New York State Sepsis Care
Improvement Initiative March Sepsis Collaborative Meeting Canceled – 03/05/2025
Dear Colleague,
The New York State Department of
Health and IPRO Sepsis Collaborative Meeting on Wednesday, March 5, 2025,
is cancelled.
Please save the date for the next
Sepsis Collaborative Meeting on Wednesday, April 2, 2025, at 9 am. Meeting
details for the April Sepsis Collaborative Meeting will be shared as they
become available.
Thank you,
The New York
State Department of Health Clinical Sepsis Team
NYS Department of Health Sepsis Care Improvement Initiative – Adult and Pediatric Data Dictionaries for Severe Sepsis or Septic Shock, D6.0 and D5.0, respectively – Major Revision Data Dictionaries Posted and Reminder of Data Submission Deadline – 02/06/2025
Dear Colleague,
The New York State Sepsis Care Improvement Initiative is writing to share two
Major Revision to 2025 Data Dictionaries Posted:
The New York State Department of Health is pleased to announce the release of the NYS Department of Health Adult and Pediatric Data Dictionaries for Severe Sepsis or Septic Shock, D6.0 and D5.0, respectively. Please note that these Data Dictionaries contain major revisions to the variables and codes from the previous versions.
The major revisions are effective for discharges from 01/01/2025 – 03/31/2025.
Please refer to the Adult D6.0 and the Pediatric D5.0 Change Logs at the beginning of each Data Dictionary for a complete list of updates.
The updated data dictionaries are available for download at the following link:
Q4 Data Submission Reminder:
Data for Q4 of 2024 (discharge dates 10/01/2024 – 12/31/2024) must be submitted to the NYS Sepsis Data Collection Portal by close of business on Thursday, February 13, 2025.
If you have any questions, please submit a helpdesk ticket at
Thank you,
The NYS Department of Health Clinical Sepsis Team
Posted on: 02/06/2025NYS Department of Health Sepsis
Care Improvement Initiative – Sepsis Collaborative Meeting – 02/05/2024
Dear Colleague,
The New York State
Sepsis Care Improvement Initiative would like to remind all hospitals to
participate in the February Sepsis Collaborative Meeting at 9 am on Wednesday,
February 5th. On the call, we will discuss the results from
the ICD-10 Code Capacity Survey and review the major updates to the adult and
pediatric Data Dictionaries.
As a reminder, all
future Sepsis Collaborative Meetings will be held on Microsoft Teams. If you have any questions regarding accessing the
meeting, please submit a Helpdesk ticket.
Please use the following invitation to join us on
Microsoft Teams Need help?
ID: 239 102 792 775
Passcode: oh3U9x7U
Dial in by
929-229-5821,,740487455# United States, New York City
conference ID: 740 487 455#
Thank you,
Department of Health Clinical Sepsis Team
NYS Sepsis Care Improvement Initiative – Data Submission Reminder & Sepsis
Collaborative Microsoft Teams Meeting Invitation – 01/07/2025
Dear Colleague,
The New York State Sepsis Care
Improvement Initiative is writing to share two announcements:
Q4 2024 Data Submission Reminder:
The New
York State Sepsis Care Improvement Initiative reminds all hospitals that
the NYS Sepsis Data Collection Portal is open January 2, 2025 through February
13, 2025, for submission of adult and pediatric data for Q4 of 2024 (discharge
dates 10/01/2024 - 12/31/2024). Please ensure to submit your data before
the February 13, 2025, deadline.
Collaborative Meeting Microsoft Teams Invitation:
The New York State Sepsis Care
Improvement Initiative reminds all hospitals that future monthly Sepsis
Collaborative Meetings will be migrating from Webex to Microsoft Teams beginning
February 5, 2025. Meetings will continue to be held on the first
Wednesday of the month from 9 to 10am.
Microsoft Teams meetings can be
accessed via:
- The Microsoft Teams app (desktop or
- Web browser (e.g., Microsoft Edge,
Google Chrome)
- Dialing in using the provided phone
Please use the following invitation for future Sepsis
Collaborative meetings, beginning February 5, 2025:
Microsoft Teams Need help?
