 
This audit covers discharge dates from 10/1/2018 through 12/31/2018. A list of cases selected for validation audit was uploaded to your hospital folder in Drop Zone on Friday, May 10, 2019. Be sure to use the correct medical record request case list (i.e., file ending in 20190510). We are accepting scanned medical records via your Drop Zone account. Your authorized Drop Zone users for your hospital will have access to this case list as well as the ability to upload the medical records. Instructions for medical record submission are detailed below. Each requested medical record must be uploaded to IPRO by 6/10/2019. We appreciate early uploads when convenient for hospitals. All medical record file names must be identified by PFI (Permanent Facility Identifier), UPI (Unique Personal Identifier) and due date deadline, in the following format: (PFI_UPI_DueDate) 9999_SMTHJE1234_06102019.
The complete medical record, including Emergency Department and ICU records, and all demographics, laboratory orders and results, medications, progress notes, transfer information, admission and discharge documentation, must be provided for each requested admission. Please submit any questions regarding this request to the Sepsis Help Desk at
Some hospitals have expressed an interest in submitting a focused and targeted portion of the medical records that were selected for audit. If you are interested in submitting a targeted medical record in lieu of submitting the entire medical record, please submit a helpdesk ticket and provide your contact phone number so we can discuss this possibility. The targeted medical record would need to include all of the documentation to support the data provided for each data element entered by your hospital in the case data submission to the portal.
For more information, regarding drop zone users may refer to the FAQ’s located at:
Thank you for your continued efforts in providing excellent patient care and for your commitment to accuracy and completeness in your data submissions.
As previously noted, all sepsis announcements are issued through Constant Contact. This enhancement allows interested parties to manage their inclusion or exclusion for sepsis announcements. If there are colleagues who wish to receive these announcements, please direct him/her to subscribe here.
The 2017 Sepsis Public Report is now live. Please see the link below
Best regards,
The sepsis team
Posted on: 05/13/2019

NYSDOH Sepsis Audit Medical Records Request-Due May 31, 2019

Dear Colleague:
Effective May 1, 2013 NYSDOH Title 10 New York Codes Rules and Regulations (NYCRR) Sections 405.2 and 405.4 were amended to require that hospitals have in place evidence-based protocols for the early recognition and treatment of patients with severe sepsis and septic shock. Consistent with these regulations, subdivision 7 (i, ii) specified that “medical staff shall be responsible for the collection, use, and reporting of quality measures related to the recognition and treatment of severe sepsis for purposes of internal quality improvement and hospital reporting to the Department."
To help ensure that reported data, which will be used for public reporting of hospital performance measures and for risk adjusted mortality rates, is both accurate and complete, the Department of Health continues to select samples of cases from each hospital for medical record review. The information provided in these sampled medical records is compared to the data dictionary elements submitted by your hospital. 
This audit covers discharge dates from 7/1/2018 through 9/30/2018. A list of cases selected for validation audit will be uploaded to your hospital folder in Drop Zone byclose of business today. Be sure to use the correct medical record request case list (i.e., file ending in 20190429). We are accepting scanned medical records via your Drop Zone account. Your authorized Drop Zone users for your hospital will have access to this case list as well as the ability to upload the medical records. Instructions for medical record submission are detailed below. Each requested medical record must be uploaded to IPRO by 5/31/2019We appreciate early uploads when convenient for hospitals. All medical record file names must be identified by PFI (Permanent Facility Identifier), UPI (Unique Personal Identifier) and due date deadline, in the following format: 
The complete medical record, including Emergency Department and ICU records, and all demographics, laboratory orders and results, medications, progress notes, transfer information, admission and discharge documentation, must be provided for each requested admission. Please submit any questions regarding this request to the Sepsis Help Desk at
Some hospitals have expressed an interest in submitting a focused and targeted portion of the medical records that were selected for audit. If you are interested in submitting a targeted medical record in lieu of submitting the entire medical record, please submit a helpdesk ticket and provide your contact phone number so we can discuss this possibility. The targeted medical record would need to include all of the documentation to support the data provided for each data element entered by your hospital in the case data submission to the portal.
For more information, regarding drop zone users may refer to the FAQ’s located at:
Thank you for your continued efforts in providing excellent patient care and for your commitment to accuracy and completeness in your data submissions.
As previously noted, all sepsis announcements are issued through Constant Contact. This enhancement allows interested parties to manage their inclusion or exclusion for sepsis announcements. If there are colleagues who wish to receive these announcements, please direct him/her to subscribe at:
The 2017 Sepsis Public Report is now live. Please see the link below:
Best regards,
The Sepsis Team
Posted on: 04/30/2019

NYSDOH Sepsis Adult Audit Reports Released 4/12/2019

Dear Colleagues,
The NYSDOH Sepsis Initiative Adult Audit Reports for Quarter 1, 2018 are available and have been uploaded to the sepsis portal under the "metrics" tab today Friday, 4/12/2019.  Note that the reports are not in drop zone where they were posted in the past but are in the portal (where you recently received quarterly reports). These reports contain case level PHI therefore it is important to follow hospital security protocol regarding distribution, sharing, and storing your file.
We will hold a WebEx in the coming weeks to review high level results and will send a date and time announcement when finalized. There was a past webinar to review the format and functionality of the tableau reports which was recorded at the time of the event on June 20, 2018. The recording and slides from NYSDOH WebEx of June 20, 2018 are posted to (under “webinars”). When viewing this recording, please disregard the reference to the Data Dictionary discussion as this refers to a different year of collection but the tableau functionality and format remains the same. There is also a Tableau Users Guide posted.
We hope hospitals are able to take full advantage of the case level drill down functionality within tableau but understand that some hospitals prefer to view the data in excel. To extract an excel version from tableau, see slides 36-37 from the presentation or follow these steps:
  • Be sure the workbook is in tableau packaged workbook type
  • Right click the file and select "unpackage"
  • Two more files are created when you unpackage. One file is the performance averages. One file is the case-level audit results.
  • Click the file of choice and it will open in excel
If you cannot unpackage and need assistance, please submit a helpdesk ticket and we will be happy to assist and send your hospital data in excel via drop zone.
Also note that you may need to update your free version of tableau to enable best viewing of the reports.
Thank you for your continued efforts to improve sepsis care. Please submit any questions you have to the helpdesk at
Best regards,
The Sepsis Team
Posted on: 04/15/2019

NYSDOH Sepsis: 2019 Measure Specifications & Adult Dictionary Modification V6.3

Dear Colleagues:
The 2019 Adult and Pediatric Measure Specifications have been released ( Changes from the prior year are highlighted to assist in your review.
The 2019 Adult Measure Specifications have resulted in a few minor changes to the notes for abstraction for a few data elements in the Adult Data Dictionary. We have released a revised Adult Sepsis Data Dictionary (v6.3) to capture the issues. Specifically:
On page 37 of the dictionary, “Adult Crystalloid Fluid Administration must be completed if (Septic Shock Present = 1 or Initial Hypotension = 1 or Initial Lactate Level >=4) and patient >=18 years old” is changed to ”Adult Crystalloid Fluid Administration must be completed if (Septic Shock Present = 1 or Initial Hypotension = 1) and patient >=18 years old”.
On page 58, “In some cases, the crystalloid fluid will be infusing prior to the time of presentation of Initial Hypotension, an Initial Lactate Level Result >=4 mmol/L, or physician/APN/PA Documentation of Septic Shock; if so, use the date the unit of fluid was started or hung.” is changed to “In some cases, the crystalloid fluid will be infusing prior to the time of presentation of Initial Hypotension, or physician/APN/PA Documentation of Septic Shock; if so, use the date the unit of fluid was started or hung.” 
On page 66, “If Initial Lactate Level >= 4 mmol/L, then Adult Crystalloid Fluids Administration MUST be completed.” is removed from the dictionary. 
Hospitals may submit questions at any time to
Best regards,
The Sepsis Team
Posted on: 04/03/2019

NYSDOH Sepsis: Quarterly Rpts, sampling opt-in, portal downtime, & clarification

Dear Colleagues:
Hospital-specific Sepsis Data Reports through 2018-Q4 are available for download on the New York Sepsis Data Collection Portal at  If you have both adult and pediatric data, you will have two reports available for download. The reports are accessible to your hospitals designated portal user(s). He/she may download the report(s) and disseminate the report internally as deemed appropriate at your hospital.   Please note that although case level detail is not provided in the report, the aggregated data is still considered confidential information and therefore should be disseminated with care.
As a reminder, to access your quarterly report(s), log into the sepsis data portal. Once you are logged in, click on the "Metrics" link in the top navigation. On that page you will see a list of metric reports that have been made available for you to download. If you did not submit data, a metric report is not available for you to download and you will receive a message stating that you have no metric reports available.
If you have forgotten your password to access the sepsis data portal, please click on the link "Reset your password" in the right hand navigation under technical support. If you require access to the sepsis data portal for your hospital, you will need to contact the primary user for your hospital as they have the ability to add users for their hospital. If you do not know who your primary contact is, please submit a ticket to our support desk with the full name of the hospital you are requesting access for along with the PFI number of your hospital as well as your full name. You will then be provided with the contact name within your hospital. Thank you for your attention to the report(s) and your continued efforts at improving sepsis care.  
2019 Sampling Opt-In Deadline is approaching. The due date for opting-in to sampling for 2019 is March 31, 2019. Materials from the 1/17/2019 NYSDOH Sepsis 2019 Sampling Webex are available under the sampling tab of the portal and may also be found in the knowledge library section:
  • The list of eligible hospitals is under documentation
  • Power Point and Recorded event is under Webinars
  • Opt in form is under the sampling section after log in.
Please verify that your hospital is eligible to sample prior to opting in.
Sepsis Website Downtime ( The site will be down from 3/27 through to 3/29 to perform a maintenance upgrade in order to improve site security. We expect that the site will be available once again at the end of the day on Friday, March 29th.
2019 Adult dictionary clarification:
NYS continues to align our data dictionary with CMS specifications to ensure consistent data abstraction. In the 2019 NYS data dictionary and for 2019 NYS data collection, the definitions of eligible cases that meet criteria for severe sepsis and septic shock presentation are aligned with CMS definitions. These severe sepsis and septic shock presentation definitions address viral, fungal and parasitic infections as outlined in the February 2019 webex. 
Cases that are ultimately determined to be due to viral or other non-bacterial etiologies after presentation and, if shock is present, later than 6 hours after presentation of shock, would still be included in the eligible population. All cases with infection of unknown etiology and cases with viral infection with bacterial supra-infection should be reported.
  • CMS specifications include the combination of infection, SIRs and organ dysfunction to identify severe sepsis, or, alternatively, clinician documentation of severe sepsis. The CMS specifications (notes for abstraction) stipulate that infections documented to be known viral, fungal or parasitic infections should not be used to establish the infection criterion for severe sepsis present. Infections/suspected infections of unknown etiology should be used to establish the infection criterion for severe sepsis present, and viral infections with suspected supra-infection should also be used to establish the infection criterion for severe sepsis present. If severe sepsis is met by clinician documentation only, and the documentation indicates that severe sepsis is due to a viral, fungal or parasitic infection, this documentation of severe sepsis should not be used.
  • For cases with septic shock, CMS specifications indicate that if within 6 hours of septic shock clinical criteria met or clinician documentation of septic shock there isadditional explicit clinician documentation that septic shock is known to be due only to viral, fungal, or parasitic infection-septic shock “not present” should be chosen.
Hospitals may submit questions at any time to
Best regards,
The Sepsis Team
Posted on: 03/21/2019

