NYS Sepsis Care Improvement Initiative – Data Submission Reminder & Sepsis
Collaborative Microsoft Teams Meeting Invitation – 01/07/2025
Dear Colleague,
The New York State Sepsis Care
Improvement Initiative is writing to share two announcements:
Q4 2024 Data Submission Reminder:
The New
York State Sepsis Care Improvement Initiative reminds all hospitals that
the NYS Sepsis Data Collection Portal is open January 2, 2025 through February
13, 2025, for submission of adult and pediatric data for Q4 of 2024 (discharge
dates 10/01/2024 - 12/31/2024). Please ensure to submit your data before
the February 13, 2025, deadline.
Collaborative Meeting Microsoft Teams Invitation:
The New York State Sepsis Care
Improvement Initiative reminds all hospitals that future monthly Sepsis
Collaborative Meetings will be migrating from Webex to Microsoft Teams beginning
February 5, 2025. Meetings will continue to be held on the first
Wednesday of the month from 9 to 10am.
Microsoft Teams meetings can be
accessed via:
- The Microsoft Teams app (desktop or
- Web browser (e.g., Microsoft Edge,
Google Chrome)
- Dialing in using the provided phone
Please use the following invitation for future Sepsis
Collaborative meetings, beginning February 5, 2025:
Microsoft Teams Need help?
ID: 239 102 792 775
Passcode: oh3U9x7U
Dial in by
929-229-5821,,740487455# United States, New York City
conference ID: 740 487 455#
Future meeting invitations will
also be shared on the Announcements page of the Portal and via email as usual.
If you have any questions, please submit a Helpdesk ticket.
The New York
State Department of Health Clinical Sepsis Team
For all previous announcements, click here.