ID: 239 102 792 775
Passcode: oh3U9x7U
Dial in by
929-229-5821,,740487455# United States, New York City
conference ID: 740 487 455#
Future meeting invitations will
also be shared on the Announcements page of the Portal and via email as usual.
If you have any questions, please submit a Helpdesk ticket.
The New York
State Department of Health Clinical Sepsis Team
NYS Sepsis Care Improvement
Initiative January Sepsis Collaborative Meeting Canceled – 01/01/2025
Dear Colleague,
The New York State Department of
Health and IPRO Sepsis Collaborative Meeting on Wednesday, January 1, 2025,
is cancelled.
Please save the date for the next
Sepsis Collaborative Meeting on Wednesday, February 5, 2025, at 9 am. Meeting
details and the Microsoft Teams invitation for the February Sepsis
Collaborative Meeting will be shared in mid-January.
Thank you,
Clinical Sepsis Team
NYS Sepsis Care Improvement Initiative - Adult and Pediatric Data Quality and Quarterly Report Data Refresh – 12/17/24
Dear Colleague,
The New York State Sepsis Care Improvement Initiative is happy to announce the release of the refreshed Adult and Pediatric Data Quality and Quarterly reports on Tableau Webserver. The refreshed reports include 2024 data for Reporting Period 3 (07/01/2024 - 09/30/2024) and any corrections made to the data prior to November 14, 2024.
Portal users can access the refreshed Data Quality and Quarterly Reports on Tableau Server at using the login credentials previously sent via email to the Primary Portal User at each hospital.
Instructions for navigating the updated reports can be found in the Tableau User Guide at this link.
If you
have any questions, contact us by submitting a Helpdesk ticket.
Thank you,
The NYSDOH Clinical Sepsis Team
NYSDOH Sepsis Care Improvement Initiative – 2021 New York State Report on Sepsis Care Improvement Initiative: Hospital Quality Performance – 12/04/2024
Dear Colleague,
The New York State Department of Health (Department) is pleased to announce the release of the 2021 New York State Report on Sepsis Care Improvement Initiative: Hospital Quality Performance. The report is now available on the Department’s Sepsis webpage:
This report contains results from 2021 on hospitals’ performance in meeting time targeted treatment goals as well as on data collection of adult and pediatric cases of severe sepsis and septic shock, sepsis quality measures and outcomes on which hospitals are compared, and statewide trends for key quality measures and outcomes.
For a walkthrough of the reports, please reference the recording of the 12/4/2024 Sepsis Collaborative Meeting at the following link: If you have any questions, please submit a Helpdesk ticket.
Thank you,
The NYSDOH Clinical Sepsis Team
Posted on: 12/04/2024NYSDOH Sepsis Care Improvement
Initiative Sepsis Collaborative Meeting – 12/04/2024
Dear Colleague,
The New York State
Sepsis Care Improvement Initiative would like to remind all hospitals to
participate in the December Sepsis Collaborative Meeting at 9 am on December
4th. On the call, we will do a live demonstration of the 2021 New
York State Report on the Sepsis Care Improvement Initiative, and we will review
some key findings of the report.
Please use the following link to join us on 12/04/2024:
Monthly NYSDOH Sepsis-COVID Data Coding Collaborative
- New Invite starting June
Hosted by Sepsis @ IPRO
Wednesday, December 4, 9:00 am | 1 hour | (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time
(US & Canada)
Meeting number: 161 027 1232
Password: diRmsYx8g65
Join by phone
+1-855-797-9485 US Toll-free
+1-415-655-0002 US Toll
Access code: 161 027 1232
Thank you,
Clinical Sepsis Team
NYSDOH Sepsis Care Improvement Initiative – Migration of 2014-2020
Reports – 11/14/2024
Dear Colleague,
The New York State Sepsis Care Improvement
Initiative is writing to inform users that the Quarterly and Exception reports
from 2014-2020 currently available on the Sepsis Portal will be migrating to an
internal server on December 3, 2024. After this date, portal users wishing to
access these reports must submit a Helpdesk ticket to have these reports sent
to their email address.