NYSDOH 2019 Revised Sepsis Adult Data Dictionary Format Issue

Dear Colleagues:
The NYSDOH Sepsis Improvement Initiative has modified the 2019 Adult Data Dictionary for Severe Sepsis or Shock (now Adult Version 6.2). You may download the new dictionaries at
Specifically, the Adult Data Dictionary included a formatting discrepancy between the adult and the pediatric data dictionary regarding date of birth which was causing confusion among hospitals. The Adult Data Dictionary has been aligned in formatting to the Pediatric format representing an ISO certification date standard. All other dates in the adult and the pediatric data dictionaries are ISO certification date standards.
Thank you for your attention to this correction.
Hospitals may submit questions at any time to
Best regards,
The Sepsis Team
Posted on: 03/06/2019

NYSDOH Sepsis 2018 Exception Reports

Dear Colleague,
The NYSDOH Sepsis Exception Reports are in the sepsis portal and available for download (
If you had case(s) submitted by your hospital(s) for 2018 data submissions that were in error (for example, not unique patient records; included overlapping admission and discharge dates, etc), you will have a report for download on the portal. Please review all of the fields for the case(s) you delete and then upload the correct case(s). Data correction and resubmission is required on or before COB on March 11, 2019 to enable your next quarterly report to capture these changes. Cases identified as submitted with these errors will not be pulled into the quarterly reports without your corrective actions. Please note that discharges prior to 1/1/2018 are static therefore your report will only show discharges from January 1, 2018 forward.
Specific instructions for file correction and resubmission are on the sepsis website ( You may log in to the portal, click "Data Submission", then "Corrections Reports" to find and download your exception/correction report. The report is available in PDF format posted within this section. Please submit a helpdesk ticket to if you have questions. 
Thank you for helping to ensure that your data and reports are as accurate as possible.
Best regards,
The Sepsis Team
Posted on: 03/05/2019
Dear Colleagues:
The NYSDOH Sepsis Improvement Initiative has modified the 2019 Data Dictionary for Severe Sepsis or Shock (now Adult Version 6.1 and Pediatric Version 1.1). You may download the new dictionaries at Specifically, the changes to the Adult Data Dictionary include:
  • A modification to Pregnancy Status with an additional value added; and
  • Clarifying language regarding infection with sole source viral, parasitic, or fungal infection.
As a reminder, the Department has aligned with the CMS Version 5.6 in an effort to ensure consistent data capture for the full year and, in recognition of the important changes in this release. Be sure to use Version 5.6 for discharges beginning on or after 1/1/2019.
The change to the Pediatric Data Dictionary was to provide clarification regardingMechanical Ventilation_End DateTime:
  • Documented extubation time can be used for end of mechanical ventilation if not otherwise documented. This may be defined as successful extubation or completion time of the withdrawl of NIV support.
  • The following existing abstraction points still apply:
  • The datetime of the clinician’s order for mechanical ventilation extubation is not acceptable.
  • If the patient is discharge or transferred with mechanical ventilation, use Discharge Datetime.
  • If a patient was only intubated for surgery and was able to be extubated, then mechanical ventilation would not apply.

As the dictionaries were being modified, the data collection portal was temporarily down for accepting cases for 2019. The portal has now been reopened to accept 2019 cases.
Hospitals may submit questions at any time to

Best regards,

The Sepsis Team

Posted on: 03/04/2019

NYSDOH Sepsis Sampling Docs Recording Posted, Reminder Upcoming Event and Deadline

Dear Colleague,
Materials from the 1/17/2019 NYSDOH Sepsis 2019 Sampling Webex are available:
  • The list of eligible hospitals is under documentation
  • Power Point and Recorded event is under Webinars
  • Opt in form is under the sampling section after log in.
Note that your deadline for opting in to sampling is March 31, 2019. Verify that you are eligible prior to opting in.
2019 Upcoming WebEx Event
NYSDOH Sepsis 2019 Updates: Wednesday, February 13, 2019 9:30am - 11am
During this event 2019 updates for the NYSDOH Sepsis Initiative will be provide. Register for the event at:
Should you have any questions please submit a helpdesk ticket to: Sepsis Help Desk at
Best regards,
The Sepsis Team
Posted on: 01/22/2019

NYSDOH Sepsis 2019 Upcoming Webex Events and Quarterly Reports 2018-Q3 Release

Dear Colleague,
Hospital-specific Sepsis Data Reports through 2018-Q3 are available for download on the New York Sepsis Data Collection Portal. If you have both adult and pediatric data, you will have two reports available for download. The reports are accessible to your hospitals designated portal user(s). He/she may download the report(s) and disseminate the report internally as deemed appropriate at your hospital. Please note that although case level detail is not provided in the report, the aggregated data is still considered confidential information and therefore should be disseminated with care.
As a reminder, to access your quarterly report(s), log into the sepsis data portal. Once you are logged in, click on the "Metrics" link in the top navigation. On that page you will see a list of metric reports that have been made available for you to download. If you did not submit data, a metric report is not available for you to download and you will receive a message stating that you have no metric reports available.
If you have forgotten your password to access the sepsis data portal, please click on the link "Reset your password" in the right hand navigation under technical support. If you require access to the sepsis data portal for your hospital, you will need to contact the primary user for your hospital as they have the ability to add users for their hospital. If you do not know who your primary contact is, please submit a ticket to our support desk with the full name of the hospital you are requesting access for along with the PFI number of your hospital as well as your full name. You will then be provided with the contact name within your hospital. Thank you for your attention to the report(s) and your continued efforts at improving sepsis care.  
2019 Upcoming WebEx Events
NYSDOH Sepsis 2019 Sampling Update: Thursday, January 17, 2019 11am -12noon
During this event, the NYSDOH will discuss the sepsis sampling process and provide details for 2019 eligible hospitals to opt-in for sepsis sample reporting. The list of hospitals eligible for sampling may be found here. Register for the event at:
NYSDOH Sepsis 2019 Updates: Wednesday, February 13, 2019 9:30am - 11am
During this event 2019 updates for the NYSDOH Sepsis Initiative will be provide. Register for the event at:
Should you have any questions please submit a helpdesk ticket to
Best regards,
The Sepsis Team


Posted on: 01/10/2019

NYSDOH Sepsis 2019 Adult Data Dictionary

Dear Colleagues:
The NYSDOH Sepsis Improvement Initiative is pleased to release the 2019 Adult Data Dictionary for Severe Sepsis or Shock, Version 6.0. You may download the new dictionary at The Department has aligned with the CMS Version 5.6 in an effort to ensure consistent data capture for the full year and, in recognition of the important changes in this release. Be sure to use Version 5.6 for discharges beginning on or after 1/1/2019.
As a reminder:
  • A validation sample request for discharges in 2018Q2 was distributed on 12/19/2018. In recognition of the holidays, additional time was granted for medical record submission. These records are due on or before 1/31/2019.
  • The power point and recording from the 12/14/2018 web ex is posted to the website for download and review. As noted during the web ex, the Department is planning to schedule a webinar in February to review measure specifications and dictionaries for 2019 in addition to providing an opportunity for questions.
  • Hospitals may submit questions at any time to
Best wishes for a happy and healthy holiday season!
Best regards,
The Sepsis Team


Posted on: 12/27/2018


Dear Colleague:
Effective May 1, 2013 NYSDOH Title 10 New York Codes Rules and Regulations (NYCRR) Sections 405.2 and 405.4 were amended to require that hospitals have in place evidence-based protocols for the early recognition and treatment of patients with severe sepsis and septic shock. Consistent with these regulations, subdivision 7 (i, ii) specified that “medical staff shall be responsible for the collection, use, and reporting of quality measures related to the recognition and treatment of severe sepsis for purposes of internal quality improvement and hospital reporting to the Department."
To help ensure that reported data, which will be used for public reporting of hospital performance measures and for risk adjusted mortality rates, is both accurate and complete, the Department of Health continues to select samples of cases from each hospital for medical record review. The information provided in these sampled medical records is compared to the data dictionary elements submitted by your hospital. 
This audit covers discharge dates from 4/1/2018 through 6/30/2018. A list of cases selected for validation audit will be uploaded to your hospital folder in Drop Zone byclose of business today. Be sure to use the correct medical record request case list (i.e., file ending in 20181219). We are accepting scanned medical records via your Drop Zone account. Your authorized Drop Zone users for your hospital will have access to this case list as well as the ability to upload the medical records. Instructions for medical record submission are detailed below. Each requested medical record must be uploaded to IPRO by 1/31/2019. We appreciate early uploads when convenient for hospitals. All medical record file names must be identified by PFI (Permanent Facility Identifier), UPI (Unique Personal Identifier) and due date deadline, in the following format: (PFI_UPI_DueDate)9999_SMTHJE1234_01312019.
The complete medical record, including Emergency Department and ICU records, and all demographics, laboratory orders and results, medications, progress notes, transfer information, admission and discharge documentation, must be provided for each requested admission. Please submit any questions regarding this request to the Sepsis Help Desk at
Some hospitals have expressed an interest in submitting a focused and targeted portion of the medical records that were selected for audit. If you are interested in submitting a targeted medical record in lieu of submitting the entire medical record, please submit a helpdesk ticket and provide your contact phone number so we can discuss this possibility. The targeted medical record would need to include all of the documentation to support the data provided for each data element entered by your hospital in the case data submission to the portal.
For more information, regarding drop zone users may refer to the FAQ’s located at:
Thank you for your continued efforts in providing excellent patient care and for your commitment to accuracy and completeness in your data submissions.
As previously noted, all sepsis announcements are issued through Constant Contact. This enhancement allows interested parties to manage their inclusion or exclusion for sepsis announcements. If there are colleagues who wish to receive these announcements, please direct him/her to subscribe at:
Best regards,
The Sepsis Team
Posted on: 12/19/2018

2019 NYSDOH Pediatric Data Dictionary and WebEx Reminder

Reminder and NYSDOH 2019 Pediatric Data Dictionary Release

Dear Colleagues:

In 2019 the NYSDOH Sepsis Improvement Initiative will begin collecting pediatric sepsis data using a dedicated Pediatric Data Dictionary for Severe Sepsis or Shock ( Through the efforts of your colleagues on the Pediatric Sepsis Advisory Committee and your hospital associations, we are pleased to release this dictionary which will be reviewed during a webinar on December 14, 2018 at 9am. Please register for the event at The event will be recorded and available for review within a couple of days post event. During the event we will review the purpose of the changes and go through various data elements in detail to ensure consistent reporting across the state. The full meeting agenda is listed below. We look forward to your participation during the event. You may download the new dictionary at on or after December 13, 2018.

Webex Agenda 12/14/2018 at 9am

Pediatric Data Dictionary
Pediatric Intake System
Adult Update
Health System Data Requests
Sampling Reminder
Regulation Update

Additionally, the NYSDOH has granted an extension for the exception reports related to 2018Q3 to Friday 12/14/2018 to enable hospitals to correct their sepsis data prior to quarterly report generation.

Best regards,

The Sepsis Team

Posted on: 12/14/2018

NYSDOH Sepsis Upcoming Web: 2019 Pediatric Data Dictionary and More

Dear Colleagues:

In 2019 the NYSDOH Sepsis Improvement Initiative will begin collecting pediatric sepsis data using a dedicated Pediatric Data Dictionary for Severe Sepsis or Shock. Through the efforts of your colleagues on the Pediatric Sepsis Advisory Committee and your hospital associations, we are pleased to release this dictionary which will be reviewed during a webinar on December 14, 2018 at 9am. Please register for the event at The event will be recorded and available for review within a couple of days post event. During the event we will review the purpose of the changes and go through various data elements in detail to ensure consistent reporting across the state. The full meeting agenda is listed below. We look forward to your participation during the event. You may download the new dictionary at on or after December 13, 2018.

