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Department of Health


Quarterly Hospital Report

  1. Quarterly reports provide statistics of demographics; raw mortality; measures; and bundles performance as well as the corresponding statewide statistics
  2. Cases excluded within the treatment window are not included in the calculation of measures and/or bundles
  3. Measures and bundles in each of the most recent four quarters is presented for the hospital along with statewide performance in tables
  4. The 3-hour and the composite bundles are the combination of the measures. The 3-hour bundle consists of initial lactate measurement, blood culture collection and antibiotics administration. The composite bundle consists of the 3-hour bundle and compliance with all additional relevant measures based on case eligibility such as repeat lactate measurement, crystalloid fluid administration, vasopressor administration and fluid assessment. Please note that the 3-hour bundle can get a "pass" if and only if all three measures in the 3-hour bundle get a "pass". For the composite bundle: the 3-hour bundle must receive a pass, as well as a pass on any of the required additional relevant measures (e.g., repeat lactate, crystalloid fluids, vasopressors, fluid assessment).
  5. For facilities that submit more than 10 valid adult cases, your hospital ranking for the 3 hour and composite bundle are presented.
  6. Transfer cases are included in the data for all measures and for the bundles of care. Depending upon a hospital’s transfer volume, hospitals may be more or less affected by these cases; therefore, the transfer case mix should be considered in report interpretation. Measures/bundles of the most recent quarter and the aggregation of the most recent four quarters are presented in two additional separate tables for transferred cases and non-transferred cases.

For more details regarding the measures/bundles, please refer to the measures specifications.