If you would like to obtain copies of these
reports before they are migrated from the Portal, please download them before
this date. Active portal users can access these reports under the 'Reports' tab
after logging in.
If you have any questions, contact us by
submitting a Helpdesk ticket.
Thank you,
Clinical Sepsis Team
NYSDOH Sepsis Care Improvement Initiative – Adult and Pediatric Data Dictionaries for Severe Sepsis or Septic Shock, D5.0.2 and D4.0.2, respectively – Minor Revision Data Dictionaries & ICD-10 Code Capacity Survey - 11/07/2024
Dear Colleague,
The New York State Sepsis Care Improvement Initiative is writing to share two announcements:
Adult (D5.0.2) and Pediatric (D4.0.2) Data Dictionaries – Minor Revisions:
The New York State Department of Health (NYSDOH) is pleased to announce the release of minor revisions to the NYSDOH Adult and Pediatric Data Dictionaries for Severe Sepsis or Septic Shock, D5.0.2 and D4.0.2, respectively. These revisions include updates to the ICD-10 codes for the Lymphoma Leukemia Multiple Myeloma variable for adult and pediatric patients, and the History of Other Cardiovascular Conditions variable for pediatric patients only. Please refer to the Adult D5.0.2 and the Pediatric D4.0.2 Change Logs at the beginning of each Data Dictionary for a complete description of the updates.
The minor revisions are effective for discharges from 10/01/2024 – 12/31/2024.
The updated data dictionaries and associated documentation are available for download at the following link:
ICD-10 Code Capacity Survey:
The survey is related to the ability to store and use ICD-10-CM codes for Sepsis Care Improvement Initiative data reporting was shared via email on Wednesday, November 6th, 2024. Please complete this survey no later than Friday, November 15th, 2024.
If you have any questions, please submit a helpdesk ticket at
Thank you,
The NYSDOH Clinical Sepsis Team
Posted on: 11/07/2024NYSDOH Sepsis Care Improvement
Initiative Sepsis Collaborative Meeting – 11/06/2024
Dear Colleague,
The New York State
Sepsis Care Improvement Initiative would like to remind all hospitals to
participate in the November Sepsis Collaborative Meeting at 9 am on November
6th. On the call, we will review upcoming ICD-10 code and data
dictionary updates, provide a reminder about Q3 2024 data submission, and
notify hospitals of the upcoming transition of the Sepsis Collaborative
meetings to Microsoft Teams.
- Q3 2024 Data Submission Reminder
- Minor Revision of the Data Dictionary
- ICD-10 Code Update
- Proposed 2025 Data Dictionary Updates
- Microsoft Teams Transition
Please use the following link to join us on 11/06/2024:
Monthly NYSDOH Sepsis-COVID Data Coding
Collaborative - New Invite starting June
Hosted by Sepsis @ IPRO
Wednesday, November 6, 9:00 am | 1 hour | (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time
(US & Canada)
Meeting number: 161 027 1232
Password: diRmsYx8g65
Join by phone
+1-855-797-9485 US Toll-free
+1-415-655-0002 US Toll
Access code: 161 027 1232
Thank you,
Clinical Sepsis Team
Sepsis Care Improvement Initiative – Sepsis Collaborative Meeting & Data
Submission Reminder – 09/26/2024
Dear Colleague,
The New York State Sepsis Care Improvement
Initiative is writing to share two announcements:
10/02/2024 Sepsis Collaborative Meeting:
The New York State
Sepsis Care Improvement Initiative would like to remind all hospitals to
participate in the October Sepsis Collaborative Meeting at 9 am on October 2nd.
On the call we will review formatting requirements for select variables in the
Data Dictionary, in addition to providing reminders about Q3 2024 data
submission and the latest report data refresh.
Please use the following link to join us on 10/02/2024:
Monthly NYSDOH Sepsis-COVID Data Coding Collaborative
- New Invite starting June
Hosted by Sepsis @ IPRO
Wednesday, October 2, 9:00 am | 1 hour |
(UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
Meeting number: 161 027 1232
Password: diRmsYx8g65
Join by phone
+1-855-797-9485 US Toll-free
+1-415-655-0002 US Toll
Access code: 161 027 1232
Q3 Data
Submission Reminder:
The New
York State Sepsis Care Improvement Initiative reminds all hospitals that
the NYS Sepsis Data Collection Portal is open October 1, 2024, through November
14, 2024, for submission of adult and pediatric data for Q3 of 2024 (discharge
dates 07/01/2024 – 09/30/2024). Please be sure to submit your data before
the November 14, 2024, deadline.