Webex Agenda 12/14/2018 at 9am

Pediatric Data Dictionary
Pediatric Intake System
Adult Update
Health System Data Requests
Sampling Reminder
Regulation Update

Additionally, the NYSDOH has granted an extension for the exception reports related to 2018Q3 to Friday 12/14/2018 to enable hospitals to correct their sepsis data prior to quarterly report generation.

Health System Data Requests Guidance

Best regards,
The Sepsis Team

Posted on: 12/14/2018


Effective November 14, 2018, the Medical Staff - Sepsis Protocol regulations at 10 NYCRR Part 405.4 have been amended to no longer require hospitals to send protocols to the Department (via IPRO) each time they are updated by the hospital.  Importantly, hospitals are still required to maintain and update sepsis protocols based on newly emerging evidence-based standards, and the Department still retains the authority to request sepsis protocols at any time.  However, the Department will no longer require protocols to be approved prior to implementation.

For additional information on all changes to the regulation, please see the following link:

Posted on: 12/11/2018

NYSDOH Sepsis 2018Q1-Q2 Exception Reports

Dear Colleague,
The NYSDOH Sepsis Exception Reports are in the sepsis portal and available for download.
If you had case(s) submitted by your hospital(s) for 2018 data submissions that were in error (for example, not unique patient records; included overlapping admission and discharge dates, etc), you will have a report for download on the portal. Please review all of the fields for the case(s) you delete and then upload the correct case(s). Data correction and resubmission is required on or before COB on December 10, 2018 to enable your next quarterly report to capture these changes. Cases identified as submitted with these errors will not be pulled into the quarterly reports without your corrective actions. Please note that discharges prior to 1/1/2018 are static therefore your report will only show discharges from January 1, 2018 forward.
Specific instructions for file correction and resubmission are on the sepsis website. You may log in to the portal, click "Data Submission", then "Corrections Reports" to find and download your exception/correction report. The report is available in PDF format posted within this section. Please submit a helpdesk ticket to if you have questions. 
Thank you for helping to ensure that your data and reports are as accurate as possible.
Best regards,
The Sepsis Team
Posted on: 12/05/2018
Dear Colleague,
The NYSDOH Sepsis Exception Reports are in the sepsis portal and available for download.
If you had case(s) submitted by your hospital(s) for 2018 data submissions that were in error (for example, not unique patient records; included overlapping admission and discharge dates, etc), you will have a report for download on the portal. Please review all of the fields for the case(s) you delete and then upload the correct case(s). Data correction and resubmission is required on or before COB on October 9, 2018 to enable your next quarterly report to capture these changes. Cases identified as submitted with these errors will not be pulled into the quarterly reports without your corrective actions. Please note that discharges prior to 1/1/2018 are static therefore your report will only show discharges from January 1, 2018 forward.
Specific instructions for file correction and resubmission are on the sepsis website. You may log in to the portal, click "Data Submission", then "Corrections Reports" to find and download your exception/correction report. The report is available in PDF format posted within this section. Please submit a helpdesk ticket if you have questions. 
Thank you for helping to ensure that your data and reports are as accurate as possible.
Best regards,
The Sepsis Team
Posted on: 10/04/2018

NYSDOH Tableau Sepsis Audit Report User's Guide

Dear Colleagues,
In response to hospital request, we are pleased to share the NYSDOH Tableau Sepsis Audit Report User's Guide ( to assist hospitals in their review of the Sepsis Initiative Adult and Pediatric Audit Reports. This guide was previously shared as a power point presentation in June 2018 (recording and slides are posted to The User's Guide may be more user-friendly and navigable for hospitals.
As a reminder, the due date for data corrections is September 30, 2018. All data for calendar year 2017 will be frozen as of October 1, 2018. After October 1, no additional data corrections for discharges prior to 1/1/2018 will be permitted. Your hospital 2017 frozen data will be used for public report and risk adjusted mortality measurement so be sure to make your hospital corrections prior to 10/1. You may login to drop zone at . 
Thank you for your continued efforts to improve sepsis care. Please submit any questions you have to the helpdesk at
Best regards,
The Sepsis Team
Posted on: 09/13/2018

NYS hospitals, the NYSDOH, and IPRO are working together to make a difference for sepsis patients locally and globally

NYS hospitals, the NYSDOH, and IPRO are working together to make a difference for sepsis patients locally and globally. At the 2nd World Sepsis Congress ( hosted by the Global Sepsis Alliance, two presentations highlighted the NYS Sepsis Initiative. Dr. Marcus Friedrich, Chief Medical Officer, NYSDOH and Dr. Christopher Seymour, Assistant Professor, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine each gave presentations highlighting the impact of Rory's Regulation and hospital efforts to improve care for sepsis patients. A link to the recorded session, power points, and the World Sepsis Congress are available at

Posted on: 09/10/2018

NYSDOH Sepsis Adult&Pediatric Audit Reports: Data corrections due by September 30, 2018

Dear Colleagues,
The NYSDOH Sepsis Initiative Adult and Pediatric Audit Reports for 2017 are available and will be uploaded to drop zone on Friday, 8/31/2018. The due date for data corrections is September 30, 2018. All data for calendar year 2017 will be frozen as of October 1, 2018. After October 1, no additional data corrections for discharges prior to 1/1/2018 will be permitted. Your hospital 2017 frozen data will be used for public report and risk adjusted mortality measurement so be sure to make your hospital corrections prior to 10/1. You may login to drop zone at
Adult audit reports include Q3-Q4 of 2017. Hospitals received Q1-Q2 of 2017 in June 2018. Pediatric audit reports include the entire 2017 calendar year. If you have adult and pediatric cases, you will have two reports in drop zone.
As a reminder, there was a webinar to review the format and functionality of the tableau reports which was recorded at the time of the event. The recording and slides from NYSDOH WebEx of June 20, 2018 are posted to (right side of screen under “webinars”). When viewing this recording, please disregard the reference to the Data Dictionary discussion which has since been postponed.
We have received feedback from several hospitals that they prefer an excel version of the audit results. To extract an excel version from tableau, see slides 36-37 from the presentation or follow these steps:
  • Be sure the workbook is in tableau packaged workbook type
  • Right click the file and select "unpackage"
  • Two more files are created when you unpackage. One file is the performance averages. One file is the case-level audit results.
  • Click the file of choice and it will open in excel
If you cannot unpackage and need assistance, please submit a helpdesk ticket and we will be happy to assist and send your hospital data in excel via drop zone.
Thank you for your continued efforts to improve sepsis care. Please submit any questions you have to the helpdesk at
Best regards,
The Sepsis Team
Posted on: 09/04/2018

NYSDOH Sepsis Audit Medical Records Request-Due September 24, 2018

Dear Colleague:
Effective May 1, 2013 NYSDOH Title 10 New York Codes Rules and Regulations (NYCRR) Sections 405.2 and 405.4 were amended to require that hospitals have in place evidence-based protocols for the early recognition and treatment of patients with severe sepsis and septic shock. Consistent with these regulations, subdivision 7 (i, ii) specified that “medical staff shall be responsible for the collection, use, and reporting of quality measures related to the recognition and treatment of severe sepsis for purposes of internal quality improvement and hospital reporting to the Department."
To help ensure that reported data, which will be used for public reporting of hospital performance measures and for risk adjusted mortality rates, is both accurate and complete, the Department of Health continues to select samples of cases from each hospital for medical record review. The information provided in these sampled medical records is compared to the data dictionary elements submitted by your hospital. 
This audit covers discharge dates from 1/1/2018 through 3/31/2018. A list of cases selected for validation audit will be uploaded to your hospital folder in Drop Zone byclose of business today. Be sure to use the correct medical record request case list (i.e., file ending in 20180822). We are accepting scanned medical records via your Drop Zone account. Your authorized Drop Zone users for your hospital will have access to this case list as well as the ability to upload the medical records. Instructions for medical record submission are detailed below. Each requested medical record must be uploaded to IPRO by 9/24/2018. We appreciate early uploads when convenient for hospitals. All medical record file names must be identified by PFI (Permanent Facility Identifier), UPI (Unique Personal Identifier) and due date deadline, in the following format: (PFI_UPI_DueDate)9999_SMTHJE1234_09242018.
The complete medical record, including Emergency Department and ICU records, and all demographics, laboratory orders and results, medications, progress notes, transfer information, admission and discharge documentation, must be provided for each requested admission. Please submit any questions regarding this request to the Sepsis Help Desk at
Some hospitals have expressed an interest in submitting a focused and targeted portion of the medical records that were selected for audit. If you are interested in submitting a targeted medical record in lieu of submitting the entire medical record, please submit a helpdesk ticket and provide your contact phone number so we can discuss this possibility. The targeted medical record would need to include all of the documentation to support the data provided for each data element entered by your hospital in the case data submission to the portal.
For more information, regarding drop zone users may refer to the FAQ’s located at:
Thank you for your continued efforts in providing excellent patient care and for your commitment to accuracy and completeness in your data submissions.
As previously noted, all sepsis announcements will be issued through Constant Contact. This enhancement allows interested parties to manage their inclusion or exclusion for sepsis announcements. As a courtesy we have loaded your email automatically and therefore no action is required unless you wish to unsubscribe. You may also direct colleagues to subscribe as well using this link:
Best regards,
The Sepsis Team
Posted on: 08/24/2018

NYSDOH Sepsis Audit Report Survey

Dear Colleague,
The purpose of the following survey is to gather information on your experience with using Tableau for accessing and reviewing the recently released Q1-Q2 2017 Sepsis Audit Report. Please complete the survey to help inform ways the Department can disseminate these kinds of reports in the future. 
The Sepsis Clinical Data Team
Posted on: 07/31/2018

NYSDOH Sepsis Quarterly Reports 2018-Q1 (July 2018)

