NYS Department of Health Sepsis
Care Improvement Initiative – Sepsis Collaborative Meeting – 02/05/2024
Dear Colleague,
The New York State
Sepsis Care Improvement Initiative would like to remind all hospitals to
participate in the February Sepsis Collaborative Meeting at 9 am on Wednesday,
February 5th. On the call, we will discuss the results from
the ICD-10 Code Capacity Survey and review the major updates to the adult and
pediatric Data Dictionaries.
As a reminder, all
future Sepsis Collaborative Meetings will be held on Microsoft Teams. If you have any questions regarding accessing the
meeting, please submit a Helpdesk ticket.
Please use the following invitation to join us on
Microsoft Teams Need help?
ID: 239 102 792 775
Passcode: oh3U9x7U
Dial in by
929-229-5821,,740487455# United States, New York City
conference ID: 740 487 455#
Thank you,
Department of Health Clinical Sepsis Team
For all previous announcements, click here.