Thank you,
Clinical Sepsis Team
NYS Sepsis Care Improvement Initiative - Adult and Pediatric Data Quality
and Quarterly Report Data Refresh – 09/12/24
Dear Colleague,
The New York State Sepsis Care Improvement Initiative is
happy to announce the release of the refreshed Adult and Pediatric Data Quality
and Quarterly reports on Tableau Webserver. The refreshed reports include 2024
data for Reporting Period 2 (04/01/2024 – 06/30/2024) and any corrections made
to the data prior to August 16, 2024.
Portal users can access the refreshed Data Quality and
Quarterly Reports on Tableau Server at using
the login credentials previously sent via email to the Primary Portal User at
each hospital.
for navigating the updated reports can be found in the Tableau User Guide at this link.
If you
have any questions, contact us by submitting a Helpdesk ticket.
Thank you,
The NYSDOH Clinical Sepsis Team
NYSDOH Sepsis Care Improvement Initiative Sepsis
Collaborative Meeting Cancelled – 09/04/2024
Dear Colleague,
The New York State Department of Health and IPRO Sepsis Collaborative Meeting on Wednesday, September 4, 2024, is cancelled.
Please save the date for the next Sepsis Collaborative Meeting on Wednesday, October 2, 2024, at 9 am. Meeting details for the October Sepsis Collaborative Meeting will be shared as they become available.
Thank you,
The NYSDOH Clinical Sepsis Team
NYSDOH Sepsis Care Improvement Initiative – Adult and Pediatric Data
Dictionaries for Severe Sepsis or Septic Shock, D5.0.1 and D4.0.1, respectively
– Minor Revision to Data Dictionaries, August Coding Collaborative Meeting, & Reminder of Data Submission Deadline – 08/01/2024
Dear Colleague,
The New York State Sepsis Care Improvement
Initiative is writing to share three announcements:
August 2024 Coding Collaborative
The August
Coding Collaborative meeting will be held next Wednesday, August 7, 2024 at 9am.
On the call, we will provide a walkthrough of the minor revision of the data
dictionary, and provide a P2 2024 data submission reminder.
Please use the following link to
join us on 08/07/2024:
NYSDOH Sepsis-COVID Data Coding Collaborative - New Invite starting June
Hosted by
Sepsis @ IPRO
August 7, 9:00 am | 1 hour | (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
number: 161 027 1232
Join by
US Toll-free
US Toll
code: 161 027 1232
Minor Revision to
Data Dictionaries:
The New York State
Department of Health (NYSDOH) is pleased to announce the release of minor
revisions to the NYSDOH Adult and Pediatric Data Dictionaries for Severe Sepsis
or Septic Shock, D5.0.1 and D4.0.1, respectively. These revisions include
updates to the Notes of Abstraction for the Pregnancy Status During
Hospitalization Comorbidity/Risk Factor Variable for adult and pediatric
patients. Please refer to the Adult D5.0.1 and the Pediatric D4.0.1 Change Logs
at the beginning of each Data Dictionary for a complete description of the
The minor revisions are
effective for discharges from 07/01/2024 – 09/30/2024.
The updated data
dictionaries and associated documentation are available for download at the
following link:
Q2 Data Submission Reminder:
Data for Q2 of 2024 (discharge
dates 04/01/2024 - 06/30/2024) must be submitted to the NYS Sepsis Data
Collection Portal by close of business on Thursday. August 15, 2024.
If you have any questions,
please submit a helpdesk ticket at
Thank you,
The NYSDOH Clinical Sepsis
NYS Sepsis Care Improvement Initiative - Adult and
Pediatric Data Quality and Quarterly Report Data Refresh – 07/11/24
Dear Colleague,
The New York State Sepsis Care Improvement Initiative is happy to announce the release of refreshed versions of the Adult and Pediatric Quarterly and Data Quality reports on Tableau Webserver. The refreshed reports include 2024 data for Reporting Period 1 (01/01/2024 – 03/31/2024) and any corrections made to the data prior to May 23, 2024.