Dear Colleague,
Hospital-specific Sepsis Data Reports through 2018-Q1 are available for download on the New York Sepsis Data Collection Portal at  If you have both adult and pediatric data, you will have two reports available for download. The reports are accessible to your hospitals designated portal user(s). He/she may download the report(s) and disseminate the report internally as deemed appropriate at your hospital.   Please note that although case level detail is not provided in the report, the aggregated data is still considered confidential information and therefore should be disseminated with care.
As a reminder, to access your quarterly report(s), log into the sepsis data portal. Once you are logged in, click on the "Metrics" link in the top navigation. On that page you will see a list of metric reports that have been made available for yu to download. If you did not submit data, a metric report is not available for you to download and you will receive a message stating that you have no metric reports available.
If you have forgotten your password to access the sepsis data portal, please click on the link "Reset your password" in the right hand navigation under technical support. If you require access to the sepsis data portal for your hospital, you will need to contact the primary user for your hospital as they have the ability to add users for their hospital. If you do not know who your primary contact is, please submit a ticket to our support desk with the full name of the hospital you are requesting access for along with the PFI number of your hospital as well as your full name. You will then be provided with the contact name within your hospital.
Thank you for your attention to the report(s) and your continued efforts at improving sepsis care.  Should you have any questions please submit a helpdesk ticket to: Sepsis Help Desk at
Best regards,
The Sepsis Team
Posted on: 07/20/2018
Dear Colleagues,
We appreciate the open dialogue and sharing of findings while you are in the process of reviewing your audit reports and correcting data. Working together we are identifying areas where clarification is needed as well as direction regarding additional materials to be provided with the medical record at submission. 
Clarification and correction:
Reported antibiotic datetimes when combination therapy is provided: 
The audit report stated (for antibiotic start time) that the start of the second antibiotic in the combination therapy regimen is to be reported.
Correction: Report the start of the FIRST antibiotic in the combination therapy but be sure both of the antibiotics are evidenced as given within 24 hours prior to 3 hours after Severe Sepsis Presentation.
If any antibiotics were administered intravenously (IV) within 24 hours prior to Severe Sepsis Presentation Date and Time, abstract the earliest time that an IV antibiotic was given.
If one or more than one IV antibiotic was given within the 3 hours after presentation of severe sepsis, and the patient did not receive an IV antibiotic in the 24 hours before severe sepsis presentation, abstract the dose given closest to the time of presentation of severe sepsis.
If IV antibiotics were administered both 24 hours prior to and within 3 hours after the time of presentation of severe sepsis, abstract the earliest time that an IV dose of antibiotic was given.
Additional materials and notes from hospitals:
Several hospitals have reported that they were able to find the discrepancy among the audit report results and the data reported through the portal in either the face sheets or the open notes which had not been provided when the record was submitted. 
Several hospitals provided the “legal” medical record which did not always contain complete open notes and/or face sheets. To ensure the data that is reported to the portal aligns with the medical record, be sure to submit the complete record including notes and face sheets. If you have found that your submitted data is accurate upon reviewing notes that were not submitted during the audit, the hospital should leave the correct data in the portal but be sure to submit face sheets and notes for the audits underway and in the future. You may upload additional documentation for Q3 and Q4, 2017 within the next week for consideration during those audits. Please submit a helpdesk ticket ( to let us know that you will be submitting additional materials for consideration.
Hospitals also noted finding discrepancies because they reported intubation time for mechanical vent rather than the time in which the mechanical ventilation was started (which might be hours later). Be sure to report when the mechanical ventilator was started if it is different than the intubation time.
Please continue to share your findings via the helpdesk in an effort to increase accuracy, transparency, and clarifications as needed.
Thank you,
The Sepsis Team
Posted on: 07/19/2018

Dear Colleague,

On the June 20th sepsis audit webinar hosted by IPRO, we proposed a methodology for reporting severe sepsis presentation that would help us understand populations reported across hospitals and how differences, if any, might affect measurement. We have received feedback from many hospitals that reflect concerns about the impact on existing processes the implementation of stratified reporting of severe sepsis presentation (criteria met within 6 hours and within 6-24 hours) would have. Consequently, we will not be implementing this reporting change that was discussed on the June 20 sepsis audit webinar at this time. The Department will discuss this issue further with the Sepsis Advisory Group, and will revisit the issue with you after those discussions conclude.

The goal of the NY State Sepsis Care Improvement Initiative to improve sepsis care in the State. We apologize for any concern or confusion the presentation of this proposed reporting methodology caused, and very much appreciate your feedback.


Jeanne Alicandro, MD MPH 
Medical Director
Office of Quality and Patient Safety
New York State Department of Health

Marcus Friedrich, MD, MBA, FACP
Chief Medical Officer
Office of Quality and Patient Safety
New York State Department of Health

Posted on: 06/28/2018

Dear Colleagues,

The NYSDOH Sepsis Initiative Adult Audit Reports for Q1 & Q2 of 2017 are available and will be uploaded to drop zone by close of business Monday, 6/25/2018. You may login to drop zone at

At this time we are releasing only the adult audit reports. We are working with the Department to review and finalize the pediatric audit results, and they will be released at a later date.

The recording and slides from NYSDOH WebEx of June 20, 2018 are posted to the portal (right side of screen under “webinars”). The Data Dictionary for Severe Sepsis and Septic Shock, V5.2 has also been posted ( ). As noted in the WebEx, this dictionary is in effect for 7/1/2018.

Thank you for your continued efforts to improve sepsis care. Please submit any questions you have to the helpdesk at

Best regards,
The Sepsis Team

Posted on: 06/28/2018

Constant Contact

Dear Colleague, 

We are pleased to announce that we will be issuing sepsis notifications in the future through Constant Contact. This enhancement allows interested parties to manage their inclusion or exclusion for sepsis announcements. As a courtesy we have loaded your email automatically and therefore no action is required unless you wish to unsubscribe. You may also direct colleagues to subscribe as well using this link:

Note that you will receive the standard email address for this announcement and one from constant contact.

The NYSDOH Sepsis Exception Reports are in the sepsis portal and available for download (

If you had case(s) submitted by your hospital(s) for 2017-2018 data submissions that were in error (for example, not unique patient records; included overlapping admission and discharge dates, etc), you will have a report for download on the portal. Please review all of the fields for the case(s) you delete and then upload the correct case(s). Data correction and resubmission is required on or before COB on June 12, 2018 to enable your next quarterly report to capture these changes. Cases identified as submitted with these errors will not be pulled into the quarterly reports without your corrective actions. Please note that discharges prior to 1/1/2017 are static therefore your report will only show discharges from January 1, 2017 forward.

A new category of cases were added to the exception report for 2017. These cases represent instances where clinical criteria seem to be indicative of septic shock (elevated lactate ≥ 4 mmol/L {with elevated lactate reason=2} and/or persistent hypotension) however, the case(s) was not submitted as “septic shock present”. Please review the case(s) to determine if data entry is accurate. Correct data entry as needed. Should you wish for additional details, please see the clarifying email sent on May 15, 2018 which remains posted on the portal (

Specific instructions for file correction and resubmission are on the sepsis website ( You may log in to the portal, click "Data Submission", then "Corrections Reports" to find and download your exception/correction report. The report is available in PDF format posted within this section. Please submit a helpdesk ticket to if you have questions. We have recently enhanced the helpdesk with the addition of a form which allows a helpdesk submitter to better direct their question through issue categorization.

Thank you for helping to ensure that your data and reports are as accurate as possible.

Best regards,
The Sepsis Team

Posted on: 06/07/2018

NYSDOH Important Sepsis Updates

Dear Colleagues,

The following announcement includes two important updates:

  1. Clarification and call for correction of exception report cases for 2017 and
  2. Release of FAQs from the February 2018 Abstractor Meeting.

Clarification and call for correction of exception report cases: We have been in communication with Mathematica regarding the specifications they maintain for CMS SEP 1 to ensure complete clarity regarding the septic shock present variable. During the review of hospital submitted data, we have noted in many NYS Sepsis submitted cases that although clinical septic shock criteria have been entered, data entry indicates that septic shock was not present. Specifically, hospitals report an elevated lactate (> 4 mmol) and/or persistent hypotension yet hospitals are not reporting a "yes" to septic shock present. The below information provides further clarity.

It is important to note that the CMS dictionary in Notes for Abstraction, clarifies that "Presence of Septic Shock" may be identified based upon clinical criteria or physician/APN/PA documentation of Septic Shock. This is the guidance hospitals should refer to when abstracting data, as per CMS. In order to establish the presence of Septic Shock by clinical criteria, one of following two criteria (a or b) must be met.

  1. Severe Sepsis Present AND Persistent Hypotension in the hour after the conclusion of the target ordered volume of Crystalloid Fluid Administration, (regardless of when the crystalloid fluids were completed) as evidenced by two consecutive documented recordings of: systolic blood pressure (SBP) <90, or mean arterial pressure <65, or a decrease in systolic blood pressure by >40 mmHg. Physician/APN/PA documentation must be present in the medical record indicating a >40 mmHg decrease in SBP has occurred and is related to infection, Severe Sepsis or Septic Shock and no other causes.
  2. Severe Sepsis Present AND Tissue hypoperfusion as evidenced by Initial Lactate Level Result >=4 mmol/L. In conclusion, the CMS SEP1 data dictionary for septic shock present states if the Physician/APN/PA document the presence of septic shock, OR Severe sepsis is present AND initial lactate level was ≥ four, OR Severe sepsis was present AND persistent hypotension was present, then value"1"(yes), should be selected for the Septic Shock Present variable.

Below are links which provide additional clarification:

Next Steps:

  1. Download your updated exception report for CY2017 data which was uploaded on 4/27/2018.
  2. Request a file deletion to remove the incorrect cases from the portal (instructions for finding your file and requesting file deletion are here).
  3. Upload your corrected data prior to May 30, 2018.

Release of FAQs from the February 2018 Abstractor Meeting:

The responses to the questions asked during the sepsis data abstractor meetings held in February 2018 have been posted to the portal.

We thank you for your participation during these events and look forward to continuing to work together to clarify issues as they arise. Should you have any questions, please submit a helpdesk ticket so that we may assist.

Thank you,

The Sepsis Team

Posted on: 04/30/2018

NYSDOH Sepsis Quarterly Reports Uploaded

Dear Colleague,

Hospital-specific Sepsis Data Reports through 2017Q4 are available for download on the New York Sepsis Data Collection Portal at    If you have both adult and pediatric data, you will have two reports available for download.  The reports are accessible to your hospitals designated portal user(s).  He/she may download the report(s) and disseminate the report internally as deemed appropriate at your hospital.    Please note that although case level detail is not provided in the report, the aggregated data is still considered confidential information and therefore should be disseminated with care.

The 2016 Sepsis Public Report is now publicly available at the links below:

As a reminder, to access your quarterly report(s), log into the sepsis data portal. Once you are logged in, click on the "Metrics" link in the top navigation. On that page you will see a list of metric reports that have been made available for you to download. If you did not submit data, a metric report is not available for you to download and you will receive a message stating that you have no metric reports available.

If you have forgotten your password to access the sepsis data portal, please click on the link "Reset your password" in the right hand navigation under technical support.  If you require access to the sepsis data portal for your hospital, you will need to contact the primary user for your hospital as they have the ability to add users for their hospital. If you do not know who your primary contact is, please submit a ticket to our support desk with the full name of the hospital you are requesting access for along with the PFI number of your hospital as well as your full name.  You will then be provided with the contact name within your hospital.

Thank you for your attention to the report(s) and your continued efforts at improving sepsis care.   Should you have any questions please submit a helpdesk ticket to: Sepsis Help Desk at



Posted on: 04/06/2018

The 2016 Sepsis Public Report

The 2016 Sepsis Public Report is now publicly available at the links below:

Posted on: 04/02/2018

NYSDOH Sepsis Pre-release hospital public data reports for CY2016

Dear Colleague, We are pleased to inform you that your public-release preview Hospital-specific Sepsis Data Reports are available for download on the New York Sepsis Data Collection Portal at If you have both adult and pediatric data, you will then have two reports available for download. The New York State Department of Health will be releasing the full 2016 New York State Report on Sepsis Care Improvement Initiative in the coming week. This report describes outcomes for patients with severe sepsis/septic shock being treated in hospitals across New York during 2016. It represents considerable efforts by New York State hospitals and clinicians, over the past years, to measure and improve care for individuals with this common, complex, and lethal, condition. The results are presented for use of protocols, adherence to key interventions within those protocols within specific recommended time frames and risk adjusted mortality rates (adults) for your hospital. Public reporting of hospital performance is one dimension of New York's overall initiative to focus quality and safety improvement efforts on the identification and care of patients with sepsis in New York. The reports are accessible to your hospitals designated portal user(s). He/she may download the report(s) and disseminate the report internally as deemed appropriate at your hospital. Please note that although case level detail is not provided in the report, the aggregated data is still considered confidential information and therefore should be disseminated with care. Report Access Details: To access your report(s), start by logging into the sepsis data portal. Once you are logged in, click on the "Metrics" link in the top navigation. On that page you will see a list of metric reports that have been made available for you to download. If you did not submit data, a metric report is not available for you to download and you will receive a message stating that you have no metric reports available. If you have forgotten your password to access the sepsis data portal, please click on the link "Reset your password" in the right hand navigation under technical support. If you require access to the sepsis data portal for your hospital, you will need to contact the primary user for your hospital as they have the ability to add users for their hospital. If you do not know who your primary contact is, please submit a ticket to our support desk with the full name of the hospital you are requesting access for along with the PFI number of your hospital as well as your full name. You will then be provided with the contact name within your hospital. Thank you for your attention to the report(s) and your continued efforts at improving sepsis care. Best regards, The Sepsis Team


Posted on: 03/27/2018

NYSDOH Data Dictionary Version 5.1 Release, Webex

Dear Colleagues,

We are pleased to release the updated NYSDOH Sepsis Data Dictionary Version 5.1, effective for discharges from January 1, 2018. One of the more significant changes evidenced in this release is the alignment with CMS SEP-1, Version 5.4. Though the CMS SEP-1 V5.4 Dictionary is effective for discharges beginning July 1, 2018, the Department has elected for early adoption for New York State data collection, given the significant reduction of data collection burden for fluid assessment data elements. The CMS SEP-1 Dictionary v. 5.4 also provides clarification for several elements that address some of the concerns we heard from abstractors in face to face to meetings. Please pay attention to all of the changes throughout the dictionary as you abstract discharge data for 2018.

We are working to program the portal to accept these changes as quickly as possible and appreciate your patience. There will be an announcement when the portal can begin accepting 2018 discharges.

As a reminder, the Department is holding a Sepsis Webex on February 15, 2018 at 10am, EST which will review the 2016 public report data; data dictionary and measure specification changes for 2018; and the 2017 audit. Register for this event here. For those unable to attend, the meeting will be recorded and posted to the portal site within a few days of the event.

Thank you for your continued efforts to improve sepsis care. Please submit any questions you have to the helpdesk at

Best regards,

The Sepsis Team

Posted on: 02/15/2018

New Sepsis Materials, Upcoming Event

Dear Colleague,

We are pleased to share several important materials and an upcoming event for the NYSDOH Sepsis Initiative.

Hospital-specific Sepsis Data Reports through 2017Q3 are available for download on the New York Sepsis Data Collection Portal at If you have both adult and pediatric data, you will have two reports available for download. The reports are accessible to your hospitals designated portal user(s). He/she may download the report(s) and disseminate the report internally as deemed appropriate at your hospital. Please note that although case level detail is not provided in the report, the aggregated data is still considered confidential information and therefore should be disseminated with care.

NYSDOH Measure Specification Documentations are attached to this email and available on the portal for both 2015/2016 and 2017. These documents continue to increase transparency and provide details needed to fully understand the data elements and values used in measure calculations. The measure specifications for 2018 will be shared as soon as they are complete.

NYSDOH Sepsis Webex on February 15, 2018 at 10am, EST will review the 2016 public report data; data dictionary and measure specification changes for 2018; and the 2017 audit. Register for this event at For those unable to attend, the meeting will be recorded and posted to the portal site within a few days of the event.

As a reminder, to access your quarterly report(s), log into the sepsis data portal. Once you are logged in, click on the "Metrics" link in the top navigation. On that page you will see a list of metric reports that have been made available for you to download. If you did not submit data, a metric report is not available for you to download and you will receive a message stating that you have no metric reports available.

If you have forgotten your password to access the sepsis data portal, please click on the link "Reset your password" in the right hand navigation under technical support. If you require access to the sepsis data portal for your hospital, you will need to contact the primary user for your hospital as they have the ability to add users for their hospital. If you do not know who your primary contact is, please submit a ticket to our support desk with the full name of the hospital you are requesting access for along with the PFI number of your hospital as well as your full name. You will then be provided with the contact name within your hospital.

Thank you for your attention to the report(s) and your continued efforts at improving sepsis care.

Best regards,

The Sepsis Team

Posted on: 01/19/2018

Data Dictionary 5.0

Dear Colleague,

The NYSDOH is pleased to provide hospitals with an updated Data Dictionary for Severe Sepsis or Septic Shock. This version 5.0 is effective for discharges beginning with January 1, 2018 and forward. The dictionary contains significant changes which include additional clarifications and details to assist in data collection; greater alignment with CMS SEP-1 specifications where possible; and, the incorporation of answers provided in prior FAQs and helpdesk tickets. In fact, the prior FAQs are removed from the portal as their relevance to current data collection is captured within the data dictionary at this time. It is hoped that this reduces confusion. Overall the changes were the result of significant input from hospital data abstractors, your hospital associations, the Sepsis Advisory Group and pediatric sub-committee, and your efforts in submitting clarifying questions to the helpdesk. Thank you for your input to ensure data accuracy and integrity.

Please note that there are significant changes in the dictionary which will require programming to the data portal. Until these changes are programmed into the portal, the portal will not accept 2018 cases. However, data is due two months after the conclusion of a quarter; therefore, discharges beginning January 1, 2018 are not due in the portal until the deadline of May 31, 2018. We will be working to allow cases into the portal within the next 4-6 weeks to allow ample time for data submission.

Within the next several weeks we will be releasing quarterly reports for Q1, Q2, and Q3 of 2017 along with a Measure Specification document which details the data elements used for measure calculations. This document continues transparency efforts in data collection and measure calculations. Along with the release of these reports in the coming weeks, we will schedule a webinar to review the Data Dictionary, the Measure Specifications, and the released Quarterly Hospital Reports.

Thank you for your patience and your continued investment in this important initiative.

Best regards,

The Sepsis Team

Posted on: 01/03/2018

Upcoming Webinar

Dear Colleagues,

Hospitals that submitted more than 400 cases to the sepsis clinical database during the last full year of data collection are eligible to apply for sampling. The large-volume hospitals that opt-in for sampling as part of the sepsis quality improvement initiative will submit a total of 400 cases for calendar year 2018. Your facility has been identified as a large-volume hospital that is eligible for sampling. As such, we'd like to invite you to join us for a 1 hour webinar on Friday, January 19, 2018 from 10:00 am - 11:00 am to learn more details about the opportunity to submit a sample for calendar year 2018.

There are many personnel who work for multiple hospitals therefore we have attached a PDF list of eligible hospitals along with their PFI to assist in identifying which of your facilities are eligible for sampling.

This webinar will provide information about the sepsis sampling plan, the process that will be followed for those hospitals that opt to participate in sampling for 2018, and will include a live demonstration of the IPRO portal that hospitals will use to submit those cases from which NYS DOH personnel will select a sample. The presentation will last about 40 minutes and will be followed by a 20 minute question and answer period.

Please register for the event at:

Posted on: 01/02/2018

NYSDOH Sepsis Exception Reports: Important Update

Dear Colleagues:

Recently we disseminated sepsis exception reports with a new category of potential data entry concerns. This category represents cases with clinical criteria indicative of septic shock (severe sepsis plus lactate >=4 and/or persistent hypotension) yet the hospital did not report the patient with "septic shock present" or a datetime. Several hospitals provided helpful insight into how these data are abstracted. Please be advised that the Department is in communication with CMS to discuss how hospitals are interpreting the data definitions and the measure algorithm to ensure that data definitions are clear and that DOH is aligned with CMS. CMS is reviewing the issue and has indicated that they will provide a comprehensive response by next week.

We have asked that you consider the accuracy of the data entry for your cases; however, given this ongoing discussion with CMS you might wish to refrain from amending data for this category until the discussion concludes. This would ensure consistency in your data entry and common interpretation and understanding of reported data fields.

Thank you for your efforts and insights. We will communicate with you as soon as possible when we hear from CMS.

Best regards,

The sepsis team

Posted on: 12/11/2017

Latest Exception Reports

Dear Colleague,

The NYSDOH Sepsis Exception Reports were loaded to the sepsis portal today (

If you had case(s) submitted by your hospital(s) for 2017 data submissions that were in error (for example, not unique patient records; included overlapping admission and discharge dates, etc), you will have a report for download on the portal. Please review all of the fields for the case(s) you delete and then upload the correct case(s). Data correction and resubmission is required on or before COB on December 7, 2017 to enable your next quarterly report to capture these changes. Cases identified as submitted with these errors will not be pulled into the quarterly reports without your corrective actions. Please note that discharges prior to 1/1/2017 are static therefore your report will only show discharges from January 1, 2017 forward.

A new category of cases have been added to the exception report. These cases represent instances where clinical criteria are indicative of septic shock (elevated lactate ≥ 4 mmol/L and/or persistent hypotension) however, the case(s) was not submitted as "septic shock present". Please review the case(s) to determine if data entry is accurate. Correct data entry as needed. We are not removing these cases from your quarterly report but are suggesting that there may be error in data entry.

Specific instructions for file correction and resubmission are on the sepsis website ( You may log in to the portal, click "Data Submission", then "Corrections Reports" to find and download your exception/correction report. The report is available in PDF format posted within this section. Please submit a helpdesk ticket to if you have questions.

Thank you for helping to ensure that your data and reports are as accurate as possible.

Best regards,

The Sepsis Team

Posted on: 12/05/2017

NYSDOH Sepsis-Corrected Quarterly Reports and NYSDOH Survey

Dear Colleague,

We are contacting you for two reasons: a correction to the recently released sepsis quarterly reports and, to disseminate a survey to collect contact information for the Department.

Quarterly Reports:

We regret to inform you that the reports that were loaded to the Sepsis Clinical Data Portal on August 31, 2017 contained a minor programming error which did not appropriately handle all of your data. Specifically, data for quarter one of 2017 has been corrected in several places in the report.

There was a minor impact of this error in the aggregate; however, individual hospitals may be more significantly impacted. We are releasing corrected reports for all providers, which ensure that your hospital has an accurate report. The incorrect reports have been removed from the portal and the corrected reports were uploaded today. Please be sure to discard the incorrect report, if already downloaded, and use the report ending with yesterday’s date (i.e., file name ending in 20170907).

Thank you for your understanding. We apologize for the inconvenience caused by this error.

Survey: Survey Link:

We are compiling a list of hospital contacts to facilitate sepsis communications between the NYS Department of Health (DOH) and hospitals participating in the Sepsis Initiative. We are asking hospitals to identify a primary point of contact for sepsis communications, ideally your identified sepsis coordinator, to ensure that important DOH information reaches the appropriate staff. While this identified contact person will receive all important DOH sepsis communications, we will continue to send notices to all drop zone and portal users as appropriate.

The NYS DOH is convening two meetings to provide a forum for feedback and discussion among hospitals regarding the data collection process. We are asking for your assistance with identifying staff at your facility responsible for abstracting data and data entry, e.g. medical record abstractors and coders, who would be appropriate for attendance at a meeting to discuss the data collection process and opportunities for improvement. The primary point of contact for the hospital might be the best person to submit the survey for the hospital.