Please note that the refreshed Quarterly and Data Quality reports have been updated based on the new inclusion criteria for 2024. As such, all adult cases with Severe COVID-19 only, and all pediatric cases with COVID-19 only or MIS-C only no longer meet the criteria for inclusion in the reports. If you would like to review 2023 data based on the 2023 inclusion criteria (including Severe COVID-19, COVID-19, and MIS-C cases), you can access archived versions of the reports in the “2023 Reports” folder on Tableau.
Portal users can access the updated versions of the Data Quality and Quarterly Reports on Tableau Server at using the login credentials previously sent via email to the Primary Portal User at each hospital.
Instructions for navigating the updated reports and details regarding changes to the inclusion criteria can be found in the updated Tableau User Guide at this link.
If you have any questions, please refer to the recording of the July Coding Collaborative meeting, or contact us by submitting a Helpdesk ticket.
Thank you,
The NYSDOH Clinical Sepsis Team
NYSDOH Sepsis Care Improvement
Initiative Coding Collaborative Meeting & Data Submission Reminder – 06/28/2024
Dear Colleague,
The New York State Sepsis Care Improvement
Initiative is writing to share two announcements:
July 2024 Coding Collaborative Meeting:
Due to the 4th of July holiday, the July
Coding Collaborative meeting will be held next Wednesday, July 10th, 2024 at
On the call, we will provide
a walkthrough of updates to the Tableau reports and provide a data submission
reminder for Q2 of 2024.
Please use the following link to join us on 07/10/2024:
Monthly NYSDOH Sepsis-COVID Data Coding
Collaborative - New Invite starting June
Hosted by Sepsis @ IPRO
Wednesday, July 10, 9:00 am | 1 hour | (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US
& Canada)
Meeting number: 161 027 1232
Password: diRmsYx8g65
Join by phone
+1-855-797-9485 US Toll-free
+1-415-655-0002 US Toll
Access code: 161 027 1232
Q2 Data
Submission Reminder:
The New York
State Sepsis Care Improvement Initiative reminds all hospitals that
the NYS Sepsis Data Collection Portal is open July 1, 2024 through August
15, 2024, for submission of adult and pediatric data for Q2 of 2024 (discharge
dates 04/01/2024 - 6/30/2024). Please be sure to submit your data before
the August 15, 2024, deadline.
Thank you,
Clinical Sepsis Team
NYS Sepsis Protocol & Training
Requirements: HERDS Survey Results Webinar Recording Available - 6/14/2024
Dear Colleague,
A recording of the webinar from Wednesday June 5th, 2024, discussing results from the NYS Sepsis Protocol & Training Requirements HERDS Survey is now available at the following link: This link can also be found in the ‘Webinars’ section on the Education and Training Materials page of the Sepsis Portal.
Please feel free to review the information discussed during the webinar, and email if you have any questions.
Thank you,
Clinical Sepsis Team
NYSDOH Sepsis Care Improvement Initiative – Coding
Collaborative Call – 06/05/2024
Dear Colleague,
The New York State Sepsis Care Improvement Initiative invites
all hospitals to participate in the June Coding Collaborative Call at 9 am on June
5th. On the call, we will share the results of the Protocol Review
Surveys conducted in the Fall of 2023.
Please use the following link to join us on 06/05/2024:
Monthly NYSDOH
Sepsis-COVID Data Coding Collaborative - New Invite starting June
Hosted by Sepsis @
Wednesday, June 5, 9:00 am | 1 hour |
(UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
Meeting number: 161
027 1232
Join by phone
+1-855-797-9485 US
+1-415-655-0002 US
Access code: 161 027
Thank you,
The NYSDOH Clinical Sepsis Team
NYSDOH Sepsis Care Improvement Initiative Coding
Collaborative Meeting Cancelled – 05/01/2024
Dear Colleague,
The New York State Sepsis Care Improvement Initiative is writing
to share two announcements:
5/1/2024 Coding Collaborative Meeting:
The New York State Department of Health and IPRO Coding Collaborative Meeting on Wednesday, May 1, 2024, is cancelled.