Please complete this survey by Monday, September 11, 2017. Should you have any questions about this request, please submit a helpdesk ticket to

Best regards,
The Sepsis Team

Posted on: 09/11/2017

NYSDOH Sepsis Hospital Quarterly Reports Released

Dear Colleague,

We are pleased to inform you that your Hospital-specific Sepsis Data Reports are available for download on the New York Sepsis Data Collection Portal at If you have both adult and pediatric data, you will then have two reports available for download. These reports reflect the changes to the Data Dictionary effective 1/1/2017. Measures have been modified for 2017 to incorporate these changes. Attached to this email, you will find a document created by the Department that will assist in understanding how the measures have been revised, along with implications for trending and comparisons.

The reports are accessible to your hospitals designated portal user(s). He/she may download the report(s) and disseminate the report internally as deemed appropriate at your hospital. Please note that although case level detail is not provided in the report, the aggregated data is still considered confidential information and therefore should be disseminated with care.

Data Dictionary:
Please note that the changes to the NYSDOH sepsis data dictionary were NOT meant to change the denominator of cases reported to the NYSDOH data portal. The NYSDOH aligned on select data elements. Hospitals should identify severe sepsis and septic shock cases for reporting to the Department as they have done so for all reporting periods: reporting all cases of severe sepsis or septic shock regardless of how they are identified.

Report Access Details:
To access your report(s), start by logging into the sepsis data portal. Once you are logged in, click on the "Metrics" link in the top navigation. On that page you will see a list of metric reports that have been made available for you to download. If you did not submit data, a metric report is not available for you to download and you will receive a message stating that you have no metric reports available.

If you have forgotten your password to access the sepsis data portal, please click on the link "Reset your password" in the right hand navigation under technical support. If you require access to the sepsis data portal for your hospital, you will need to contact the primary user for your hospital as they have the ability to add users for their hospital. If you do not know who your primary contact is, please submit a ticket to our support desk with the full name of the hospital you are requesting access for along with the PFI number of your hospital as well as your full name. You will then be provided with the contact name within your hospital.

Thank you for your attention to the report(s) and your continued efforts at improving sepsis care. Please submit follow-up questions as needed to the helpdesk at

Have a wonderful holiday weekend!

Best regards,
The Sepsis Team

Posted on: 09/07/2017


Sepsis audit process and results; opportunity for data correction; timeline for upcoming public release of sepsis risk adjusted mortality rate; and Webex invitation.

Dear Colleague,

As you are aware, effective May 1, 2013 NYSDOH Title 10 New York Codes Rules and Regulations (NYCRR) Sections 405.2 and 405.4 were amended to require that hospitals have in place evidence-based protocols for the early recognition and treatment of patients with severe sepsis and septic shock. In addition, subdivision 7 (ii) states that “Hospitals shall submit data specified by the Department to permit the Department to develop risk-adjusted severe sepsis and septic shock mortality rates in consultation with appropriate national, hospital and expert stakeholders.”

The Department is again working with a team of risk adjustment experts including hospital physicians, ICU physicians, and statistical and modeling experts. These experts use your sepsis data to adjust your mortality rate based upon many factors, some of which include demographics and comorbidities. It is therefore critical that the data submitted by your hospital and used for public reporting and risk adjusted mortality rates be as accurate as possible. Before the model is finalized, to help ensure the accuracy of reported data, the Department of Health authenticates the integrity of the data through a data validation audit. The Department selected samples of cases from each hospital for medical record review (i.e., data validation). The information provided in these sampled medical records was compared to the data dictionary elements submitted by your hospital. The purpose of the feedback report is to provide information to assist your hospital in improving the accuracy of your data prior to public data release, which is scheduled for Fall 2017.

Before the risk adjustment model is finalized and as a final validation step prior to public data release, hospitals are afforded a one-time opportunity to review and correct discrepancies between reported data and data abstracted during audit. The risk adjustment model and publically reported data will include calendar year 2016 discharges. Your hospital data validation report will be uploaded to DropZone ( and available for download by June 30, 2017 by your hospital’s DropZone authorized user. If you are uncertain on who the DropZone user is for your hospital, please submit a helpdesk ticket (email specifying your hospital PFI and request the contact information for your user.

This audit report presents the performance of specific data elements during the audit of your hospital’s submitted data. The visualizations depict the proportion of agreement between your hospital’s reported data and the auditor’s review of the medical records and the relational position of that performance against the state’s aggregate performance. In addition, an aggregate proportion of agreements of the data element categories are presented to highlight the validation rates by variable groups. Examples of invalid data might be the submission of a fluid datetime that aligns in the chart with the fluid start time and not the fluid completion time; failure to find that a protocol was started when viewing the medical record for which a protocol datetime was reported; medication datetimes not aligning between the reported data and the medical record. These are just a few instances for which the data would be designated as invalid. This report is provided to assist your hospital in the data review and abstraction efforts. To that end, case level data has been provided in an accompanying spreadsheet for all cases with ANY discrepancy that were included in the audit of 2016 cases. We are intentionally providing much greater detail than in previous reporting to assist in your correction efforts. Please keep in mind however that we cannot review individual cases with hospitals. We understand that some hospitals may disagree with the audit findings, but the Department will not be able to discuss individual case results. The data used in this audit were those that had been submitted by each hospital at the time the sample was drawn. It is possible that you may have already corrected some of the data elements for which results are reflected in this report.

Again, please note that this information is provided to assist your hospital in improving overall accuracy in data submission. Results should be interpreted in light of patterns of errors found in the data, rather than solely looking to individual case results. Therefore, when reviewing this report and your data for instances for which the data could not be validated, you may want to extrapolate and apply the findings to cases that were not selected for audit during all reporting periods. Accurate and clear documentation in the medical record is a key factor when determining data validity. Public data release will include discharges spanning 1/1/2016 through 12/31/2016, and therefore you will want to focus your corrective efforts on these discharges as a priority.

Please carefully and thoroughly review the data provided in this report and take the necessary actions to correct your data if needed, prior to July 31, 2017. As of July 31, 2017, all data for calendar year 2016 will be closed, and no additional data changes will be permitted. After July 31, 2017, hospitals may only revise data for discharges from January 1, 2017 onward.

Again, you must correct cases with discharge dates through December 31, 2016, prior to the close of business on July 31, 2017. The data must be completed and closed to allow sufficient time to finalize the risk adjustment model prior to the release of your risk adjusted mortality rate and the performance measures in the fall of 2017, as mandated by statute.

The Department is providing a WebEx event on July 5, 2017 at 2pm, EST to assist you in understanding and interpreting the report. Please register for the event at:

To assist in your understanding of the process and timeline leading to the public release of sepsis data, please refer to the timeline listed below:

Brief timeline overview:

June 30, 2017 Audit feedback reports received by hospitals

June 30 – July 31, 2017 Hospital opportunity for data correction for all discharges between 1/1/2016 to 12/31/2016

August – September 2017 Data analysis and risk adjustment model generation for CY 2016 data

September - October 2017 Risk adjustment model refinement (calendar year 2016 model)

Fall 2017 Public release of risk adjustment model and performance measures (CY2016)

We look forward to speaking with you during the WebEx event on July 5 at 2pm.

Best regards,

The Sepsis Team

Posted on: 06/30/2017

NYSDOH Sepsis FAQs and Upcoming Webinar

Dear Colleague,

We are pleased to release the attached Frequently Asked Questions to assist with data collection related to the Data Dictionary for Severe Sepsis or Septic ShockVersion 4.1 effective for discharges from January 1, 2017 onward.  We have attempted to address the concerns brought forth through the helpdesk, your hospital associations, and from other feedback that we received.  

As noted in the document, we want to thank the hospital staff including nurses, physicians, coders, abstractors, physician assistants, administrators, and assistants for your hard work in making the New York State Sepsis initiative truly special by improving care for our patients.

We introduced the alignment with CMS SEP-1 and the NYSDOH sepsis initiative to reduce the burden for abstraction.  While we realize that this initially can cause some confusion, we want to emphasize that at the end we expect less work for hospitals and the abstractors.  The purpose of this document is to clarify the confusion to the greatest extent possible. 

To further assist in ensuring consistency in data collection and interpretation, the Department is holding a webinar on May 12, 2017 at 10:30am, EST.  The event will be recorded for those unable to participate. 

To register for the online event:

  1. Go to
  2. Click 'Register'
  3. On the registration form, enter your information and then click Submit.

The reporting deadline for the data which aligns with this dictionary has been extended to ensure that there is ample time to review the FAQs, attend the webinar, and make changes if needed in your data submission.  The reporting deadline for discharges between 1/1/2017 and 3/31/2017 is now June 30, 2017.   Please be sure all cases have been submitted by this date.  If you do not have cases within this reporting period, you must attest to zero cases. 

Thank you for your efforts to date.  We look forward to continuing to work together towards improving care. 

Best regards,

The Sepsis Team

Posted on: 04/28/2017

Governor Cuomo Announces Reforms Spurred Consistent Decline in Sepsis Mortality Rates

Governor Andrew M. Cuomo today announced that New York has achieved a consistent reduction in sepsis mortality rates as a result of the groundbreaking Rory's Regulations. Named for the late Rory Staunton and first championed by Governor Cuomo in 2013, these regulations established first-in-the-nation protocols for hospitals to improve identification and treatment of sepsis.

To read more click here

Posted on: 04/12/2017

NYSDOH Hospital-specific sepsis data reports

We are pleased to inform you that your Hospital-specific Sepsis Data Reports are available for download on the New York Sepsis Data Collection Portal at    If you have both adult and pediatric data, you will then have two reports available for download.

The reports are accessible to your hospitals designated portal user(s).  He/she may download the report(s) and disseminate the report internally as deemed appropriate at your hospital.    Please note that although case level detail is not provided in the report, the aggregated data is still considered confidential information and therefore should be disseminated with care.

Data Dictionary:
Please note that the changes to the NYSDOH sepsis data dictionary were NOT meant to change the denominator of cases reported to the NYSDOH data portal.   The NYSDOH aligned on select data elements.  Hospitals should identify severe sepsis and septic shock cases for reporting to the Department as they have done so for all reporting periods:  reporting all cases of severe sepsis or septic shock regardless of how they are identified.  The Department will be monitoring volume closely during the upcoming data submissions to ensure that there is no change in volume (particularly as a result of misinterpretation).  Hospitals will still identify their pool of cases for NYSDOH and then collect the data as required by our dictionary.    You may submit any follow-up questions to the helpdesk.

Report Access Details:
To access your report(s), start by logging into the sepsis data portal. Once you are logged in, click on the "Metrics" link in the top navigation. On that page you will see a list of metric reports that have been made available for you to download. If you did not submit data, a metric report is not available for you to download and you will receive a message stating that you have no metric reports available.

If you have forgotten your password to access the sepsis data portal, please click on the link "Reset your password" in the right hand navigation under technical support.  If you require access to the sepsis data portal for your hospital, you will need to contact the primary user for your hospital as they have the ability to add users for their hospital. If you do not know who your primary contact is, please submit a ticket to our support desk with the full name of the hospital you are requesting access for along with the PFI number of your hospital as well as your full name.  You will then be provided with the contact name within your hospital.

Thank you for your attention to the report(s) and your continued efforts at improving sepsis care.

Best regards,
The Sepsis Team
Posted on: 12/28/2016

Dear Colleague,

It has come to our attention that there were a few variables that were inadvertently left out of latest data dictionary release.  Attached is Version 4.1 which captures these changes.  Also note the critical clarification regarding the cases to be submitted to the NYSDOH portal.   

Critical clarification:

• To be clear: NYSDOH is ONLY aligning with select CMS SEP-1 data elements. The denominator for the NYSDOH data submission still requires reporting ALL cases of severe sepsis or septic shock INCLUDING cases identified through coding AND/OR other avenues (e.g., concurrent case identification; retrospective review; and so forth). Hospitals are NOT to be using the CMS method of selecting cases and adding DOH data elements to those cases. This would be an incorrect interpretation of the 2017 modification; the NYSDOH requires reporting ALL severe sepsis and septic shock cases regardless of how they are identified.

The following fluid assessment data elements were not included in Version 4.0 in error. The same expectations apply to these as were applied for the fluid assessment data elements outlined in the 4.0 version. These variables are CMS SEP-1 data elements, and therefore data collection will follow CMS SEP-1 specifications. They are required for data collection beginning with discharges on or after January 1, 2017.

  • Central venous oxygen measurement
  • Central venous oxygen measurement datetime
  • Central venous pressure measurement
  • Central venous pressure measurement datetime
  • Fluid challenge performed
  • Fluid challenge performed datetime

Thank you for your continued efforts at improving patient care.  As always, please continue to submit questions to the helpdesk as clarifications questions arise.

We wish you all a wonderful holiday season.


Best regards,

The sepsis team

Posted on: 12/16/2016

Dear Colleague,

The NYSDOH is pleased to provide hospitals with an updated Data Dictionary for Severe Sepsis or Septic Shock.  This version 4.0 is effective for discharges beginning with January 1, 2017 and forward.  The dictionary contains significant changes which include additional clarifications and details to assist in data collection; alignment with CMS SEP-1 specifications where possible; and, the incorporation of answers provided in prior FAQs and helpdesk tickets.  These changes were the result of significant input from your hospital associations, the Sepsis Advisory Group and pediatric sub-committee, and your efforts in submitting clarifying questions to the helpdesk.  Thank you for your efforts to ensure data accuracy and integrity. 

As noted in prior communications, the NYSDOH in collaboration with IPRO and your hospital associations is holding a webinar on Tuesday, December 13 at 10:30am, EST.  The Sepsis Webinar will discuss the content and the release of sepsis public data and will review the new data dictionary in detail.  You must register for the event!  Event details are as follows: 


Date and Time:                      

Tuesday, December 13, 2016 10:30 am, ESTRegister for the event at:


Please make every effort to attend this important webinar. The event will be recorded and posted to for those unable to attend the live event.


Best regards,

The Sepsis Team

Posted on: 12/12/2016




The audit is intended to validate hospital data that is used for measures and the risk adjustment model.  Since these data will be publically reported in the Fall, the hospitals want to be sure to have complete and accurate data.  The audit reports were disseminated to assist in this effort.  For THIS audit, the DOH will NOT change your data to align with what was abstracted during audit.  Hospitals want to use this data to look into “invalid” data to see if there are corrections they need to make to their data.  The hospitals will need to request the deletion of a record they want to correct and then reload corrected data.  If they do not have changes (for example, they find they inadvertently did not send a full record requested at audit) then the hospital should not make changes to their data.  They may want to change medical record copying and submission processes for future audit requests then (in this example).

Posted on: 07/20/2016

Sepsis Audit FAQ's

Please click here to got ot the Sepsis Audit FAQ.

Posted on: 07/11/2016

Announcement:  Sepsis audit process and results; opportunity for data correction; timeline for upcoming public release of sepsis risk adjusted mortality rate; and, Webex invitation.

Dear Colleague,

As you are aware, effective May 1, 2013 NYSDOH Title 10 New York Codes Rules and Regulations (NYCRR) Sections 405.2 and 405.4 were amended to require that hospitals have in place evidence-based protocols for the early recognition and treatment of patients with severe sepsis and septic shock.  In addition, subdivision 7 (ii) states that “Hospitals shall submit data specified by the Department to permit the Department to develop risk-adjusted severe sepsis and septic shock mortality rates in consultation with appropriate national, hospital and expert stakeholders.” 

The Department is working with a team of risk adjustment experts including hospital physicians, ICU physicians, and statistical and modeling experts.  These experts use your sepsis data to adjust your mortality rate based upon many factors, some of which include demographics and co-morbidities. It is therefore critical that the data submitted by your hospital and used for public reporting and risk adjusted mortality rates be as accurate as possible.  Before the model is finalized, to help ensure the accuracy of reported data, the Department of Health authenticates the integrity of the data through a data validation audit.  The Department selected samples of cases from each hospital for medical record review (i.e., data validation).  The information provided in these sampled medical records was compared to the data dictionary elements submitted by your hospital. The purpose of the feedback report is to provide information to assist your hospital in improving the accuracy of your data prior to public data release which is scheduled for Fall 2016.

Before the risk adjustment model is finalized, and as a final validation step prior to public data release, hospitals are afforded a one-time opportunity to review and correct discrepancies between reported data and, data abstracted during audit.  The risk adjustment model and publically reported data will include calendar year 2015 discharges.  Your hospital data validation report will be uploaded to Drop Zone ( and available for download by June 22, 2016 by your hospital drop zone authorized user.  If you are uncertain on who the drop zone user is for your hospital, please submit a helpdesk ticket (email specifying your hospital PFI and request the contact information for your user.

The audit report represents areas where your performance was considered an outlier in data accuracy.  Importantly, “outlier” status was defined as at least one standard deviation from the mean.  This allows for the greatest amount of data feedback to providers to assist in your data correction efforts.  It is important to understand that the Department and IPRO will NOT be supporting discussion or appeals of individual cases to either support or refute audit findings.  This effort provides an additional opportunity (beyond each quarter’s feedback reports) for hospitals to correct data, if reported incorrectly, prior to closing the data set which will be used for public reporting.  Importantly, the data submitted to the clinical data portal at the time of the audit sample selection was the data that was validated.  Therefore, you may have already corrected or changed your data.  Data errors may range from typographical errors; to misunderstanding regarding reporting start or completion time for a data element; to simply finding the data reported cannot be found in the medical record.  Your report will specify what data element(s) was found to be invalid and will provide the medical record information to enable you to identify the case. 

Again, please note that this information is provided to assist your hospital in improving overall accuracy in data submission.  Results should be interpreted in light of patterns of errors found in the data, rather than solely looking to individual case results. Therefore, when reviewing this report and your data for instances for which the data could not be validated, you may want to extrapolate and apply the findings to cases that were not selected for audit during all reporting periods.  Accurate and clear documentation in the medical record is a key factor when determining data validity.  Public data release will include discharged spanning 1/1/2015 through 12/31/2015 therefore you will want to focus your corrective efforts on these discharges as a priority.

Please carefully and thoroughly review the data provided in this report and take the necessary actions to correct your data if needed, prior to July 31, 2016.  As of July 31, 2016 all data from project inception through discharge dates up to and including December 31, 2015 will be closed and no additional data changes will be permitted. After July 31, 2016, hospitals may only revise data for discharges from January 1, 2016 onward. 

Again, you must correct cases with discharge dates through December 31, 2015 prior to close of business on July 31, 2016. The data must be completed and closed to allow sufficient time to finalize the risk adjustment model prior to the release of your risk adjusted mortality rate and the performance measures in the Fall of 2016, as mandated by statute. 

The Department is providing a WebEx event on June 28, 2016 at 1pm, EST to assist you in understanding and interpreting the report.  Please register for the event at :

To assist in your understanding of the process and timeline leading to the public release of sepsis data, please refer to the timeline listed below. 

Brief timeline overview:

June 22, 2016 Audit feedback reports received by hospitals
June 22 – July 31, 2016 Hospital opportunity for data correction for all data prior to 12/31/2015
August 2016  Data analysis and risk adjustment model generation for CY 2015 data
September 2016 Risk adjustment model refinement (calendar year 2015 model)
Fall 2016 Public release of risk adjustment model and performance measures (CY 2015)

We look forward to speaking with you on June 28 at 1pm during the webex event.


Best regards,

The Sepsis Team

Posted on: 06/22/2016

Dear Colleague,

As a follow-up to the recently released data dictionary (version 3.0), we want to clarify that we understand that there may be rare instances for which a patient does not enter your hospital through the ED or Triage. In these instances, hospitals may leave those fields blank, but only in those instances. We do not expect a high volume of cases to be reported without ED or Triage datetimes.


Data correction based upon your exception report is due tomorrow. Please be sure to get these corrections in so that your hospital report accurately reflects your data. Note that only hospitals with an exception report were notified so if you did not receive an email, you did not have a report.

Best regards,
The Sepsis Team

Posted on: 03/15/2016

Dear Colleague,

We are pleased to inform you that your Hospital-specific Sepsis Data Reports are available for download on the New York Sepsis Data Collection Portal at If you have both adult and pediatric data, you will then have two reports available for download.

The reports are accessible to your hospitals designated portal user(s). He/she may download the report(s) and disseminate the report internally as deemed appropriate at your hospital. Please note that although case level detail is not provided in the report, the aggregated data is still considered confidential information and therefore should be disseminated with care.

Report Access Details:
To access your report(s), start by logging into the sepsis data portal. Once you are logged in, click on the "Metrics" link in the top navigation. On that page you will see a list of metric reports that have been made available for you to download. If you did not submit data, a metric report is not available for you to download and you will receive a message stating that you have no metric reports available.

If you have forgotten your password to access the sepsis data portal, please click on the link "Reset your password" in the right hand navigation under technical support. If you require access to the sepsis data portal for your hospital, you will need to contact the primary user for your hospital as they have the ability to add users for their hospital. If you do not know who your primary contact is, please submit a ticket to our support desk with the full name of the hospital you are requesting access for along with the PFI number of your hospital as well as your full name. You will then be provided with the contact name within your hospital.

Thank you for your attention to the report(s) and your continued efforts at improving sepsis care.

Best regards,
The Sepsis Team

Posted on: 01/28/2016

Hospital Feedback Incorporated into Reports

Dear Colleague,

Recently, sepsis hospital reports were released to provide updated quarterly data for your hospital.  Upon receipt of these most recent reports, hospitals requested a modification to the reports to provide greater ease in data comparison of hospital to state performance.  The Department appreciates your responsiveness to these reports and is pleased to provide the requested modification.

The adult reports, which were uploaded on November 14, 2015 are meant to completely replace prior reports.  These reports provide:

-trend tables with state percents trended across all quarters of the table(s);
-the removal of visual percents from the charts, which prevented clear view of pictorial trends; and,
-complete data as of November 13, 2015 which captures hospital entered data changes and updates through this date.

These same updates will be applied to the Pediatric Reports, which will be uploaded on Tuesday, November 17.

Please be sure to use these most recent reports, as they do capture your most current data for these reported quarters.  Also note the NYSDOH report training held on November 4 was recorded and is available, along with the slides at .  You do not need to be logged in to the site to access these training materials.

Questions may be submitted to the helpdesk at

Best regards,
The Sepsis Team

Posted on: 11/16/2015

Announcement: Conference Call Materials

Posted on: 11/12/2015

Dear Colleague,

We regret to inform you that the ADULT reports that were loaded to the Sepsis Clinical Data Portal on October 28, 2015 contained a minor programming error which did not appropriately handle all of your exclusion cases.  Specifically there was a modification in this data report release which looks at the exclusion datetime and time of death to determine if a case should be in the denominator for the three and six hour measures and bundles independently.  For example, patient expiring after 3 hours but before 6 hours would be in the 3 hour measures but not in the 6 hour measures.  This represents a change from prior reports.