Please save the date for the next Coding Collaborative Meeting on Wednesday, June 5, 2024, at 9 am. Meeting details for the June Coding Collaborative Meeting will be shared as they become available.
Q1 Data Submission Reminder:
The New York State Sepsis Care Improvement Initiative
reminds all hospitals that the NYS Sepsis Data Collection Portal is open through May 23,
2024, for submission of adult and pediatric data for Q1 of 2024 (discharge
dates 01/01/2024 - 03/31/2024). Please
be sure to submit your data before the May 23, 2024, deadline.
Thank you,
The NYSDOH Clinical Sepsis Team
NYSDOH Sepsis Care Improvement Initiative – Coding Collaborative Call and Data Submission Reminders – 03/29/2024
Dear Colleague,
The New York State Sepsis Care Improvement Initiative is writing to share two announcements:
Q1 Data Submission Reminder:
The New York State Sepsis Care Improvement Initiative would like to remind all hospitals that the NYS Sepsis Data Collection Portal will be open April 1, 2024 through May 23, 2024 for submission of adult and pediatric data for Q1 of 2024 (discharge dates 01/01/2024 – 03/31/2024). Please be sure to submit your data before the May 23, 2024 deadline.
4/3/2024 Coding Collaborative Meeting:
The New York State Sepsis Care Improvement Initiative invites all hospitals to participate in the February Coding Collaborative Call at 9am on April 3rd. On the call we will be sharing data analyses related to comorbidity variables and inclusion variables reported during 2023. Please feel free to invite colleagues involved in the coding and extraction of your facility’s sepsis data, as this information may be relevant to their work.
· Q1 2024 Data Submission Reminder
· Comorbidity Analysis – ICD-10 Codes & Comorbidity Variables
· Inclusion Variable Analysis – Severe Sepsis & Septic Shock
Please use the following link to join us on 4/3/2024:
Monthly NYSDOH Sepsis-COVID Data Coding Collaborative - New Invite starting June
Hosted by Sepsis @ IPRO
Wednesday, April 3, 2024 9:00 am | 1 hour | (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
Meeting number: 161 027 1232
Password: diRmsYx8g65
Join by phone
+1-855-797-9485 US Toll free
+1-415-655-0002 US Toll
Access code: 161 027 1232
Thank you,
The NYSDOH Clinical Sepsis Team
Posted on: 03/29/2024NYS Sepsis Care Improvement Initiative - Adult and Pediatric Data Quality and Quarterly Report Data Refresh – 03/21/24
Dear Colleague,
The New York State Sepsis Care Improvement Initiative is happy to announce the release of refreshed versions of the Adult and Pediatric Quarterly and Data Quality reports on Tableau Webserver. The refreshed reports include 2023 data for Reporting Period 4 (10/01/2023 – 12/31/2023) and any corrections made to the data prior to February 15, 2024.
users can access the updated versions of the Data Quality and Quarterly Reports
on Tableau Server at using the login credentials previously
sent via email to the Primary Portal User at each hospital.
Instructions for
navigating the reports can be found in the Tableau User Guide at this link.
If you have any questions, please contact us by submitting a Helpdesk ticket.
Thank you,
The NYSDOH Clinical Sepsis Team
Posted on: 03/21/2024NYSDOH
Sepsis Care Improvement Initiative Coding Collaborative Meeting Cancelled – 3/6/2024
The New
York State Sepsis Care Improvement Initiative is writing to share that the New
York State Department of Health and IPRO Coding Collaborative Meeting on
Wednesday, March 6, 2024 is cancelled.
Please save
the date for the next Coding Collaborative Meeting on Wednesday, April 3, 2024
at 9 am.
Thank you,
Clinical Sepsis Team
NYSDOH Sepsis Care Improvement Initiative – Adult and Pediatric Data Dictionaries for Severe Sepsis or Septic Shock, D5.0 and D4.0, respectively – Major Revision Data Dictionaries Posted and Reminder of Data Submission Deadline – 02/13/2024
Dear Colleague,
Major Revision to 2024 Data Dictionaries Posted:
The New York State Department of Health (NYSDOH) has released major revisions to the NYSDOH Adult and Pediatric Data Dictionaries for Severe Sepsis or Septic Shock, D5.0 and D4.0, respectively.
The major revisions are effective for discharges from 01/01/2024 – 03/31/2024.
Please refer to the Adult D5.0 and the Pediatric D4.0 Change Logs at the beginning of each Data Dictionary for a complete list of updates.
- The updated data dictionaries are available for download at the following link:
- An overview of changes is available on this recording from the February 7 Coding Collaborative call:
Q4 Data Submission Reminder:
Data for Q4 of 2023 (discharge dates 10/01/2023 – 12/31/2023) must be submitted to the NYS Sepsis Data Collection Portal by close of business on Thursday, February 15, 2024.
If you have any questions, please submit a helpdesk ticket at
Thank you,
The NYSDOH Clinical Sepsis Team
Posted on: 02/13/2024
NYSDOH Sepsis Care Improvement Initiative – Coding Collaborative Call and Data Submission Reminders – 02/07/2024
Dear Colleague,
The New York State Sepsis Care Improvement Initiative is writing to share two announcements:
Q4 Data Submission Reminder:
The New York State Sepsis Care Improvement Initiative reminds all hospitals that the NYS Sepsis Data Collection Portal is open through February 15, 2024 for submission of adult and pediatric data for Q4 of 2023 (discharge dates 10/01/2023 – 12/31/2023). Please be sure to submit your data before the February 15, 2024 deadline.
2/7/2024 Coding Collaborative Meeting:
The New York State Sepsis Care Improvement Initiative invites all hospitals to participate in the February Coding Collaborative Call at 9am on February 7th. On the call we will be sharing an overview of Updates to the Adult and Pediatric Data Dictionaries and sharing data submission reminders.
· Data Dictionary Updates
· Data Submission Reminder
Please use the following link to join us on 2/7/2023:
Monthly NYSDOH Sepsis-COVID Data Coding Collaborative - New Invite starting June
Hosted by Sepsis @ IPRO
Wednesday, February 7 9:00 am | 1 hour | (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
Meeting number: 161 027 1232
Password: diRmsYx8g65
Join by phone
+1-855-797-9485 US Toll free
+1-415-655-0002 US Toll
Access code: 161 027 1232
Thank you,
The NYSDOH Clinical Sepsis Team
Posted on: 02/06/2024NYSDOH Sepsis Care Improvement Initiative – Tableau Server Maintenance – 01/30/2024
Dear Colleague,
The IPRO Tableau Server will undergo maintenance on Tuesday, January 30th, 2024, from 2 PM to 7 PM. Users will not be able to access their Sepsis Reports while this maintenance is being performed, and will regain access once maintenance is complete.
Thank you,
The NYSDOH Clinical Sepsis Team
Posted on: 01/29/2024NYSDOH Sepsis Care Improvement Initiative Coding Collaborative Meeting Cancelled and Q4 Data Submission Reminder – 01/03/2024
Dear Colleague,
The New York State Sepsis Care Improvement Initiative is writing to share two Announcements:
January Coding Collaborative Meeting Cancelled:
The New York State Department of Health and IPRO Coding Collaborative Meeting on Wednesday, January 3, 2024 is cancelled.
Please save the date for the next Coding Collaborative Meeting on Wednesday, February 7, 2024 at 9 am. This meeting will include an overview of Data Dictionary changes that will become effective for discharges beginning on January 1, 2024.
Q4 Data Submission Reminder:
The New York State Sepsis Care Improvement Initiative reminds all hospitals that the NYS Sepsis Data Collection Portal is open from January 2, 2024 – February 15, 2024 for submission of adult and pediatric data for Q4 of 2023 (discharge dates 10/01/2023 – 12/31/2023). Please be sure to submit your data before the February 15, 2024 deadline.
Thank you,
The NYSDOH Clinical Sepsis Team
Posted on: 01/02/2024