On a statewide basis, there were relatively few cases impacted by this change however, individual hospitals with a large number of exclusions would be more significantly impacted.  We are releasing corrected reports for all providers, which ensures that your hospital (with either one or many exclusions) has an accurate report.  The incorrect reports have been removed from the portal and the corrected reports were uploaded today.  Please be sure to discard the incorrect report and use the report ending with today's date (i.e., file name ending in 20151030).  The pediatric reports were not affected by this change.

Also remember to register for the upcoming Report Webinar to be held on November 4, 2015 at 11am.  Register by clicking the following link:

Thank you for your understanding.  We apologize for the inconvenience caused by this error.

Best regards,
The Sepsis Team

Posted on: 10/30/2015

Dear Colleague,

We are pleased to inform you that your ADULT Hospital-specific Sepsis Data Report is available for download on the New York Sepsis Data Collection Portal at If you submitted pediatric cases, your PEDIATRIC Hospital-specific Sepsis Data Report will be available for download on Thursday by 2pm. If you have both adult and pediatric data, you will then have two reports available for download.

The reports are accessible to your hospitals designated portal user(s). He/she may download the report(s) and disseminate the report internally as deemed appropriate at your hospital. Please note that although case level detail is not provided in the report, the aggregated data is still considered confidential information and therefore should be disseminated with care.

This comprehensive report contains trended data and statewide comparison data. The Department is providing a one-hour training to assist hospitals in fully understanding all of the data provided in the report(s). The webinar which will be held on November 4, 2015 at 11am will cover reports in detail including numerator, denominator, and inclusion criteria. During this training, there will not be sufficient time to address questions outside of the reports therefore hospitals should continue to direct other sepsis project questions to the helpdesk at

To register for the online event:

  1. Go to
  2. Click Register.
  3. On the registration form, enter your information and then click Submit.

Report Access Details:

To access your report(s), start by logging into the sepsis data portal. Once you are logged in click on the "Metrics" link in the top navigation. On that page you will see a list of metric reports that have been made available for you to download. If you did not submit data, a metric report is not available for you to download and you will receive a message stating that you have no metric reports available to download.

If you have forgotten your password to access the sepsis data portal, please click on the link "Reset your password" in the right hand navigation under technical support. If you require access to the sepsis data portal for your hospital, you will need to contact the primary user for your hospital as they have the ability to add users for their hospital. If you do not know who your primary contact is, please submit a ticket to our support desk with the full name of the hospital you are requesting access for along with the PFI number of your hospital as well as your full name. You will then be provided with the contact name within your hospital.

Thank you for your attention to the report(s) and your continued efforts at improving sepsis care. We look forward to addressing your report questions on November 4.

Best regards,

The Sepsis Team

Posted on: 10/29/2015

Sepsis: Hospital Exception Reports, Updated Data Dictionary and updates

Data Dictionary for Severe Sepsis or Septic Shock, V2.0:

The Data Dictionary for Severe Sepsis or Septic Shock has been updated to include a change to the data element Excluded Reason, as well as the addition of sub-heading for two variables. Please review the change log on page 87 of the dictionary to be sure you understand the change in detail. For your convenience, the dictionary is attached and is also posted on the sepsis website at . There ARE changes to the data codes and values. The change is effective for discharges on or after October 1, 2015.

Hospital-specific Exception Report:

There were cases submitted by several hospital(s) that were either not unique patient records or included overlapping admission and discharge dates. As a result of hospital ability to modified previous data submissions, we have run the exception report for all data submitted to date. If your hospital has cases which have problematic data, an exception report was uploaded to the data portal today. This report lists the cases in error. Data correction and resubmission is required on or before September 30, 2015 to enable quarterly report production in October. Specific instructions for file correction and resubmission are on the sepsis website ( ). You may log in to the portal, click "Data Submission", then "Corrections Reports" to find and download your exception/correction report. The report is available in PDF format posted within this section.

Data Validation Efforts:

The due date for the submission of records for the data audit was yesterday, September 17, 2015. Please be sure you have met your requirement and have uploaded all of the medical records requested from your hospital.

Quarterly Data Submission Requirement:

As you are aware, hospitals are required to comply with timely quarterly submission of all severe sepsis or septic shock cases. At this time, hospitals have submitted five quarters of data. Unfortunately, there are providers who are not meeting the deadline provided by the Department for data submission. CEOs of non-compliant hospitals will be receiving notification from the Department of Health regarding their non-compliance with this regulation.

Sepsis Protocols:

If you want to submit a revised protocol based upon review of performance data, please do so and please explain what the differences are and why you have changed the protocol. Protocols that have not changed do not need to be resubmitted.

A few reminders:

  • Hospitals are to continue to correct cases as needed within the sepsis data portal.
  • The next due date for quarterly data is November 30, 2015. Please plan accordingly and report early. You may submit cases in batches or as single cases. Cases can be submitted in batches by the week, month, quarter.

A clarification:

There are two methods in which you communicate with the Department for the Sepsis Project.

  • Clinical Data Portal ( ) {Site for the submission of quarterly cases}
  • Hospitals submit data on all severe sepsis and septic shock cases following the Data Dictionary for Severe Sepsis or Septic Shock. Data is due quarterly and all information including the dictionary, data templates, FAQs, recorded webinars, and more are at this site. If you have staff turn-over and/or assign new staff to the effort, you should direct your staff to this site to retrieve both the most current information AND historical project information. You do NOT need to log in to review the materials. You DO need to log in to submit or download reports. There is a primary hospital user and this hospital user assigns secondary users. There is no limit to the number of secondary users but hospitals must remember this site contains your hospital files and protected information. If you change primary users, you must copy your hospital privacy officer in your helpdesk ticket requesting this change.
  • Drop Zone {Site for the submission of medical records and other materials related to data validation/audit activities}
  • Hospital primary users ONLY received an email invitation to this site and their hospital folder. The Department provided each hospital with Case List of records selected for audit on this site. Upon log in, the user is directed to the folder where the file is located. Hospitals were to download the list and upload the medical records.
  • The hospital primary user is permitted to assign a single back-up user to this site. You may request this back up user, if you have not already done this, through the helpdesk. Your hospital privacy officer MUST be copied on the request. You may also email support directly which also creates a helpdesk ticket.

You may consider the Clinical Data Portal as the site for all data submission and reports for clinical cases directly submitted by hospitals. Drop Zone is utilized for all Data Integrity and Data Audit activities, including medical record submission.

Posted on: 09/21/2015

Annonucement: Sepsis Data Audit

Dear Colleague:

Effective May 1, 2013 NYSDOH Title 10 New York Codes Rules and Regulations (NYCRR) Sections 405.2 and 405.4 were amended to require that hospitals have in place evidence-based protocols for the early recognition and treatment of patients with severe sepsis and septic shock. Consistent with these regulations, subdivision 7 (i, ii) specified that “medical staff shall be responsible for the collection, use, and reporting of quality measures related to the recognition and treatment of severe sepsis for purposes of internal quality improvement and hospital reporting to the Department."

To help ensure that reported data, which will ultimately be used for public reporting of hospital performance, is both accurate and complete, the Department of Health is using a variety of methods to authenticate the integrity of the data and the reports. As a first step, hospitals were given Data Integrity Reports which analyzed the severe sepsis and septic shock cases reported through the data submission portal to SPARCS. In this second step, the Department has selected a sample of cases from each hospital for medical record review. The information provided in these sampled medical records will be compared to the data dictionary elements submitted by your hospital. Areas of focus may include validation of: correct case inclusion (i.e., ensuring severe sepsis/septic shock case identification); performance; and, date and time validation for protocol and performance.

The Department is working with a team of risk adjustment experts who will use your sepsis data to adjust your mortality rate based upon many factors, some of which include demographics and co-morbidities. It is therefore critical that data validation include an audit of your patient demographics and clinical conditions, including patient severity and co-morbidity(s). The data audit will also look at other important aspects of care such as the appropriate use of exclusions, data elements used to create the measures, and discharge disposition.

This initial audit covers discharge dates from 4/1/2014 through 9/30/2014. A list of cases selected for validation audit has been uploaded to your hospital folder in Drop Zone. In response to hospital requests for electronic acceptance of medical records, we are accepting scanned medical records via your Drop Zone account. Instructions for medical record submission are detailed below. Each requested medical record must be uploaded to IPRO by 9/17/2015. All medical record file names should be identified by PFI (Permanent Facility Identifier), UPI (Unique Personal Identifier) and due date deadline, in the following format: 9999_SMTHEE_09102015.

The complete medical record, including Emergency Department and ICU records, and all demographics, laboratory orders and results, medications, progress notes, transfer information, admission and discharge documentation, must be provided for each requested admission. Please submit any questions regarding this request to the Sepsis Help Desk at For instructions on uploading your electronic (scanned) medical record for the Sepsis Data Audit, please click here.

Thank you for your continued efforts in providing excellent patient care and for your commitment to accuracy and completeness in your data submissions.

Posted on: 08/17/2015

Announcement: Survey

For hospitals who wish to see the questions in advance, a copy of the survey is provided here. After review, be sure to click the survey link and provide your response for your hospital. Please remember that the Department is looking for a single survey from each hospital, even if you are part of a hospital system.

Posted on: 08/17/2015

Announcement: Data Integrity Report

The Department will use a variety of methods to authenticate the integrity of the data and to support hospitals in their data reporting efforts. Data Integrity Reports were created which analyze the severe sepsis and septic shock cases reported through the data submission portal compared to SPARCS. Each facility has four reports of findings based on the comparison of your SPARCS data submission with the severe sepsis/septic shock clinical data set. A description of each report as well as instructions for access to the reports is available at The Data Integrity Report response from hospitals will be due by June 30, 2015. In follow-up to the reports, it is our expectation that hospitals will take two important steps as needed:

  1. submit to the Department any new cases they discover that were not previously submitted (or remove cases that were submitted that should not have been); and,
  2. review their own process of case identification, diagnostic coding and submission in light of these findings along with making any adjustments needed in order to provide complete and accurate data in accordance with Department requirements for the Severe Sepsis/Septic Shock clinical data as well as for SPARCS.
Posted on: 08/17/2015

Sepsis Template 1.41 Updated (2015-02-04)

The dictionary file for collection period 1.41 has been modified to clarify element Hypotension ( . No changes are needed to the template file, but the available files are now numbered 1.42. For historical purposes the 1.41 dictionary may be retrieved from here

Posted on: 08/17/2015

Sepsis Template 1.4 Updated (2014-12-16)

The template file for collection period 1.4 has been modified to exclude Vascular Access datetime. If you have already downloaded the template file prior to Dec 16, 2014, please re-download from

Posted on: 08/17/2015

Announcement: Resubmissions / Corrected Data

Self-auditing users who have found errors wish to resubmit data for Measurement Period Jul 01 - Sep 30, 2014 may do so by:

Please note: data submissions must be sent using the correct submission template, which are available from the documentation page. Corrected files received prior to Dec 31 will be incorporated into the next hospital-specific reports (previous reports will not be modified).

Posted on: 08/17/2015


Registration can be performed at any time. Registration can take up to one week to approve, so please be sure to register in advance of the current data submission deadline to ensure access to your account. Click here to register a new account. If you facility is not available to select, your facility already has a Primary User and you will need to contact that person for access to your facility account.

Posted on: 08/17/2015

Help and Documentation

Our Help Center contains useful articles on Registration, File Creation, File Submission, and Data Dictionary data elements. You may also send us your questions regarding any of these topics using our Support Request form.

Please note, questions regarding the use of the HANYS or KQMI tools must be sent to their pertinent support channels for assistance, we cannot support these third-party tools directly.

Posted on: 08/17/2015